Shared Flashcard Set


IO ch 12
working groups and work teams
Undergraduate 2

Additional Psychology Flashcards




work group
a collection of two or more people who interact with one another and shares some interrelated task goals.
-a universitys students is NOT a work group. no interaction or common goal
work team
like a group but has 3 specific properties:
1. the actions of individuals must be inderdependent and coordinated
2 each member must have a particular, specified role
3. there must be common task goals and objectives.
all teams are groups but not all groups are teams
virtual team
they communicate via email, IM, telephone, webcam, and other technology. Some teams have members that are geographically separated and soem just choose to communicate this way
Formal roles
are specified by the org. and are part of the formal job description.
ex. surgeon
informal roles
arise from group interaction rather than frmo the formal ruls and specifications of the org.
ex. when one person has a formal title as supervisor but another person is (informally) the leader
unwritten rules of behavior accepted by members of a work group. Violation of normss will bring incraseingly stronger pressure to bear on the violator.
-work norms can have more impact on member behavior than supervisor or prg practices. In coch and french, people would forfit money to not break social norm.
group coihesiveness
the sum of the forces attracting group members and keeping the group together. Not all members must have strong motives to remain in the group. Norms tend oto be stronly enforces in groups that are highly cohesive.
process loss
all the time and effort expended on activities that are not directly related to production or tast accomplishment. addresses inefficiency. A certain amount is necessary and may lead to better future performance by the group.
team commitment
the strength of an individual's involvement in a team, and consists of the acceptance of team goals, willingness to work hard to the team and desire to remain on the team. Work team performance is pos. related to team commitment. Commitment involves acceptance of team goals and willingness to work hard for the team.
team mental model
refers to the shared understanding among team members of the task, team and equipment and situation. 2 types of models: taskwork and teamwork. task work concerns the nature of the job and needs to be done.
-Teams in which the mental model is inadequate will fail to coordinate, will be ineffiecient and wll be ikely to mak errors
social facilitation
performance is improved by other-induced arousal when the task is simple or well learned (bike)
social inhibition
Performance is decrease by other-induced arousal when the ask is complex or new to the indicidual
ex. math proble,s
additive task
a task in which a group's performace is the sum of individual member's performances for ex. total sales for a group of salespeople in a store are the sum of each peron's individual sales.
nominal group
several noninteracting people who serve as a comparison to an interaction group in group research
-research data back to the 19th century has consistently shown that nominal groups do as well or better than interacting groups.
social loafing
people do not put forth as much effort in a group as they would if they were working alone, and the larger the group, the less effort each person exerts.
-Can be diminished when group members believe that their individual output is being assessed. collectivist countries are less likely to demonstrate this
a group tech. that is supposed to result in improved performance with this type of task.
rather than inspiring one another, grouop member inhibit one another
process loss
groups dont spend as much time generating ideas
electronic brainstorming can enhance performance in an indeagerneration task because people do not have to wiat their turn to peak (no process loss).
Side note: in groups, exposure to the ideas of others can help people generate more ideas.
group problem solving and decision making
studies of problem solving have found that groups perform as well as or better than their best member.... a solution to this dilemma is to evaluate decisions against the objectives they were meant to obtain.
group polarization
the deviation from the group mean. the group is more extreme than the mean of the individuals.
The majority holds more weight than the minority position. if the majority make risky chose then the grouop shifts to more risk.
membbers who hold the minority view will llikely conform to the majority and individuals who find that others made the same choice that they did are likely to be even more convinced of their choice.
a phenomenon that occurs when groups make decisions that individual members know are poor ones. It is likely to occur in highly cohesive groups with strong leaders when the social pressures to maintain conforming in the group take over (lack of heterogeneity). Members doubt their initial judgement, crisicism is quickly rationalized away and pressure is put on individuals to conform the group ideas.
ways to avoid groupthinking:
1. group leaders should be impartial moderators
2. group members should always be critically evaluating decsion alternatives and seeking new info
team innovation
it is the introduction of new ideas, procedures or products into a team. it is not creativity because you dont have to produce the idea, you just have to introduce it. Team innovate out of necessity. Those teams that take time to critically discuess how they do things and how to do them better are the better innovators. conflict is ok.
Team KSAOs
1. to be a good team member requires knowledge of teamwork
2. an effective team member has good social skills
3. certain personality characteriscts make perople particularly suited to teamwor. collectivistic.
group diversity
two types: cognitive and demographic
cognitive: knowledge, skills and values. More likely to help. with innovation
Demographic: are more visible attributes like age, gender, and race. More likely to be helpful when there is a need for perspective taking.
autonomous work team
it is an alternative system whereby an entire product is assembled by a small team of employees. Teams are relied on to manage themselves (MORE EFFICIENT!!!). same productivity as traditional approaches.
quality circles
are groups of emplyees who meet periodically to discuess problems and propose solutions relevent to their jobs. The grops comprise people with similar jobs and discussion revolve around issues of product quality and production efficiency. NOT A LOT OF BACKGROUND RESEARCH.
The German health circle: groups of employees discusss ways to improve health and well being. it actually does do this!
team building
refers to activities designed to enhanve the many different aspects of the funtioning of work groups or teams. Some teams are task oriented and some are interpersonally oriented. overall the gaol is to communicate and interact.
3 factors characterize team building efforts:
1. planned activity
2. facilitateed by a trained expert
3. the team is a existing work team

The trainer's job is to get people to raise issues, identify problems and discuess possible solutions.
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