- a system of social inequality
- the unequal distribution of power and resources in and through social structure
- resources = medium thru which power is exercised
- power = transformative capacity
- how much power & resources you have based on who you know and what they have
- not individualized & not cultural
- system of beliefs that guide action
- ex: American Dream
- beliefs = linked and flexible
- action = personal & cultural/societal (the way we organize our society)
- Antonio Gramsci --> if society is so unequal, why don't people revolt?
- domination persists thru a combination of coercion/force and consent of the oppressed
- "we participate in our own oppression"
- b/c socialization processes that have taught us stratification is natural and just
- if and when inequalities exist, it serves a purpose/function
- ex: why doctors paid so much - b/c they went thru so much schooling - most talented
- when there are scarce resources, conflicts will ensue
- existing dominant groups will organize society to reproduce their interests/positions
Economic Stratification and the Production of Social Class:
Marx |
- author of Communist Manifesto
- all social relations are governed by ownership of means of production
- m.o.p.:
- raw goods
- machinery & other technologies that turn raw goods into finished goods (products)
- capital = combo of 1 & 2
- under a capitalist society:
- primary incentive of economic activity is to make a profit
- m.o.p. mostly owned by private interests who compete w/ each other (for access to labor)
- two classes created:
- bourgeoisie = owning class, own m.o.p.
- proletariat = working class, don't own m.o.p., have to sell their labor to survive
- thus inherent conflict btwn two classes (conflict theorist)
Economic Stratification and the Production of Social Class:
Weber |
- wanted a new theory b/c not everyone fits into Marx's 2 classes
- "class"
- socio-economic status (S.E.S)
- measure of person's income, wealth, education level & occupation
- quantifiable
- status group
- group an individual belongs to baed on shared honor and prestige
- power
- ability to transform what exists into something else
- intersectionality = diff. vectors of stratification intersect to create distinct opportunites & disadvantages
- Paris Hilton - not a lot of personal wealth but lots of fame
- plumber, electrician, mortician - high salaries but low social status
- president - high power but low income
Economic Stratification and the Production of Social Class:
Bourdieu |
- expand understanding of "capital" - put into new contexts
- capital - resource can be used to create profit & advantage & power
- 4 types of capital - crucial in producing S.E.S.
- economic capital
- social capital
- the value of who you know/networks
- cultural capital
- embodied knowledge (habitus) of the values, norms, & behaviors of a particular group of people (esp. class)
- allows you to be accepted into that class
- notion of *taste* (good,bad)
- symbolic capital
- value of symbols that we ahve access to
- ex: military uniform, PhD, designer clothes
- cannot exist on its own (exists in relation to other 3)
- division in the human population according to reproductive role
- sexual organs
- chromosomes - hormones
- male/female binary - continuum (where to draw that line - social definition of biology)
- "biological"
- social?
- intersexed (hermaphrodites) - up to 1% every year
- doctors/parents decide sex at birth
- socially constructed characteristics, roles associated with a person's sex
- social
- result of socialization (anticipatory socialization)
- ongoing and constant
- thru impression management and symbolic interactions
- *gender as a performance*
- an ascribed status - perform in symbolic interactions - sanctions (positive/negative) - becomes achieved status
Gender/Sexual Stratification |
- processes thru which power & resources are unqually distributed on the basis of sex & gender
- based upon an ideology of inherent, "natural" difference btwn the sexes
- justifies the organization of society in ways that allow women less power & fewer resources
- women earn 80% in 2009 to every $1.00 earned by men
- "breadwinner wage"
- assumed men are primary earner & women are supplementary earner
- confidentiality about wages
- "wildcard"
- pregnancy
- emotional stability
- employment history interupted by family forming & caring
- less likely to get promotions/extra earning
- fewer opportunities
- women over-represented in "caring" professions
- nurses, teachers, flight attendants, secretary
- paid less b/c seems natural, easy, no training needed
Gendered/Sexual Division of Labor |
- men & women perform different kinds of work, and their work is unequally valued
Gendered/Sexual Division of Labor
Productive Labor vs. Reproductive Labor
Productive Labor:
- work to make and distribute goods & services
- usually outside the home & usually paid a wage
- dominated by men
Reproductive Labor:
- work that reproduces the labor
- ex. cleaning, cooking/food prep, education, socialization
- usually done in the home, not paid, less valued
- dominated by women
Sociological Study of Sexuality |
- Prior to mid-1950's
- (deviant) sexuality thought of as a sin
- studied by Psychologists
- deviant sexuality as a psych. disturbance
- 1960's
- homosexuality - labeling theory
- 1980's
- look @ all kinds of sexuality
- all sexuality (desires & identity) is produced thru social structure
Sociological View of Sexuality
Rubin |
- social constructionist
- not hormones, natural - society constructs desire (both normal & deviant)
- wants to refute idea of SEXUAL ESSENTIALISM (sexuality is rooted in biology, "natural," exist outside of social forces)
- sexuality has changed over time and across cultures (extreme thru out)
- acts ≠identity, activo/pasivo
- desire --> action --> behavior (each stage is determined by greater social structure)
- Sex Negativity
- sex = bad
- impure, improper, sinful, dangerous
- positive in circumstance of procreation
- therefore must be controlled
- Rubin's counter argument - sex is like eating, sex needed for species survival
- Fallacy of Misplaced Scale
- too much significance assigned to sexuality
- Hierarchical System of Sexual Value
- social structure sets up to privilege those int eh center
- center of hierarchy = married, hetero, procreative, vanilla are more highly valued than other sexual activities/practices
- Domino Theory of Sexual Peril
- "slippery slope"
- must police the boundaries of sexuality
- restrictive social policies
- Lack Concept of Benign Sexual Variation
- society does not have concept of wide acceptable sexual practices
- as long as no one is hurt what does it matter?
How Rubin's Axioms are Structured into Society |
- Economic Sanctions
- tax benefits for married couples
- shared insurance/ other benefits
- gifts/money @ wedding
- Sex Laws
- Other Laws & Bureaucratic Processes
- Labeling
- 'slut,' 'whore'
- primarily thru interactions
- Cultural Representations
- person's legal/political status in relationship to a nation-state (usually citizenship)
- a group status based on shared cultural background usually linked to a geographic territory from which that group is now removed
- often overlaps w/ nationality
- only an ethnic identity when no longer living in the nation-state where those cultural practices originated
- formed thru migration/displacement
- issue of identity (ascribed vs. achieved status)
- socially constructed
- a socially constructed system of categorization that links perceived physical differences w/ talents, characteristics, & abilities
- no genetic proof
- taught to ignore huge commonalities & instead pick out tiny differences & assign value to those differences
Race: The Power of Illusion (Film) |
- How to argue against false racial statements:
- humans are genetically more similar than other species
- penguins & fruit flies (look same to us but are genetically more diverse than us)
- understanding race is culturally specific/ learned ability (across cultural contexts)
- race is a social construction that varies across time & place
- ex. "black peopole are faster runners"
*Non-Concordance Principle*
- genes for skin color (racial features) develop independent from genes for ability
- no link btwn race & ability
Theory of Racial Formation |
- "the sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed"
- U.S. Census Bureau
- up until 1930, Latinos considered white-Spanish speaking
- 1930 - "Mexican" new racial category
- 1940-1970 - back to white
- 1980 - "Hispanic," Latino (term from people to go against Hispanic b/c Spain denotation)
- 1890's-1920's - "Prerequisite Cases"
- 20 Supreme Court cases to decide who can be categorized as white
- mostly asians claiming they were white
- creation of boundaries
- form of racial formation
- @ time only white & black people living in US could be US citizens
- change in label or experience of those people
- ex. Asian Americans
- 1880's-1950's - "Yellow Peril"
- post WWII - immigration laws changed towards Chinese b/c China was an ally during war
- Chinese = *MODEL MINORITY* (willing assimilation into US culture)
- after internment experience, Japanese dispersed from concentrated groups, stopped speaking Japanese
- Mulato, Celtic, etc.
- most labels from the late 1880's
- connect what race means w/ structure & everyday experience
- link representation w/ structure
- how do we talk about/represent/interpret race & structure our life around that understanding
- helps to reproduce racial inequalities/creates structure (often thru symbolic interactions)
- ex: realty - "good neighborhood"
- *creates ideological justification of inequality* (belief systems rationalize actions
Examples of Racial Projects |
- Census: collection of data used for drawing of districts, creating new schools/hospitals, distribution of resources (welfare, projects)
- two sides:
- get rid of races on census b/c helps to build racist system
- keep races b/c then see trends/patterns and can work to change it
- Slaughter House:
- racial ideas of Hispanics sort jobs - kill floor
- "hispanics don't deserve better jobs, didn't help to build nation"
- Adoption:
- healthy white baby
- less traumatic if adopting baby of same race
- Hispanic/African American babies often stay in foster care system