Key Concepts in international trade and investments? |
1) international trade
2) importing
3) exporting
4) international investments
5) international portfolio invesment
6) foreign direct investments |
Reasons Firms pursue international trade strategies? |
-seek opportunities for growth (mkt diversification)
-earn higher margins
-gain new ideas about products
-better serve key customers
-be closer to supply sources
-gain access to lower-cost factors of production
-develop economies of scale
-confront international competitors
-invest in relationship with foreign partner
Identify and discuss the drivers of market globalization |
1) worldwide reduction of barriers to trade and investment
2) transition to mkt-based economies and adoption of free-trade in China, Soviet Union etc
3) industrialization
4)integration of world financial markets
5) advances in technology |
Describe a basic organizing framework for market globalization. |
1) integration and interdependence of national economies
2) rise of regional economic integration blocs
3) growth of global investment and financial flows
4) convergence of buyer lifestyle and preferences
5) globalization of firms production activities
Identify and discuss the 3 types of participants in int'l participants. |
1) focal firm:initiator of an int'l business transaction including MNEs and SMEs, conceives, designs, and produces the offerings intended for consumption by customers
2) distribution channel intermediary: specialist firm, provides logistics and marketing services
3) facilitator: firms with special expertise in legal advice, banking, customs clearance etc. |
Discuss market entry strategies of local firms when entering international. |
a) licensor: firms enters contractual agreement with a foreign partner
b) franchiser: firm that grants another the right to use an entire business system in exchange in $$
c) Turnkey contractor: focal firms that plan, finance, organize, manage project and then hand it over to a foreign market
Identify and discuss how firms gain and sustain international competitive advantage. |
FDI-based explanations (fdi stock= total value of assets of MNE)
-monopolistic: controls 1+resources, mon. relative to mkts and competitors
-internalization: acquires 1+ value-chain activities
-Dunnings Eclectic Paradigm:ownership, location, internalization
Non-FDI-based explanations
-international collaborative: cooperation between 2+ firms
-networks and relational assets: stock of the firms economically benefical LT relationships |
Identify and describe Port's Diamond Model. |
Porter Diamond Model= competitive advantage orginates from presence and quality in the country of
1) firm strategy, structure, rivalry: nature of domestic rivalry and conditions in nation that det. how firms are created, organized, managed
2) factor conditions: nation's position in factors of production
3) demand conditions: nature of home-market demand for specific products
4) related and supporting industries: suppliers etc. that excel in particular industries |
Discuss why culture matters in international business. Live examples. |
1) developing products and services
2) communicating and interacting with foreign business partners
3) screening and selecting foreign dist. and other partners
4) negotiating and structuring int'l bus. centers
5) interacting w/ current & potential customers from abroad
6) preparing for overseas trade fairs and exhibitions
7) preparing advertising and promo materials
ex. role of customer much higher in Japan |
Identify and briefly discuss the country risks produced by the foreign country's political system. |
country risk: exposure to potential loss or adverse effects on company operations/ profitability caused by developments in a country's political/ legal environment
-gov't intervention, protectionism, barriers to trade
-bureaucracy, redtape, administrative delays
-lack of legal safeguards for intellectual property rights
-legislations unfavorable to foreign firms
-economic failures and mismanagement
-social and political unrest/ instability
How does one manage country risk when participating in international business? |
-proactive environmental scanning
-strict adherence to ethical standards
-allying with qualified local partners
-protection through legal contracts
-safeguarding intellectual property rights
Describe how firms should respond to government intervention. use specific examples. |
-research to gather knowledge & intelligence
-choose most appropriate entry strategies
-take advantage of foreign trade zones
-seek favorable customs classifications for exported products
-take advantage of investment incentives & other government support programs
-lobby for freer trade and invesment |
Types of regional integration. |
-free trade area
-customs union
-common market
-economic union |