1) CHAIN: Infectious Agent (bacteria fungi,virus)
BREAK CHAIN: Rapid, accurate ID of organism.
2) CHAIN: Reservoirs (people. equipment, water)
BREAK CHAIN: employee health, environmental sanitation, disinfection/sterilization
3) CHAIN: Portal of Exit (excretions, secretion, skin,. membranes, droplets)
BREAK CHAIN: hand hygiene, control of excretions & secretions
4) CHAIN: Means of Transportation (direct contact, ingestion, airborne, formites)
BREAK CHAIN: hand hygiene, sterilization, standard precautions, airflow control, food handling, isolation
5) CHAIN: Portal of Entry (mucous membrane, GI tract, GU tract, broken skin, respiratory tract)
BREAK CHAIN: Aspetic technique catheter, wound care
6) CHAIN: Susceptible Host ( immunosuppressed patient, diabetes, surgery, burns, elderly)
BREAK CHAIN: treatment of underlying diseases, and recognition of high risk patients.