Shared Flashcard Set


Industrial Revolution
vocab cards
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





1. Agricultural Revolution 


The agricultural revolution was a very important part for people in ceartin countries this was a big change for them when this revolution accured.



A significant change in agriculture that occurs when there are discoveries, inventions, or new technologies that change production.



2. Bourgeoisie

During the Industrial Revolution people were seperated by how ,much money they have or make so they were seperated there was a perticular class that was refered to the bourgeoisie.


The people in a society who are rich, educated, own land etc, according to Marxism.




3. Capital 


The capital was where all the money , and property is kept and this ends to happen when the product starts making money , so it goes up to a place where there is protection.


Money or property, especially when it is used to start a business or to produce more wealth.



4. Capitalism


Capitalism , was a system that was set up to keep money issues and other issues from happening, buisnees wise.


An economic and political system in which businesses belong mostly to private owners, not to the government.



5. Communim


Communism was a system set by the governemtn that controlled the people from having ceartin goods for them and their family .


 A political system in which the government controls the production of all food and goods, and there is no privately owned property.



6. Crop Rotation 

 Crop rotation was a good , system that people still use to perserve the garden to keep the soil good and ready for a new harvest.


The practice of changing the crops that you grow in a field each year to preserve the good qualities in the soil.



7. Economy

Economy was something that people had no control over it would just be used ,. people basically ran out of stuff due to them not having enough.


The system by which a country's money and goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this way.



8. Factors of Production 


Factors of Production was something that help change and shift things , it helped with fresh produce for people , and it kinda helped the hard labor work.


A collection of various resources which contribute to producing goods or services, which fall into three main groups - land, labor, and capital.



9. Laissez Faire 


Laissez Faire , was a guy who beileved people should have private buisneeses without being controlled by anyone , he felt that people should basically have their freedom.


The principle that the government should allow the economy or private businesses to develop without any state control or influence.



10. Industrialize


Industrialize was really big in Britain when they had the new inventories and started building all the factories that carried strong expensive equipment.


When a country or place develops a lot of industry.



11. Industrial Revolution 


The Industrial Revolution had big changes , when the new inventions came in and changed the life for everyone it was less hard work but it was very tiring on a daily bases.


The period in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe and the USA when machines were invented and the first factories were established.



12. Natural Resources 


 A lot of the things people used back then were natural resources , they had to make stuff out of what they had around them , they would take the cotton and make cloths etc , whatever they needed they would use their resources around them .


Things that exist in nature and can be used by people, for example oil, trees etc.



13. Proletariat


When the factories came in , there was a lot of proletariats , they were doing a lot of labor work and didn't get paid a lot either even their children started working at ceartin ages instead of going to school.


The class of workers who own no property and work for wages, especially in factories, building things etc - used in socialist writings.




14. Socialism


Farmers, factories and many other busineeses during that time were owned by the government all the money and hard work was in the hands of the government,  the people were dealing with socialism ,had no control over it.


An economic and political system in which large industries are owned by the government, and taxes are used to take some wealth away from richer citizens and give it to poorer citizens.



15. Subsistence 


People back then had to survive off of just Subsistence, sometimes that wasn't alwasy enough for them to survive off of.


The condition of only just having enough money or food to stay alive.



16. Textile


The ladies back then would make their clothing out of textile, and cotton they wouod us this material to make clothes , dresses, shirts, etc.


Any type of woven cloth that is made in large quantities, used especially by people in the business of making clothes etc.


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