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Identifactiopn Flash Cards
Unit 1
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Louis XIII
He had came to the throne in 1610, and then further centralized the power in the monarchy. By them defeatin the Spainish and the Austrians during the Thrity Years' War. Louis had made france the most powerful nation in Europe at the time. With the help of Cardinal Richelieu their private armies destroyed their castles. From that time on, they would owe thier loyalty to the french crown.
Paul III
Paul III led the movement to reform the Catholic Church. He had also became pope in 1534. For their council they meet in Trent, this was not just one meeting this was multiple. Trent was a small town in Italy, these meetings where held from 1545-1563. When they were at Trent the pope and other leaders set out to clarify the doctrines of the Catholic Church.
Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a German monk who had taught university in a small town called Wittenburg. When he was a young man he had urged by his father to study to be a lawyer. But he decide to set aside his studies and become a monk. Eventhough his father was furious he had entered monastry. Luther had become a professional at the University of Wittenburg.
John Calvin
A scholar named John Calvin had took up the cause of the reformation, because a french king, was a devouted catholic persectued protestants. Calvin had moved to a city called Geneva, Switerland. In the 1540s Calvin and his followers ran to the city with a tight hand. The citizens were required to attend classes on their reliogion. Those who broke the rule had to face punishment like banishment and excommunication.
Pope Leo X
He was determined to finish a projest started by Julius II. Which was the rebuilding of St. Petersburg. The construction on the church was very expense. Leo had promised to raise the money throug the sales of indulgences. A indulgence was a kind of pardon.
Christopher Columbus
Queen Elizabeth had given Columbus three ships called the Nina, The pinta, and The Santa Maria. When Columbus sailed home he got a hero's welcome from Queen Elizabeth and Ferinand. With the support of the Spainish monarchs Columbus had made three more transaltantic expeditions. On the voyages he had explored parts of the coastline of Central and South America. Columbus would have died if he had found out that he had reached Asia.
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth died in the year 1603. She was much loved and much mourned by her people. When she left England she left has a Protestant. But she also left a huge debt. Which for her successors on the throne which would lead tensions. It also left conflict between the monarchy and the Parliament.
Prince Henry
In the early 1400s Prince Henry who believed in spreading christianity , took part in a campaign that would capture a Muslim. Which was stronghold in the the northwest of Africa. As the thrid son of the king, he may not of became king. So he pursed his passion for the sea. He had curiosity and interset in seafaring. He had worked to design and improve ships.
Ferinand Magellan
In 1519 a mariner Ferinand Magellan had led most of the most extradinory voyages. Because he couln't get funding from the king he had sailed under a spainish flag. He was given 5 ships and 72 men. He had a task to cross the Atlantic ocean find a way around South America and into the Indies. He had intrepid ban arouned the southern tip.
Pope Alexander VI
In 1493 Alexander VI had drew a line on a map of the Atlantic Ocean. He had declared that anything that was on the east of the line belonged to the portuguese. Anything to the left belonged to the Spainish. The following year they both signed a treaty called the Treat of Tordesillas. This moved the line farther west which gave the portuguese most of what is called Brazil today.
The Columbian Exchange
The European encounter with the Americas started a two-way traffic in plants and animals. The old world grew rice and wheat. The new world grew corn and potatoes. South America had llamas while in North America the cattle grazed. American plants and animals envolved into forms differnt from Europe and Asia.
The Protestant Reformation
In the late middle ages in western Europe as much of the Christain Church was headed up by thye pope, in Rome. Which would be known as the Catholic Church. It was so deep that the widespreed was the influence of Christianity. Western Europe had became Christendom. The church had exerted great political and economic influences.
Catholic Reformation
The catholic church launched its own refem movent known as the Cotholic reformation. Or it is known as the Counter-reformation. The catholic leaders set out to retain the loyalty of the catholics. The movement was led by Paul III in 1534. The pope had many meetings in the town of Trent in the years 1545-1563.
The Council Trent
The councilo Trent was held in the town of Trent. It was a small town in Italy. It wasn't just one meeting, it was multiple meetings. The pope and other great leaders wanted to clarify the doctrines of the Catholic Church. There was 25 meetings in all.
the Thirty Years' War
When Charles V the holy roman emperor, wanted to impress the German states. He was victorious at first, but the protestant forces quickly recovered and fought back. The battle was weary the emperor put his arms down. The war ended in the year 1555. They signed a treaty called Peace of Augsburg.
Benito Mussolini
He attempted to rally his other followers was through militarism. In 1935 when he had launched an invasion of Ethopia. Ethopia couldn't survive against Italians air strikes. Also the couldn't survive the poision gas.
September 1, 1939 he had attacked Poland. When their forces puonded east, the British and French had abandoned their failed policy. On Sep. 3, 1939 both nations had declared war. He had spent most of his time in trenchs during World War II.
Charles de Gualle

He refused to accept the idea of a french surrender. He had spoke by the radio in London. Very few people had heard this in France. But they soon heard reports about this.

Winston Churchill
They had used him to replace Prime Minster Neville Chamberland. Churchill had proved to be one of the greasted statesmen. He had knew war from firsthand experience.
Pearl Harbor
The attack of Pearl Harbor began when the US banned all sales of American oil to Japan. Japenese leaders were sure that it eould only be a matter of time before America had entered war. They had decided that the best weapon was surprise.
Battle of Stalingrad

This battle had lasted 199 days and was one of the bloodiest battles in human history. Time was on the side of the Russians. The German supplies were running low. Also another brutal winter was setting in.

Albert Einstein
In 1921 he was awarded the NObel Prize for Physics. He had leapt from obsurity to celebrity. Nazi had said that his work was Jewish Physics. He had left Germany in 1932 and never returned. He had joined the Institude for advanced study in Princeston, New Jersey.
Yalta to Potsdam
In Febuary 1945 Rossevelt, Winston, and Churchill had met in Yalta a resort on the Black Sea. These leaders were often called "The Big Three." Their purpose was to discuss what the future of Europe would be after the war. At Yalta they all met as allies.
Nurmenburg Trials
Allies had decided to establish a special court a international military tribunal. They had appointed prosecutors and had choosen the German city Nurmenburg. They had also defined the crimes for which the Nazi would be trialed.
United Nations
Before the war ended, allied leaders met to plan a international organization. They hoped that this would work to prevent war. Also to promote cooperation among countries, and to help settle disputes.
Potsdam Conference
Before the conference, Roosevelt died. Truman soon took his place in the big three. Truman soon found out that he would have to face Stalin without Churchill's help. Because they replaced Churchill with Clement Attlee.
Seeking Punishment
Tokyo Trials
A similair trail was going on in Tokyo. Eventhough they didn't do things the way the Nazi did. They had to expose many acts of brutality.
Human Rights
Today the United States embraces rarges of goals. In it's first year, The United Nations set up Human Rights commision. To help prevent a trocilities like what the Nazi did.
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