Shared Flashcard Set


Human Sexuality Exam #3
Terms and Essay Questions
Undergraduate 2

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Stonewall Riots
The first instance in American history when people in the homosexual community fought back against a government-sponsored system that persecuted sexual minorities, and they have become the defining event that marked the start of the gay rights movement in the United States around the world.
Defense of Marriage Act legally defined marriage as the union between a man and a woman and that no state needs to treat a relationship b/w persons of the same sex as marriage.
The phase in a woman's life when the ovaries cease producing estrogen, marking the end of her reproductive years.
Living with a partner, but not married. Men seem most physically satisfied when either never cohabitating, married, or divorced and cohabitating. Trial marriage.
Kinsey's scale
7-point scale: 0 being exclusively hetero, 6 being exclusively homo, and 3 being equal. Some flaws: What about fantasies and people with no sexual experience?
a North American Indian male transvestite or homosexual who was accepted in assuming the dress, role, and status of a woman

A. How is the internet changing dating? Describe and discuss the article.


B. Adam Green interviewed homosexual and heterosexual men about how having the option to marry might influence sexual decision-making. What did he find?


40% of American adults are single, and half of them visit social dating websites in hopes of finding a companion, either for just a fun night on the town or for life. Young adults are no longer relying on traditional dating venues like college to meet their partners, but rather websites like and to find them people who suit their liking, based on questionnaires. Websites have psychologists to delve into what makes people good companions for one another. The internet has made more data available for research and online dating can find your companion better than before when you had to depend on luck and a chance of meeting "the one." Profiles serve as first impressions that instantly reveal "Where I'm from, what I do, and what I'm looking for."


Adam Green found that as heterosexual men grow older, they gradually reduce their number of sexual partners and adopt the norm of monogamy and start thinking of commitment to being a couple. Homosexual men felt that sexual exploration was encouraged and monogamy was discouraged. Some believed that there would be no children in the future, so there was no point.

Sternberg's Theory of Love

Intimacy alone = liking

Intimacy+Passion = Romantic love (summer romance)

Passion alone = Infatuation

Passion+Commitment= shallow relationship
Commitment alone = Empty love
Intimacy+Commitment = Companionate love

Is sexual orientation a product of nature or nurture? Drawing on readings and lecture, describe and evaluate research that suggests sexual orientation is a biological phenomenon.
Hormonal studies argue that prenatal exposure to estrogens produces same-sex desires in males, which is curious because sexual differentiation of the brain is known NOT to be mediated by eestrogens. Most studies have failed to support this hypothesis. Neuroanatomic studies have reported that interstital nuclei in the anterior hypothalamus are smaller in homosexual men and women than in heterosexual men. Neuranatomic studies believe that other areas of the brain thought to affect sexual function differ in size in heterosexuals and homesexuals, but much of neuroanatomic studies have been controversial because they have been based on animal studies. In a genetic study by Bailey and Pillard, it was concluded that sexual orientation is more likely to be similar for siblings who share identical genetic material. There is a high concordance of homosexuality between identical twins.
A. What is love? Compare and contrast the view of love proposed by Helen Fisher with "Attraction Theory."

B. Use the excerpt from the movie "The History of Sex: The Eastern World" to describe the connection between Tantric Sex and Enlightenment.

I felt as though Helen Fisher's view of love was quite different from "Attraction Theory." "Attraction Theory" discussed ideas such as proximity, when people are attracted to others they interact with on a regular basis. It also discussed the longing people have to want to "belong," while Helen Fisher discussed a lot about hormones and the biological perspective on love. She discussed how sexuality is driven by fantasy, and chemicals such as testosterone and androgens. Fisher shows a lot of studies based on how the brain functions and how lust will most likely not lead to love. However, both articles give the idea that everyone wants to feel like they belong.


Tantra broke many of the religious and sexual laws of Indian society. Through eating meat, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, and ritualized sex, Santra could lead to enlightnment. Ritualized sex woke up each person's inner-serpent, and when it reaches out of your head is when you reach enlightenment.


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