Evolution by natural selection –Works on populations throughout the species, and ultimately the individual – Species adapt to their environments and habitats • Changes in the environment or habitat can then help answer questions about adaptations |
Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS)
Deep sea cores & the analysis of oxygen
isotope levels: 18O and 16O
Based on the trapping of oxygen isotopes in
calcium salts taken from deep-sea
Record of temperature changes on a large
scale (regional).
More O^16 means warmer climate, b/c of evaporation and rain washing the O^16 back into the ocean.
More O^18 means colder climate
Oceans are not enriched in O18 as O16 returns relatively quickly to the oceans to maintain the balance of 18^O/16^O.
Oceans become enriched in 18^O bc of storage of 16^O in ice sheets |
Catastrophism – Cuvier– Found that mammoth bone differed from modern elephants
• He concluded that the mammoth species had gone extinct
– Believed there were multiple periods of mass extinction around the world (30 in total)
– After which new species were “created” to replace the now extinct counterparts
• Preserving the fixity of species ideals
Extinctions Uniformitarianism |
-assumes that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe
-Confirming the earths antiquity 4.6 billion years old
-Explains the processes of evolutionary change according with environmental adaptation and extinction
Relative: based on comparisons, does not give a precise age
Absolute: dates that are measured, calibrated
Morphological Dating Dating Techniques Relative |
-Aging by features, condition or fossilization
- Often used; the original dating technique
-“Ancient” /“primitive” vs “modern”
-Can be very misleading, incorporating biases
-Ex. Eurocentrism, notions of primitive morphology. Comparisons with Neanderthals overused
-Ex. Associations made between tool types & type of hominid.
Biostratigraphic Dating Dating Techniques Relative |
-Faunal correlations- presence/absence of species or species abundance may indicate a specific period/phase/date. Sometimes referred to as index fossils.
-Need to use key species that show changes in their origins, terminations & ranges. Ex. Nestoritherium in China, Hipparion (prehorses), trilobites
-Ex. Suid (pig) species in Africa important
Stratigraphic Position Dating Techniques Relative |
-Placement in a series of layers that may encompass several localities or geological events. (River terraces, etc.)
-Fossil or site located below or above dated layers.
Tuffs - volcanis ash layer |
-Age is determined by some form of counting
• Dates are measured in years before present (BP), must be later tied to calendar years (if need be)
• Dates are recorded as years, +/- one standard deviation (SD); One standard deviation means that there is a 67%
probability that the date is within that range.
• The reliability of the date, and the size of the SD, depends on many factors
• The quality of the sample: is it pure, or contaminated by more recent or older material?
• The age of the sample: bigger SD with older material
• Use of the half-life concept
• Length of time it takes for 1/2 of the existing isotopes in the material to decay, decay happens exponentially
• Particular to each isotope
Ex. 40 grams of material. After one half life--20 grams remain undecayed; after two half lives--10 grams remain of original 40. Exponential reduction.
• Over long periods of time, only extremely small fractions of the original substance may remain to be counted. This causes difficultly in dating old samples
Potassium-Argon Dating Techniques Absolute |
-Used on volcanic materials older than 100k and upto 5m
• 40K (potassium) decays to 40Ar (argon)
• Half-life of 1.3 billion years
• 40Ar/39Ar refinement is new method.
sample is irradiated to convert all the 39K (more common, stable) to 39Ar.
• Easier counting, better with contaminated or smaller samples- can date single grains so multiple volcanic events aren’t mixed.
-Potas. turns into argon gas within the rock, remelt rock to count
Chronometric Dating Dating Techniques Absolute |
Radiometric techniques –Radiocarbon, Potassium/Argon, Uranium series, Fission track
Trapped Electron Techniques -
Electron Spin resonance, Thermoluminesence, Optically stimulated luminesence
Radiometric Techniques Dating Techniques Absolute |
Techniques based on radioactivity; the decay of unstable nuclei (isotope decay)-- break into smaller, more stable nuclei
• Count of number of sample decays over a short time in a lab to estimate how much of the original material is left undecayed
• Or, count of actual decay since a fixed point in time (e.g., the death of the organism)
-Tuffs, or volcanic ash layers, in Africa’s Rift Valley are key to the hominin sequence
-Ex. KBS tuff- difficult to identify across long distances, many components.
-Two ages argued-- 2.5 & 1.87; later 1.87 is verified. Many important discoveries referred to as occurring below or above KBS tuff. Sequence-- oldest- Tula Bor
-Then KBS, then Okote Tuff, then Karari tuff.
-Fossils: 1470 is between Tula Bor & KBS; 406
& 3733 bet. KBS & Okote