The bones of the skull are all in the axial portion of the body and contains:
Frontal Bone - makes up the forehead, provides protection for the brain and support for face, articulates with the sphenoid, the ethmoid, the two parietals, the two nasals, the two maxillæ, the two lacrimals, and the two zygomatics
Parietal Bone - make up part of the roof and sides of the human skull, provies protection of the brain and support of the face, articulates with the frontal bone
Occipital Bone - a trapezoidal, curvy shaped bone located at the rear of the cranium, provides protection of the brain and support of the face, articulates with the first vertebra of the vertebral column
Temporal Bone - situated on the bases and sides of the skull, parallel to the temporal lobes of the brain, provides protection of the brain and support of the face, articulates with the mandible
Zygomatic Bone - the face consists of two zygomatic bones, located in the upper and lateral parts of the face, also known as the cheek bone or malar bone, supports the region of the face known as the cheek, protects organs in the area, and forms part of the orbit, articulates with the maxilla, sphenoid, and frontal bone
Sphenoid Bone - located at the base of the skull and behind the eye socket, this bone is a wedge-like bone located in front of the temporal bone and is one of several bones that form the eye socket,
Vomer Bone - a thin, quadrilateral shaped bone located at the base of the nasal cavity, functions in forming the nasal cavity, articulates with the ethmoid bone
Maxilla Bone - consists of two separate bones that fuse together to collectively form the maxilla, located above the mandible and below the orbits, provides protection of the face, support of the orbits, hold the top half of the teeth in place, and form the floor of the nose, articulates with the zygomatic, nasal bone and coronoid process
Mandible Bone - forms the lower jaw of the human skull, main function is support of the lower part of the face and holding the bottom half of the teeth in place, the mandible is essential for movement of the mouth, articulates with the temporal bone
Nasal Bone - consists of two boness located near the middle of the face that come together to form the bridge of the nose, functions in support of the nose and formation of the nose bridge, articulates with the frontal, the ethmoid, the maxilla, and the opposite nasal bone
Foramen Magnum - a large opening in the occipital bone of the cranium, allows passage of the spinal cord, articulates with the atlas (vertebral column)
Mastoid Process - located in the posterior portion of the temporal bone, it is one of the two projections situated behind the ear, the mastoid process provides an attachment for certain muscles of the neck