Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal
sparked &financed the voyages of exploration down the west african coast -encouraged map production &technology
advances in travelin eventually led to african slave trade in western europe (the transatlantic slave trade) |
what is key technological revolution of the age and who gets credit, where and when |
the printing press
Gutenberg, Fust, Schoffer in Germany 1450 (15th C.) |
Impact of the Printing Revolution |
-Spread literacy -Spread general knowledge (previously the monopoly of the church) -Promoted the accumulation of knowledge -By 1500 printing presses had printed 6 million books, more than had been produced since the fall of Rome -Many historians argue that the Protestant Revolution could not have taken place without the printing press *** Martin Luther utalized the printing press to spread ideas of revising catholic church |
Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (Erasmus) |
Dutch 16th leading christain humanist of 16th C. aka "Prince of Humanists"
**key work: wrote "In Praise of Folly" speaks against the so called wisdom of pretentious lawyers, docs, profesors, theologians, monks, Folly speaks to her audience of fools had huge influence on Protsant ideas of Martin Luther -opposed dogmatism,high critical of abuses of church -used satiric irony to convey ideas
wrote "Comments on the Gospel of St. Luke" **published 1st translation of N.T. from Greek |
15th &16th British
writer of "Utopia" -utopia =a perfect place that exists no where, imagined a place of socialist state where goods property are shared, personal vanities held in contempt, learning available to every1 but not slaves, freedom of religion, -implied comparison betwn Utopia& More's England is of course satiric (he pokes fun) -this inspired socialist movements of 19th C.
-Concept of ethical hedonism: “our desire for happiness inspires us to act morally as God wishes” |
15th & 16th C. German
started the Protesant Reformation with his 95 Theses "95 Theses" posted to door of collegiate church at Wittenberg =an attack on the sale of indulgences and the whole idea that one could buy one’s salvation
wrote in his "Address to the German Nobility": Fatih Alone is how one is to be saved, not with good works or sacraments THE BIBLE is the supreme religious authority, ect
**translated Erasmus' Latin N.T. into German, this promoted a common German language |
16th C. French Protesant theologian -went to Geneva preached predestination sect became known as Calvinism -wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion -strict sect, hard standard of morality, people got tired &forced him to leave but then wanted him back cause they thought it was good -he then set up Calvin's Consistory= a court that monitored morals in the community **this punished men's infedlity as harshly as womens (new concept) ** harsh punishments ex: citizen beheaded for writing "obscene verses", card player was put in stocks -cannot wear jewels=started swiss watch industry |
key artists of Religious Fervor in the North of Europe |
Durer, Bosch, Hans Baldung Grien, Breughel |
German 16th master of graphic arts woodcuts and metal engravings "Four Horsement of the Apocalypse" a woodblock print "Knight, Death and the Devil" engraving =microscopic detail |
15th &16th German artist= master of lighting &creativity
"Crucifixion" panel Isenheim Altarpiece style of this painting is very symetrical balance, color black background contrasts dramatically, emotion also thru composition, distortion, facial expression and gesture -style=individualstic (good ex northern artists are diff than one another unlike southern italian artists of Renaissance) especially because of showing Jesus realisticly spasm of hands, **blueing of lips, cuts and sores all over body made specifically to relate to people who suffered from disease ergotism (black sores &limbs fall off(gangrene)) |