SA - olfactory
SA - optic
Motor - oculomotor
Motor - trochlear
Both - trigeminal (sensory for ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular; motor for mastication/digastric/myloh)
Motor - abducens
Both - facial (taste ant 2/3, ext acous meatus; VE to lacrimal, submand, subling; muscles of face)
SA - vestibulocochlear (hearing + balance)
Both - glossopharyngeal (SA from carotid body+sinus and post 1/3 tongue; VE to parotid salivary, muscle)
Both - vagus (SA from larynx, deep auricle, aortic body+arch, viscera; VE to smooth muscle and viscera_
Motor - accessory (SCM and Trap)
Motor - hypoglossal (tongue muscles) |