i.(According to Jo Lewin, Nutritional therapist, on the food website “Good foods” in an article called “the health benefits of tofu”)
“Legend has it that it was discovered about 2000 years ago by a Chinese cook who accidentally curdled soy milk when he added nigari seaweed.”
ii.(As laid out on History Chanel online, Hunger History, Lunch with Libby: Tofu) Journey across the world.
The Chinese first discovered that they could harvest soy bean curd (1600 B.C.).
Hundreds of years later it spread to the Japanese via the Buddhist monks and then all over
Asia. Soon it went to America because of a well-traveled sailor who planted the first Soy Bean in America in 1765
"With tofu production and history under our belt, it’s time to move to why it’s completely guiltless."