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Mini Buff
10th Grade

Additional English Flashcards





"The Holocaust was a deliberate and systematic extermination of European Jews during World War II. As the Allied Powers fought Nazi Germany's domination of Europe, Adolf Hitler's henchmen were carrying out a mass annihilation of the Jews in Europe at their numerous concentration camps." Nearly six million Jews, and other targeted groups fell from Hitler.


Source 1 Texas Highschool students


In 1933 when the Nazi party came to power, Anne Frank and her family went into hiding behind a local shop. They were discovered in 1944 and her father is the only survivor, yet her diary of her experienes came out and is now published in over 70 languages. The book shares her views of the World of Nazi Germany and discusses her opinion.
Source 2
Anne Frank Diary
She was young and knew she was different when, "all of a sudden, stones were thrown from the neighbors windows". She recalls fleeing Germany to Prague. She remembers not being alowed out after 8 and being descriminated for being a Jew. She remembers being seperated from her family and she, "Cried all the time...[she] even seperated [herself] from the other children." Now looking back, "[She will never ever, for as long as [she] lives, forget it." My terrible, traumatic, memories will never leave me. Everthing is still very much inside of me",
Source 3
Her life memories of being a Jew
Sonia Weitz was alive and in five concentration camps during Nazi Germany and now speaks out. She knows the dangers of forgetting about the Holocaust and wants everyone to know so they can learn from these tragedies.(Documentary Video attached). This film not only talks of the tragedy of the Holocaust but Jews putting their lives back together after wards, trying to move on.
Source 4
A girl who survived five concentration camps

Eva grew up in Poland and told that Jews and non Jews did not mix except in business. She became a secretary after writing to Stalin because they woudn't permit her a job because her father was a 'capitolist'. Soon Germans came and told all the Jews to go to the square-if not they would be shot. Her and her family went and hid with a German family and she understood; one noise would mean life or death. She was sent from place to place away from her family never really knowing if they were alive. The last thing my father told me as he pushed me from the train was "You run. I know you will stay alive, you have the Belzer Rebbe's blessing." He was very religious and he believed this.When she jumped out she found her brother and sister both dead but she had made it out alive. She was 17.


Source 4
Eva Gallers Survivor story
Her father dropped her off at a safe house and left never to be seen again. She remembers the parades where she would hide in the outhouse scared. She was scared because she was alone. This happened for two years. Later she learned that her brother had been in a school for catholics and her sister and mother were hiding in a home but her sister had a bone disease. In 1944 she remebers the American soldiers freeing them and giving her chocolate.
Source 4
Jeanine Burk's story- Hidden Jew
He was the only surrvivor in his family. He went to visit his sister in 1943 and left his home in the warsaw getto but when he left the Warsaw getto uprising began and he could not get back in. He was shot in the ankle. Then in his group of 20,000 people, half were sent to a death camp. He was going to be hanged for nothing but a soldier came and took him to go to another camp and so he was saved. Everyday was a struggle to surrvive; when the Americans came he could not eat the food they brought because his stomach was so small he would be dehydrated.
Source 4
Soloman Rodosky
The Warsaw Getto and concentration camps

"Don't forget, tell the world" was the last thing our friends said before they were taken to their deaths.

His father was educated which was rare for Germans. In Poland he calls it "Bloody Monday" Because they forced Jews into the Market killing evey one in ten or so and hundreds died just so they could prove that they could. Him, his girlfriend and best friend tried to escape to Russia, but Russia stopped letting them in. "Out of 1,000 men sent to Czestochowa, only 3 survived. [he] am one of the 3. "

Two German men he knew took him from the Labor camps and brought him home. Germans were only allowed one bullet so if the soldiers missed they would wait for you to slowly bleed to death. This happend in front of Sher with a 92 year old lady. He then joined the Russian Army and fought against Germany.

Source 4
Joesph Sher
Labor Camps
He left at 7 years old to go to Sweden and after nine months came back to Germany for one day and then left once more to Cuba. After the war ended he went to the united states but is still stunned at barley escaping and watching his friends deaths.
Source 5
Ralf Romberg
Left Germany to Cuba
Elie Wiesel was 16 when Nazis invaded his Romanian town. Wiesel and his family were deported to Auschwitz. Elie was the sole survivor. After the war, he lived in France and worked as a journalist. He moved to the U.S. in 1956. Wiesel began to bear witness to his experiences in books like his trilogy Night, Dawn, and Day. In 1978, Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Source 6
Eli Weisel
Sole Survivor in his town
Highschool students, "Holocaust Surrvivor Stories,"" target="_blank"> January 16 2011.
Source 1
The Holocaust
Anne Frank. Not Available:, 1996-2012. Web." target="_blank">>.
Source 2
Anne Frank
Jaegerman, Judith. Memories of my Childhood. Chicago:, 2012. Web. .
Source 3
Judith Jaegerman
Anonymous, . Holocaust Survivors. NewYork:, 2005. <, 2012. Web.
Source 4
The remaining survivors
Levin, Howard. Ralf ROmberg Interview. San Fransico: Telling Stories, 2008. .
Source 5
A survivor
Anonymous, . Elie Weisel Biogragphy. A E Television Network, 1998-2012. Web. .
Source 6
Webb, Chris. "Holocaust Survivors." The Holocaust. H.E.A.R.T., 2009. Web. .
Source 7
"Our life was – we were not allowed to do anything, so it was very upsetting. It was very strenuous and it was very nervous." Selma writes about her time in the ghetto. She was sent to a German death camp and while she was there she decided to run away with some friends, she remembers,"You hear mines going and people dropping dead, you know on the mines and you only wish you didn’t see much. You just run, you just run."
Source 7
Selma Engel
And suddenly it started: the yelling and the screaming, “All out! -everybody out!” All those shouts, the uproar, the tumult! “Out! Get out! Leave the baggage!” Ricardo remembers on a train ride. A uniformed guard told him he could be a Kapo(worker) and then he asked where the others from the train are to which he responded, And he replied,“Dead all dead!”After only one month in Terezin he was transported to Treblinka on Transport BU, an ordinary passenger train. "He participated in the Treblinka revolt and managed to escape with Karl Unger. Together they made their way across Poland, captured at Nowe Miasto nad Pilica and taken to Tomaszow Mazowiecki, where they continue with their story that they are Czech workers, working for the Organisation Todt.

They are both accepted as gentiles, and are sent to Czetochowa to a transit camp, and then on through Moravia and Austria to Mannheim. They work for the factory Heinrich Lanz Incorporated, until they were both liberated by the American forces. After the war Glazar returned to Prague, but escaped to Switzerland with his family, after the 1968 revolt, where he became an engineer. He wrote about his time in Treblinka, and his escape in the book “Trap with a Green Fence”."
Source 8
Ricardo Glazar
"Suskind was able to effect the rescue of children by distracting the German guards." "Over time Suskind was perceived to be a Nazi collaborator when quite the opposite was true, but the operation was never betrayed or discovered by the Nazis." Then in 1939 he is sent to jail for three months and from there to a imprisonment camp.
Source 8
Walter Suskind
During World War Two she was an activist in the Polish Underground and she helped save approximately 2500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto by smuggling them out of the ghetto, and providing them with hiding places and false papers.Irena was arrested in October 1943 and was taken to the Gestapo Headquarters on the Aleja Szucha, where she was held before being driven away to be executed. Yet Zegota, managed to bribe the officers and she was left on the city roads. In 2003 she was nominated for a reward by parliament in Poland.
Source 8
Irena Sendlerowa
He was in a military, (The Red Army in Belaya) and some of his officers shot and killed Germans. Later he was surrounded and he recalls, "The order was given to shoot us, we were lined up and marched along the road, in the opposite direction another group of German soldiers led a column of military prisoners together with some civilians." I jumped out of the truck, I don’t know how much time I was lying on the ground, they were shooting, when I regained consciousness I noticed that there were corpses not far from me, they had been shot on the side of the road." He then escaped with four others and did labor work for food.
Source 8
Yakov Kaper
"In brief, they hoisted me up, and I jumped. The train rolled on; I started running. There was a forest on the horizon; I ran and reached that forest. And I started walking. Then I saw a clearing. And in this clearing, a peasant, working the soil with a horse and plough."On a busy street, in 1942, the SS had shot to death her brother, a young lawyer and promising mathematician. In the same year, the SS had taken away her father, and sent him to his death in Belzec. In 1943, her mother's time had come.
Source 8
Hanna Cohen
Greiser joined the Nazi Party in 1929 and the following year he entered the SS as one of Himmler’s earliest adherents.Greiser also supervised the anti-Jewish terror which led to the burning of synagogues, the sending of thousands of Jews to forced labour, deportations to Germany, to the Generalgouvernement and to the extermination camps. He surrendered to the USA and was hung in 1946.
Source 8
The Nazi Officer
Arthur Greiser
On 4 July 1934 Eicke was appointed as Inspekteur der Konzentrationslager und SS- Wachverbande and a week later he was promoted to SS-Gruppenfuhrer.'Under Eicke’s regime no pity was to be shown for “enemies of the state” and prisoners were treated with maximum severity.'“The purpose of Eicke’s everlasting lectures and orders to the same effect was to turn his SS men completely against the prisoners, to stir up their feelings against the prisoners.” He died near the end of the war
Source 8
The Nazi Officer
Theodor Eicke
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