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ID quiz 5
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Jays treaty 237
treaty betwn american and britsh during french british war.
Americans had to stop letting neutrals ship goods, not discriminate between british shipping and merchandise, and had to reconfirm to pay american debts to british from before the revolutionary war. In return britain pledged to compensate american merchants who's cargo they had seinzed, abandon six forts in northwest, and grant some trading rights to india.
XYZ affair 239
3 commisheners who were send by president john adams to avoid war with the french. The french had conqued netherlands and separted spain from the netherlands. Three commisheners named XYZ by addams went to france. French foreieng minister asked for bribe and 12 million loan. Senate publish the XYZ affair
Whisky rebellion 234
Whisky rebles of western pennsylavania who were openly resisting hamiltons exicse tax on whisky. The farms there had to make grains into whisky to make a profit. A new tax by Hamilton destroyed profit. Rebelled. Hamilton sent forces into pittsburg, because it was easier. He used washington to raise a large force. Never found the rebellion but made a point
Monroe Doctrine266
Brought by president monroe, to asuage the fears of latin american nations, and because he thought he would be taking california anyway,in a statement to congress he stated he would interfere in forieng nations internal affairs and not conquer other nations like britain
Missouri compromise 269
No natural end to slavery. Thriving cotton market expanded slave owners influence. Missouri wanted no emacipation. Dead lock between north who wanted a ban and south seeking to expand. Voting right down state lines. Finally a compromise-admit maine and accept missouri, and all land in louisiana purchase was closed to slavery
cheasapeake incident 255
American merchants made money selling supplies to britain and europe and west indies, even when stopped by blocades. However the incident was whena british ship fired on a us frigate refusing to be searched. Jefferson barred ports to british warships and called for monetary compensation
nat turners slave revolt 321
spawned by turner a literate field hand encouraged on by visions. led a rampage through virginia killed sixty eventually caught by a posse of whites and slaves. Hid himself for 2 months before being executed, white people killed 100 more
indian removal act 288
Following georgia, alabama, and miss denied citizens rights. Stage was set for jefferson to make indian removal act.. Said indians should leave east of miss or be subject to those lawas. Gov not prepared to remove them from south and florida. Contracts awarded to lowest bidders who were shady. 1/4th died in transit.
2nd bank war 291
after congress failed to ovride his veto jackson set out to destroy the banks. Got a treasury secretary tosign the order removing the fedral deposits from the bank in 1833. Deposits put in pet banks designated by democrats. cause a overheated economy
black codes 327
denied black people all the rights of citizenship. could not tesitfy against whites or work in politics or in jobs of communication. Slave states barred thier entry forced to live as inferior caste
claimed jackson undermined bank system. Political oponents to the democrats who coalesced as a result of the fallout of the bank wars..
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