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History Exam
U.S. History
8th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




The Northwest Ordinance
Was a law passed by Congress that set out rules for a section of the future United States called the Northwest Territory. Passed in 1787. When the population reached 60,000, the territory could become a state. It forbade slavery in the territory. It guaranteed the right to trial by jury. It granted freedom of religion. It said that Indians must be treated fairly. It also encouraged education for the children of the territory. New citizens would have equal rights with the original citizens. It announced to everyone that, in the United States, equality is the law of the land.
Alexander Hamilton
As a teenager, he worked for an international trading company. In 1773, he was sent to America to further his education. Came to New York to attend Kings College. Became an artillery captain in the Revolutionary war and later became George Washington's aid. Became Washington's Secretary of the Treasury. Wanted an economy based on paper money. Started a national bank and started taxes. Died of the gunshot wound
The Census
A census is a count of the number of people living in a certain area. British used the number of people they counted to decide how much they should tax. Constitution declared that the number of members in the House of Representatives would be based on the population of a state. The first official census in the US was in 1790, and there was only 6 questions; The name of the head of the household, how many people lived in the home, how many white males over sixteen lived in the home, the number of white males under the age of sixteen living in the home, how many white females and free persons, including Indians, in the home, and the number of slaves in the home. Slaves, Indians, and women were not granted citizenship.
George Washington & the First Capitals of the US
After the RV War, Washington lived in Mt. Vernon. The inauguration took place on April 30, 1789 in NYC's old city hall. Encouraged Congress to pass the Bill of Rights. In 1790, George Washington moved to Philadelphia. They stayed there for 10 years while the capitol was being built. In 1800, the members of the government moved to the capitol.
Washington, D.C.
Our Founding Fathers met in Williamsburg, Virginia to discuss ways to keep the British taxes down. In 1777, there were four capitols;  Baltimore, Philadelphia,  New York City, and Lancaster. it took almost forty-three years before a capital was complete.Congress made a whole new town called "Federal Town".
The Election of 1796
George Washington was chosen unanimously. The two sides were Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. Each side chose two candidates. Whoever got the most votes was President, and the second runner-up would be VP. The Federalists chose John Adams and Thomas Pinckney. The Democratic-Republicans chose Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Federalists praised John Adams as a war hero; they wanted a northern president. They criticized Jefferson for his ties with France and said he was an atheist. The Democratic-Republicans praised Jefferson and criticized Adams. They said that Adams wanted to rule like a king. The electors cast the actual votes, and some states voted by popular vote, and other states chose their electors in their state legislature. Most of the northern states chose Adams. Most of the southern states chose Jefferson. 71 for Adams, 68 for Jefferson, 59 for Pinckney, and 30 for Burr. John Adams had won by 3 electoral votes. Adams would be president Jefferson was the Vice-President.
The Alien and Sedition Acts
In 1798, it looked like we might be going to war with France, so congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts. Some people thought that these acts were needed to strengthen the national government in a time of war. Other people thought that the acts were passed to silence opposition to the war. The Acts were actually four separate acts: the Naturalization Act, the Alien Act, The Alien Enemies Act, and the Sedition Act. The Sedition Act was the most controversial. It provided punishments of heavy fines and up to five years in prison for those who spoke out against the government. 25 were arrested. Benjamin Franklin Bache (Benjamin Franklin's grandson) was the editor of the Philadelphia Aurora. They said that the Sedition Acts took away their freedoms. Kentucky and Virginia passed resolutions stating that the national government did not have the power to pass laws like that. The Kentucky Resolution was written by Thomas Jefferson. James Madison wrote the Virginia Resolution. Both of these resolutions said that the federal government had tried to take away power that should have still belonged to the states. These laws were passed in 1800. In the next election, they chose Thomas Jefferson as President. Congress repealed the Naturalization Act in 1802. The other acts were allowed to expire.
The Louisiana Purchase
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