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History Exam Notecards
Cold War
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards











Preponderance of power, rests on three key concepts:

1. Strong Military

2. Strong economy

3. Appealing Ideology.


Upper hand in power

Significance: base of cold war, to become a dominant power (usa vs. ussr)


Nuclear Brinksmanship

Head to Head to see who will give up first, one major strategie.  USA creates the atomic bomb (1945), USSR and USA create nuclear weapons.  Vye for power

Yalta Conference


February 1945, Crimea Conference in Ukraine.  Divided Fermany into four zones to be coccupied after war by: Britian, France, USA, and USSR.  Elections held in countries of Eastern Europe, government of Poland will be both communist and non-communist.  Set up UN in April of 1945 Churchill, Stallon, Roosevelt (3 main leaders).  Discuss post WWII ... Decided terms post WWI. 

Marshall Plan

US secretary of State Marshall (1947-1953).  Who: George C. Marshall.  Massive economic aid plan for Europe to help recover from damage of War: 2 motives to help Europe recover goods, benefit American industry and resist spread of Communism (main motive for helping Europe). 

Division of Germany

Comes out of Yalta Conference, miliatary run zones (temperary) Britian, France, USA, USSR.  Later Britain and France merge zones.




North Atlantic Treaty Organization (west).  An intergovernmental military alliance that came together for defenses in West Europe, mutual defense and security is offered to all members an attack on one or several members is considerede as an attack against 1949.

Warsaw Pact

Organization of allies to help security to help countries.  Watch one another, military, Easter European Countries (polish). Eathern European countries in place t oprotect eastern europe, no longer in place. 

Berlin Wall

Put in place in (1961) no barrior. When USSR took over, made it difficult to cross.  USSR put up fence.  Controlled it then put up wall t hault flow of people leaving.

Cuban Missile Crisis


The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war. The United States armed forces were at their highest state of readiness ever and Soviet field commanders in Cuba were prepared to use battlefield nuclear weapons to defend the island if it was invaded. Luckily, thanks to the bravery of two men, President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev, war was averted.

In 1962, the Soviet Union was desperately behind the United States in the arms race. Soviet missiles were only powerful enough to be launched against Europe but U.S. missiles were capable of striking the entire Soviet Union. In late April 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived the idea of placing intermediate-range missiles in Cuba. A deployment in Cuba would double the Soviet strategic arsenal and provide a real deterrent to a potential U.S. attack against the Soviet Union.

cuban missile 2nd part
In 1962, the Soviet Union was desperately behind the United States in the arms race. Soviet missiles were only powerful enough to be launched against Europe but U.S. missiles were capable of striking the entire Soviet Union. In late April 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived the idea of placing intermediate-range missiles in Cuba. A deployment in Cuba would double the Soviet strategic arsenal and provide a real deterrent to a potential U.S. attack against the Soviet Union.
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