Pople who wanted to respond to the excess of progress "soclalism". |
Comes from the Mc Clure's Magazine, stirred up dirt not like the yellow journalism, they wanted to right wrongs.
1. Lincan Steffens, The Shame or The Cities
2. Ida Tarbell, The History of The Standard Oil, company against Rockafeller
3. Upton Sinclair, The Jungle- created an immigrant family, wanted to be the best Americans they could be, they were used and abused, this showed the meat companies were terrible= Meat Inspection Act of 1905. Who were the Progressives? A whole professional, Middle Class Movement, compared to todays liberals, (teachers, lawyers, etc.) they were educated and could find evidance and use it. They thaught it was their way or no way; For example, like child labor suits. Better at saying this is wrong, not so good at getting answers. |
Is an African American, who started The Niagra Movement, a NAACP- is the national association of the advancement of colored people. |
A Jewish- minority, the people's lawyer
1. Wrote a breif, Justifying limiting women's working hours.
2. Some wanted racial freedom some not.
3. Greatest progressive objective was bringing greatest deomocracy to America.
4. Iniative/referendum= voted in or not.
5. Iniative= someone not fufill their office. |
We the people did not pick it. Created the secret ballot. |
Women's Right to Vote 1920. In 1896, Wyoming, Utah. Idaho and Clorado allowed women to vote earlier. |
Is protection over the workers and consumers, proctected child labor, Heinz made a documentary on how bad child labor was. In 1911, the terrible filth in the Triangle Shirt Waist Company. Ten story building, woman were manufacturing garments, terrible fire and no exits= led to building fatalities. |
1. For bad advances in food. Examples= cocaine in coca cola and opium in caugh syrups.
2. Advocating for birth controle information to overse abortion.
1. Illegal to spend lude pornographic info in mail (birth control=lude).
2. She started New York to America birth controle league to new planned parenthood (Margret Sanger).
3. She did not want immigrants to have so many kids (racism).
4. She made businesses and industries more efficient proper routing/scheduling of work, when, where, with who? Knowledge is power. Clear lines of authority.
5. Establishing budgets and removing redundancy. |
University and he trained beurocrats to become more effective. |
1. Eraticating prostitution. Too many imagrant women than jobs- escorting. Every state but Nevada got rid of it. Nevada wanted to keep it. Now it isn't legal in the city limits.
2. There are still escort services in Las Vegas.
3. Prohibition= Temperance Movement, they want to get rid of liquor.
1. Bans sale of liquor- did not stop it.
2. Used racist sterotypes to get rid of alcohol, or used crime rates going up. |
1. Born into wealth, in 1858.
2. Life as a cowboy.
3. Wealth braught him awareness of society.
4. National Politics
5. Vice Presidential nomination
6. Second of four children
7. Had health problems
8. Asma- the family would listen to him sleep. The father encouraged him to build his loung capacity up.
9. He was very energetic, first president to drive a car and fly a plane.
10. Sailed down the amazon.
11. Loved the out of doors
12. Wore glasses
13. Graduated from Havard and Columbia Law School by age 23.
14. Ran for New York Assembly, rich people were never politicians, they usually ran them.
15. Feb. 14,1884- mother died of Typhoid Fever, and wife died giving birth. Roosevelt was aranged. He baught a ranch in Minisota and became a cowboy. Then returned to New York, became Civil Commissioner, and worked with the police, he rns for Govenor of New York.