- first Homo Sapiens
- originated in Africa and spread to Europe and Asia
- 5.5 feet tall, large brains, stocky build
- nomadic hunters and gatherers, used fire for warmth and food
- sophisticated tool-making ability
- lived in small groups in caves
- earliest Homo Sapiens in Europe; more advanced than Neanderthals
- taller and less stocky than the Neanderthals
- more technology- invented stone ax (cut down trees), weapons (spear, bow and arrow), used blades and bones (for food and hunting)
- high status burials
- cave paintings
- oldest body ever retrieved from an alpine glacier
- highest elevation in Europe where prehistoric human remains have been found
- body of Ice Man was purified by sheer luck; naturally mummified in the snow
- had copper ax; lived during Copper Age
- major agricultural advances at this time
- farming allowed steady food supply and people could stay in one place longer
- crops and domesticated animals
- first villages with homes of mud bricks
- invented the plow and trained oxen
- invented wheel for transportation
- copper, lead, and gold made weapons and jewelry
- made calendars to help with seasons and planting
- believed in many gods