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History 121 exam one
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards





Serfs acquired from Spartan conquests (messenians), not bought and sold as slaves of individual Spartans, but belonging to the state, who mostly worked the land; 8th century; important because the Spartans constantly had to worry about uprisings, so their security got tighter-> conservatism of Sparta (tradition, status quo) ->lead to the structure made with the 2 kings, 5 Ephors (officials of ancient Sparta), and a council of elders (60 years old or above). Lycurgus (law-giver of Sparta) -> “created” the new system.
Term used to refer to the history and culture of the peoples “Hellenized”- that is, brought under Greek influence by Alexander’s conquests. Macedon split into three separate empire: Ptolemies of Egypt, European antigonoids, and the asian Seleucids. Because they were united under Macedon, Greek influence spread through all of these. ie the Aristocrasy in Egypt spoke Greek-the only ruler that spoke Egyptian was Cleopatra; Alexander the Great died of a fever in 323 BC, and the time of “Hellenism” was the 5th century; Plutarch’s Life of Alexander->all spoke Greek, Greek idea of honor and warrior culture. Maccabees were a Jewish rebel army who liberated Judea from the rule of the Seleucid empire. They founded the Hasmonean dynasty, which ruled from 164 BCE to 63 BCE, reasserting the Jewish religion, expanding the boundaries of Judea and reducing the influence of Hellenism.
The earliest known form of writing, invented by the Sumerians around 3,000 BC, from the latin words, cuneus (wedge) and forma (shape). The wedge-shaped symbols were drawn or impressed on soft clay tablets. Continued to be used for the next 3 thousand years. Around 5,000 BC, Near East had devised simple methods for writing down, but cuneiform was the first full-blown language. This led to better business, because now people could keep track of merchandise, simple management. Spread to the Hittite empire. Signs became simpler over time; important because it let literature and setting up schools possible(originally for scribes)
“Father of History”; wrote history; he traveled to Babylon, Egypt, and North Africa. Was a scholarly author. Told the history from his perspective, but he keeps it non-prejudiced. Wasn’t always factual; wrote first surviving work of historical writing in the western tradition; 484-420 BC; chronicled chief events of his time period, migrated from Ionia to Athens during time of pericles, also first historian, most detailed account of Persian wars
Aristophane- comedy; anti-war message->used a different perspective of showing anti-war rather than the blood and violence. Comes from the Dionysus festival-> three tragedies and the one ‘satyr’ comedy. 411 BC; Battle of Sicily in 415-413BC->popular opinion of war differs; women decide to abstain from sex with their husbands to negotiate peace, shows something about greek society, women in charge-comedic
early (2500-2950)- appearance of small towns in southern and eastern crete, whose inhabitants began to trade with Egypt and Mesopotamia->suddenly went to large urban centers such as Knossos; used hieroglyphic system (before Egyptians) and linear A script; equal status to women and men?; Late Minoan 1550-1100 BC->started to use Linear B -> early form of Greek; invade Knossos; precursors to Greek society; bronze age in Greece, replaced by mycenean peoples. In Crete. Cycladic. Named by arthus evans who discovered it in 1894. women important and bulls important
(servant of Aton) - Egyptian pharaoh 1340-34 BC; Amenhotep IV; attempted to reform Egyptian political and religious life; monotheistic->honor only aton-the disc of the sun; founded Akhetaton (200miles north of Thebes) with el-amarna as the Palace; Rejects Thebes’ Amen Ra; Amarna style-traditional Egyptian art made use of massive scale to portray its subjects in an idealized form. For the first time in Egyptian history, the artists of Akhenaten’s reign, produced naturalistic works; after his death, he was branded a heretic; first attempt of monotheism; Egypt had a non-changing civilization and no evolution, so a new idea was rejected; reason- priests were getting too much power
Semitic people; 1200-1000BC; splendid natural harbor; archives reveal commercial links with Egypt, the Hittites, and the Mycenaeans of mainland Greece; explored the ancient world and created colonies; technological advances in metalworking and shipbuilding; Greeks imitated their written language; overtaken by the Assyrians; trade routes/caravan routes throughout Africa used by Romans later. Carthage actual city, not just trade post
Indo-European Language
Hittite empire spoke this, migrated to India and around to Europe and gave way to most major languages of Europe, Sanskrit in India and other countries; important because base to many other languages. Common language that 3 others came out of. Similar like Greek and English is similar. Myceans in 200-1900 BCE spoke it. Share the language/similarities in language; migration in history.->5,000BCE
Derived from tradition and ritual; comedy-festivals, particularly Dionysian festivals; complement to tragedy: purpose to illustrate the frailty of human existence through exaggeration; written by men and played by men; festival to Dionysus included three tragedies and one comedy; became competitive. Dionysian festival in Athens. Started with choral rescucitation, then had actors, slowly evolved into play
Delian League
478BC) Athenians created the Delian League, a defense association to be ready for any future emergency; Aristides, Athenian general, assessed the financial payments, which were collected in a treasure on the island of Delos; treasure moved to the acropolis in Athens (454BC); cities could join by bringing people, ships, or wealth -> Athens was domination power with 200 ships; Naxos tried to leave in 469BC, but Athens blockaded Naxos and forces the islanders to surrender, then forced them to reenroll. -> Sparta tension->Pelopennesian war
Olympian Games
started in 776BC at Olympia, a sanctuary sacred to zeus; in 394 AD, Byzantine Emperor Theososius abolished them because of widespread cheating; it brought the Greek cities together peacefully to compete; reasserted the power of their city peacefully; still celebrate them today. Also became panhelenic instead of just Olympia; also poetry and tragedy
ruled from 1792-1750 BC; skilled at warfare and diplomacy; Babylon became a center for the arts and for mathematicians and astronomers; united the whole of Mesopotamia under his rule; uses religious propaganda; the law code->first attempt from a king to set up rules for his citizens; example-book->harsh punishment, most included death, torture and payment. ie: If you wrongly accused a man, you were put to death. The code showed Hammurabi’s view that honor was very important. i.e. women should jump in the water if accused of cheating on their husband. It was displayed for all to see.
a warrior citizens of the middle class; at first only upper class could afford a horse; change -> hoplite foot soldiers that walked 8 in a row called phalanx -> revolutionized because now middle class could join in military forces -> led to demand for a say in political affairs. Alexander used this method to overthrow the Persians.
Itinerant teachers in ancient Greece, who debated the skills of rhetoric and the qualities needed for success in political life; 5th century BC; Socrates and Plato attacked them for taking fees; taught skepticism about law morality and knowledge; concentrated on how to win arguments regardless of truth -> start of reason -> men thinking (philosophy); tutors to people (deal in knowledge)
popular form of Greek; *ancestor of modern greek, becomes common dialect of Hellenistic Greece. Greek seen in st.Mark;
the chief meeting place or marketplace in an ancient Greek city (Hellanistic time frame); classical Greece, when philosophy really comes into play. Intellectual life of Greece happened there. Had an urban setting. Public sphere. In Athens the stoa is famous. Was outside. Also social life occurred there. Where philosophers like Aristotle and plato would give their speeches with their pupils (or have debates); Sophocles debated here with anyone who would listen; political meeting-surrounded by political buildings; sacred place; 8th-5th BCE
The gradual spread of Jews throughout many parts of the ancient world. The term is still used for Jews living outside Israel. Today used to describe the dispersal of peoples around the globe; when the Jews were expelled to Babylonia; 586BC; connective culture but spread around. Meaning the culture was all over the place, spread across ancient world (Hebrews)
Macedonian; wanted to order and classify the visible world; student of Plato; laid the foundations of Western philosophy; broke off from Plato in 335BC and founded a rival institution, the lyceum; aimed to systematize and classify just about every aspect of human knowledge; theological belief where he defines God as “thought thinking of itself; and the “unmoved mover”; considered the most important human sciences to be ethics and politics; books: poetics; De Anima; Rhetoric; physics;his teachings translated into Latin in the Middle Ages and became the basis of Christian Philosophy; Christian teachings is still the official philosophical position of the Roman Catholic Church
Linear B
a syllabic script used in Mycenean Greek documents chiefly from Crete and Pylos, mainly from the 14th to 12th century; oldest Greek Dialect; used for economic purposes; took from Phoenicians-their enemies; translated
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