Marcellinus - Description of the fatal battle that led to the invasion of Germanic tribes - Fall of Roman Empire - Last in a long line of Roman historians - Participated in many battles - Descriptions of the losses for the Romans and the death of important Romans and the emperor and tribunes |
Procopius - Historian - Lawyer - Describing fans of two teams chariot racing (the greens and the blues) - Life in the capital - Idea of fashion worn in sports - Players would often rob members of the upper class - Ambition for power |
The Koran - Eternal creation of god from the prophet Mohammaed - Direct word of god - Mixed message of religious text - Explains to muslims the correct attitude to adopt to Jews and Christians - Do not fear man, but fear god - Everyone has a path - Many are evil doers |
The Koran - Prophets of past - God’s will - Mixed message of religious text - Muslims believe in Mary and Jesus as a prophet, but not the son of god |
The Koran - Insight on role of Jesus in Islamic understanding of God’s dealing with the human race - Jesus is a prophet - Thoughts on whether Jesus died or didn’t - Revealed everything to all prophets after Noah - Jesus gave them the prophet Mohammed |
Gregory of Tours - Best know historians of his time - Presided over tours and nearby cities - Most important source of history for the Frankish kingdoms - Historical accuracy - Clovis I was the founder of the Frankish kingdoms - Paganism to Christianity with wife, became catholic - Ensured Rome’s eventual triumph in the Germanic kingdoms - How he met his wife - Attempts to get Clovis to believe in “true god” Christianity |
Einhard - Einhard’s most famous work - Descriptions of Charlemagne’s character and habits as well as devotion to learning - Tells story of his crowning as emperor of Rome - Charlemagne’s wives - Always with his children, could not live without them - Queen Fastrada was a total bitch - He was a good, welcoming man - Great speaker |
William of Tyre - Politician and archbishop - Wrote history of medieval Palestine - Extremely valuable account of the crusades - Religious, military, and political causes for the crusading failures in the holy land - Looking to god for aid - Those from the east were well trained in battle - Almost every city had its own ruler - Read over again, confusing story |
An Arab Opinion of the Crusades |
Usama Ubn Munqidh - Muslim warrior and politician - Famous for descriptions of franks - Counterpoint to Christian accounts - Able to not slander the Christians |
Proofs of God’s Existence |
Aquinas - Greatest Theologian of Medieval Catholic Church - Thomism - Reconcile the teachings of the best pagan philosophers - Those who maintain God’s existence cannot be proved rationally or can be know from faith alone |
Church and State Compromise over the Investiture Issue |
Pope Calixtus II and Emperor Henry V - Converted the bishop of Roman from a spiritual authority to a temporal power - Rivaled the holy roman empire and competed with kings and princes to exercise authority - Universal jurisdiction - Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV struggle for power - Emperor refused to give up right to elect bishops o Feudal inferiors were the bishops - Permitted to be present at elections and to receive homage from bishops - Allowed to veto over election of bishops - Church had right to elect own officials |
Boccaccio - Greatest writers of Italian renaissance - Poet and writer - In Florence he witness the black death first hand - From the view of people seeking refuge from plague (noble men and women) - Descriptions of what different people did during the plague - What they did with the dead |
The English Peasants’ Revolt |
Froissart - Poet, scholar, and author - Historian of Hundred Years war - Travelled extensively in Britain - Covers the hundred years war as well as events that occurred in England and the European continent - Very detailed - First great war journalist - Attention to the problems of the peasants even though he sides with the king |