Shared Flashcard Set


Historical Background to Diary
6th Grade

Additional English Flashcards




How WW1 started?
WW1 started because first Serbia assassinated an ambassador from Austria-Hungary so Austria sent an ultinum on Serbia. Serbia declined the offer because they said we didn't do it the Serbian Nationalist did. Austria got mad because of there offer, so they declared on Serbia. But since Serbia had allies which are Russia, Russia also started to have war with Austria. Austria also had allies which are Germany so instead Germany delcared war against Russia not Serbia because Serbia is a small country. Russia had allies which are France and France had allies which are Britain, So all three of these countries started to have war on Germany. United States later joined there teamed because at first they were neutral but later American ships were sank and American lives were lost so they declared war. So This whole war is WW1.
Dates of World War 1
August 1914: Germany declared war on
France. WWI had begun.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated: June 28, 1914
1 August 1914: Germany declared war on Russsia
4 August 1914: Britain declares was on Germany.
11 November 1918: It ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty which officially ended World War I between the Allied and Central Powers and the German Empire. After six months of negotiations, which took place at the Paris Peace Conference, the treaty was signed as a follow-up to the armistice signed in November 11, 1918 in the Compiègne Forest
39,000,000 people died after the war.
9,000,000 of the people who died are soldiers who fought in war.
What happened after the war?
After the war, Adolf Hitler took control. Because of this millions of Jews died because he wanted everyone to believe in his religon and he thought the Jews were part of the responsibility of this war.
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