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HIST 259 FA 17 ID/Essay
UIUC HIST 259 w/ Prof. Ali
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Algerian War of Independence
The Algerian War for independence was fought between 1945 and 1962. It was a struggle for power between white settler-colonials and nationalists. The significance of this event was that it showed how much the French valued their colonies and that they would stop at nothing to hold power.
Ayotollah Khomenei
Khomeni was the leader of Islamic Iran for 10 years. He was significant because he inspired the Iranian Revolution and helped show that it was Islamic, not leftist.
Bandung Confrence
The Bandung Conference was held in Indonesia as a meeting for 29 newly decolonized nations of the world to convene. This was significant because it was the first time that the nations of the third world were able to stand in solidarity. They also unilaterally declared a set of principles to abide by.
Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale was when Cuban Forces defeated South African ones and was a turning point in the Angolan Conflict. It was referred to as the "African Stalingrad". The significance of this is that it showed Cuba's role in helping topple South African apartheid and was a decisive moment.
Charu Majumdar
Charu Majumdar was a Maoist revolutionary from India. He was significant because he helped with the Naxilite Movement, and was considered "more Maoist than Mao"
Cheddi Jagan
Cheddi Jagan was a member of the PPP party in Guiana. He was considered a communist by the United States for simply mentioning Soviet Aid. He is significant because it showed how much the United States feared potential communist leaders and the drastic actions they would take for even minor Soviet collaboration.
The End of History
The end of history was an article written by Francis Fukuyama showcasing how liberal democracy was the best system of government. It was significant because it showed the sentiment of "invincibility" of liberal capitalism following the fall of the USSR
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba from the 1950s to 2017 and a communinist revolutionary. His significance was that he aided in ending apertheid even as a non-superpower. He also caused the US to be fearful of a communist government on their steps.
Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia
The Japanese Occupation was when the Japanese swept through all of Southeast Asia and took control of European Colonies. They also gave some degree of autonomy there. This was significant because it enabled leaders like Ho Chi Minh to rise up and declare independence against the European powers.
Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru was the first leader of independent India. He was significant because he helped guide India through its independence process, including attending the Bandung Conference.
Julius Nyerere
Nyerere was the first president of Tanzania. He was significant because he helped implement the idea of Maoism in Tanzania with the Ujamaa program.
Kenyan “Emergency”
The Kenyan “Emergency” was the British Definition of the Mau Mau Rebellion that happened in Kenya. There was a conflict between the natives and the white settler-colonials living in the colony. The conflict was significant because it showed how much the British wanted to hold onto their colonies, and the measures they would take to hold that power.
Kwame Nkrumah
Nkrumah was the first leader of Ghana. He was significant because he advocated for pan-Africanism and was the leader during a peaceful decolonization process.
Little Rock “incident,” 1957
The Little Rock incident was where a black student was barred from entering a US school on grounds of race. Eisenhower sent in federal troops to escort them into the school. This is significant because it caused an international response from the countries of the third world and portrayed the United States as hypocrites.
Mao’s Theory of the Mass Line
The mass line theory was the idea that the government should reflect the masses. This is significant because it was the first time an alternative like this was offered. Both the USSR and the USA were built on "top-down" leadership, while Maoist was "bottom-up".
Mao’s Three Worlds Theory
Mao's Three Worlds theory was the idea that put BOTH the USSR and the USA into the first world, its allies (ex: Germany) into the second world, and the third world as the oppressed nations. This was significant because it caused third world nations to relate to this and because it was the first time the USA and USSR were grouped together.
National liberation
National liberation is the viewpoint that a colony fought for their rights to freedom from the European Powers. This was significant because it gave rise to nationalism in those countries and served as a counter to Euorpe's claims that they left voluntarily.
New International Economic Order
The New International Economic Order was the demand for a global wealth redistribution to help the third countries out. This was significant because it gave the United States a reason to prevent the third world from meeting as they feared it would "turn communist".
Osama Bin Laden
Osama Bin Laden the leader/founder of Al Qaeda, and was responsible for orchestrating terrorist attacks on 9/11/01. He was significant because he put an end to the optimism of the 1990s and put the US into costly wars.
Patrice Lumumba
Patrice Lumumba was the leader of a part of the Congo after the Belgians left. He was declared a soviet sympathizer by the United States. This is significant because the United States knowingly sponsored his assassination based on the fact that he asked for Soviet Grain. It showed the extreme lengths that the United States would go to in the name of preventing communism.
Partition was the concept of dividing up a colony into sub territories, such as what happened between India and Pakistan. This was significant because it showed how the European powers were desperate to quickly leave, and the copious amounts of violence that often accompanied the process.
Planned decolonization
Planned decolonization was the point of view that the European Powers left the colonies on their own accord. This was significant because it gave rise to elements such as partition, which led to violence.
Rogue States
A rogue state was a designation the western world came up with for countries that disagreed with their philosophy, which typically resulted in sanctions. This was significant because it showed how the west saw themselves as invincible after the fall of the USSR and the measures that they would make to get people on their side.
Sharpeville Massacre
The Sharpeville Massacre was when the South African police killed anti-apartheid protesters. This was significant because it showed how brutal South Africa was willing to be. America also refused to take a stand against this, and it showed how they were willing to take cold war policies (uranium deal) over the morally right thing.
The Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis was the incident where Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, which caused the British, French and Israelis to invade Egypt. The United States stepped in and told them to “back off” because they didn’t want the west to be seen as hypocrites for criticizing Soviet crackdown of Hungary. This was significant because it showed how the United States now had the power over European powers.
Strategic Island Concept
The Strategic Island Concept was the idea that the United States needed island bases in the ocean such as Diego Garcia and the Azores in order to have a quick response to the Soviet Union. This was significant because it showed the brutality and compromises the US was willing to make to stop communism. They fully evacuated an island (Diego Garcia) and allowed Portugal to hold onto their empire for much longer than other powers (Azores).
Sukarno was the leader of Indonesia that unilaterally declared independence from the Dutch. When the Dutch fought back, the United States intervened and told the Dutch to “back off” because Sukarno established himself as an anti-communist. He was significant because he showed the world that choosing to be pro-west would mean that the United States would assist you in your independence battle.
South African Apartheid
South African Apartheid was the a system of segregation implemented by the African National Party. The United States were also allies of South Africa. This was significant because they showed the hypocrisy of the United States while they were fighting for equality elsewhere and showed their want for cold war alliances with crucial powers (South Africa had uranium).
Ujamaa was a development program launched by Tanzanian President Nyerere. It was inspired by Chairman Mao's philosophy and was a state ideology that focused on agriculture and rural areas. It was significant because it showed the extent of Mao's philosophy and how it spread through the third world.
War on Terror
The war on terror launched by President Bush after 9/11 in hopes of shutting down terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda. This was significant because it marked the end to the monopoly on power the US had after the 1990s and brought America back to Soviet-era military spending.
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