Suppose R is a system satisfying all the conditions for a ring with unit element, with the possible exception of a + b = b + a. Prove that the axiom a + b = b + a must hold in R and that R is thus a ring.
Let R be as stated above and let a and b be arbitrary members of R.
a + a + b + b
= a(1) + a(1) + b(1) + b(1) (as R has unit element 1)
= a(1 + 1) + b(1 + 1) (by left distributivity)
= (a + b) (1 + 1) (by right distributivity)
= (a + b)1 + (a + b)1 (by left distributivity)
= a + b + a + b (as 1 is the unit element).
We've established that a + a + b + b = a + b + a + b.
Now, since (R, +) is a group, we may cancel the leading a from each side and the trailing b from each side (Lemma 2.3.2) to obtain
a + b = b +a.
Thus is it established that commutativity holds in (R, +). Since R satisfies all the other axioms of a ring, R is a ring.
a+b + a+b
= (a+b)1 + (a+b)1 ( since R has unit element 1)
= (a+b)(1+1) ( by left dist.)
= a(1+1) + b(1+1) ( by right dist.)
= a(1) +a(1) + b(1) +b(1) (by left dist.)
= a+a+b+b
From a + b + a + b = a + a + b + b we obtain b +
b) Suppose that R satisfies the ring axioms with the possible exception of a+b = b+a. Further suppose
R= {0} or ∃c≠0 ∈ R not a zero divisor. * (i.e. call this property *).
We'll show a+b= b+a holds ∀ a,b ∈ R. (Thus R is a ring.)
Case: R = {0}. Then a+b = 0+0 = b+a.
Case: R ≠ {0}. Then, ∃c≠0 ∈ R with cx≠0, ∀x≠0 ∈ R.
Further... cx = cy → c(x-y) = 0 --> x-y = 0 --> x=y.
i.e. c, as a factor, can be canceled.
Now ∀a,b ∈ R...
cb + ca +cb + ca
= c(b+a) + c(b+a) (by l. dist.)
= (c + c)(b+a) (by r. dist.)
= (c+c)b + (c+c)a (by l. dist.)
= cb +cb +ca +ca (by r. dist.)
→ ca + cb = cb + ca (by cancel. prop of +).
→ c(a+b) = c(b+a) (by left dist.)
→ a+b = b+a (by cancelation prop. of c).
Corollary: Let 1∈R and R satisfy the ring axioms,
with the possible exception of a+b = b+a.
Then a+b= b+a holds in R.
Case: R = {0}. Then * holds. (Note: here 1 = 0.)
Case R ≠ {0}. Then 1≠0 and 1 is never a zero divisor (because 1x = 0 --> x = 0), so again * holds.
Thus a+b = b+a , ∀ a,b ∈ R.
Note: We can't replace a+b = b+a by *.
For example non trivial rings with trivial multiplication are commutative for + but don't satisfy *.
So axioms with * --> Ring but Ring -/-> axioms with *.