Shared Flashcard Set


Health Assessment Abdomen
for quiz
Undergraduate 3

Additional Nursing Flashcards





The nurse is percussing the seventh right intercostal space at the midclavicular line over the liver.  Which sound should the nurse expect to hear?

a) dullness

b) tympany

c) resonance

d) hyperresonance


Answer:  a) dullness



The liver is located in the right upper quadrant and would elicit a dull percussion note.


Which structure is located in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen?


a) liver

b) duodenum

c) gall bladder

d_ Sigmoid colon


Answer: d) sigmoid colon




A patient is having difficulty in swallowing medications and food.  The nurse would document that this patient has:


a) aphasia

b) dysphasia

c) dysphagia

d) anorexia


Answer: c) dysphagia


Dysphagia is a condition that occurs with disorders of the throat or esophagus and results in difficulty swallowing.  Aphasia and dysphasia are speech disorders.  Anorexia is a loss of appetite.


The nurse suspects that a patient has a distended bladder.  How should the nurse assess for this condition?


a) percuss and palpate in the lumbar region

b) inspect and palpate in the epigastric region

c) auscultate and percuss in the inguinal region

d) percuss and palpate the midline area above the suprapubic bone


Answer:  d) percuss and palpate the midline area above the suprapubic bone.


Dull percussion sounds would be elicited over a distended bladder, and the hypogastric area would seem firm to palpation.


The nurse is aware that one change that may occur in the gastrointestinal system of an aging adult is:


a) increased salivation

b) increased liver size

c) increased esophageal emptying

d) decreased gastric acid secretion


Answer:  d) decreased gastric acid secretion



Gastric acid decreases with aging.  As one ages, salivation decreases, esophageal emptying is delayed, and liver size decreases.


A 22-year-old man comes to the clinic for an examination after falling off his motorcycle and landing on his left side on the handlebars.  The nurse suspects he may have injured his spleen.  Which of these statements is true regarding assessment of the spleen in this situation?


a) The spleen can be enlarged as a result of trauma

b) The spleen is normally felt upon routine palpation

c) If an enlarged spleen is noticed, then the nurse should palpate thoroughly to determine size

d) An enlarged spleen should not be palpated because it can rupture easily.


Answer:  d) an enlarged spleen should not be palpated because it can rupture easily


If an enlarged spleen is felt, then the nurse should refer the person but should not continue to palpate it.  An enlarged spleen is friable and can rupture easily with overpalpation.


A patient's abdomen is bulging and stretched in appearance.  The nurse should describe this finding as:


a) obese

b) herniated

c) scaphoid

d) protuberant


Answer:  d) protuberant


a protuberant abdomen is rounded, bulging, stretched.  A scaphoid abdomen caves inward.


The nurse is describing a scaphoid abdomen.  To the horizontal plane, a scaphoid contour of the abdomen depicts a ______ profile.


a) flat

b) convex

c) bulging

d) concave


Answer: d) concave


Contour describes the profile of the abdomen from the rib margin to the pubic bone; a scaphoid contour is one that is concave from a horizontal plane


While examining a patient, the nurse observes abdominal pulsations between the xiphoid and umbilicus.  The nurse would expect that these are:


a) pulsations of the renal arteries

b) pulsations of the inferior vena cava

c) normal abdominal aortic pulsations

d) increased peristalsis from a bowel obstruction


Answer: c) normal abdominal aortic pulsations




A patient has hypoactive bowel sounds.  The nurse knows that a potential cause of hypoactive bowel sounds is:


a) diarrhea

b) peritonitis

c) laxative use

d) gastroenteritis


Answer:  b) peritonitis


Diminished or absent bowel sounds signal decreased motility from inflammation as seen with peritonitis, with paralytic ileus after abdominal surgery or with late bowel obstruction


The nurse is watching a new graduate nurse perform auscultation of a patient's abdomen.  Which statement by the new graduate shows a correct understanding of the reason auscultation precedes percussion and palpation of the abdomen?


a) We need to determine areas of tenderness before using percussion and palpation.

b) It prevents distortion of bowel sounds that might occur after percussion and palpation.

c) It allows the patient more time to relax and therefore be more comfortable with physical examination.

d) This prevents distortion of vascular sounds such as bruits and hums that might occur after percussion and palpation.


Answer:b) It prevents distortion of bowel sounds that might occur after percussion and palpation.


percussion and palpation can increase peristalsis which would give a false interpretation of bowel sounds.


The nurse is listening to bowel sounds.  Which of these statements is true of bowel sounds?


a) They are usually loud, high pitched, rushing, tinkling sounds

b) They are usually high pitched, gurgling, irregular sounds

c) They sound like two pieces of leather being rubbed together

d) they originate from the movement of air and fluid through the large intestine


Answer: b) they are usually high pitched, gurgling, irregular sounds





The physician comments that a patient has abdominal borborygmi.  The nurse knows that this term refers to


a) a loud continuous hum

b) a peritoneal friction rub

c) hypoactive bowel sounds

d) hyperactive bowel sounds


d) hyperactive bowel sounds



Borborygmi is the term used for hyperperistalsis when the person actually feels his or her stomach growling


During an abdominal assessment, the nurse would consider which of these findings as normal?


a) the presence of a bruit in the femoral area

b) a tympanic percussion note in the umbilical region

c)a palpable spleen between the ninth and eleventh ribs in the left midaxillary line

d) a dull percussion note in the left upper quadrant at the midclavicular line


b) a tympanic percussion note in the umbilical region



tympany should predominate all four quadrants of the abdomen because air in the intestines rises to the surface when the person is supine.  Vascular bruits are usually not present.  Normally the spleen is not palpable.  Dullness would not be found in the area of the lung resonance.


The nurse is assessing the abdomen of a pregnant woman who is complaining of having "acid indigestion" all the time.  The nurse knows that esophageal reflux during pregnancy can cause:


a) diarrhea

b) pyrosis

c) dysphagia

d) constipation


b) pyrosis


Pyrosis or heartburn is caused by esophageal reflux during pregnancy.


The nurse is performing percussion during an abdominal assessment.  Percussion notes heard during the abdominal assessment may include:


a) flatness, resonance, and dullness

b) resonance, dullness, and tympany

c) tympany, hyperresonance, and dullness

d) resonance, hyperresonance, and flatness


c) tympany, hyperresonance, and dullness


Percussion notes may include tympany, which should predominate  because air in the intestines rises to the surface when the person is supine; hyperrresonance, which may be present with gaseous distention, and dul


An older patient has been diagnosed with pernicious anemia.  The nurse knows that this condition could be related to:


a) increased gastric acid secretion

b) decreased gastric acid secretion

c) delayed gastrointestinal emptying time

d) increased gastrointestinal emptying time


b) decreased gastric acid secretion


This may cause pernicious anemia( because it interferes with vitamin B12 absorption), iron deficiency anemia, and malabsorption of calcium


A patient is complaining of a sharp pain along the costovertebral angles.  The nurse knows that this symptom is most often indicative of:


a) ovary infection

b) liver enlargement

c) kidney inflammation

d) spleen enlargement


c) kidney inflammation




A nurse notices that a patient has ascities, which indicates the presence of:


a) fluid

b) feces

c) flatus

d) fibroid tumors


a) fluid


Ascites is free fluid in the peritoneal cavity, and occurs with heart failure, portal hypertension, cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and cancer


The nurse knows that during an abdominal assessment, deep palpation is used to determine:


a) bowel motility

b) enlarged organs

c) superficial tenderness

d) overall impression of skin surface and superficial musculature


b) enlarged organs


with deep palpation, the nurse should notice the location, size, consistency and mobility of any palpable organs and the presence of any abnormal enlargement, tenderness, or masses


The nurse notices that a patient has had a black, tarry stool and recalls that a possible cause would be:


a) gall bladder disease

b) overuse of laxatives

c) gastrointestinal bleeding

d) localized bleeding around the anus

c) gastrointestinal bleeding

During an abdominal assessment, the nurse elicits tenderness on light palpation in the right lower quadrant.  The nurse interprets that this finding could indicate a disorder of which of these structures?


a) spleen

b) sigmoid

c) appendix

d) gallbladder

c) appendix

The nurse is assessing the abdomen of an aging adult.  Which of these statements regarding the aging adult and abdominal assessment is true?


a) the abdominal tone is increased

b) the abdominal musculature is thinner

c) abdominal rigidity with acute abdominal conditions is more common

d)the aging person complains of more pain with an acute abdominal condition than a younger person would

b) the abdominal musculature is thinner

During an assessment of a newborn infant, the nurse recalls that pyloric stenosis would be manifested by:


a) projectile vomiting

b) hypoactive bowel activity

c) palpable olive-sized mass in right lower quadrant

d) pronounced peristaltic waves crossing from right to left


a) projectile vomiting


Marked peristalsis together with projectile vomiting in the newborn suggests pyloric stenosis.  After feeding pronounced peristaltic waves cross from left to right, leading to projectile vomiting.  One can also palpate an olive-sized mass in the right upper quadrant.


To detect diastasis recti, the nurse should have the patient perform which of these maneuvers?


a) relax in the supine position

b) raise the arms inthe left lateral position

c) raise the arms over the head while supine

d) raise the head while remaining supine


d) raise the head while remaining supine


diastasis recti is a separation of the abdominal rectus muscles, which can occur congenitally, as a result of pregnancy, or from marked obesity.   This is assessed by having the patient raise the head while remaining supine.


The nurse is reviewing the assessment of an aortic aneurysm.  Which of these statements is true regarding an aortic aneurysm?


a) a bruit is absent

b) femoral pulses are increased

c) a pulsating mass is usually present

d) most are located below the umbilicus


c) a pulsating mass is usually present




During an abdominal assessment, the nurse is unable to hear bowel sounds in a patient's abdomen.  Before reporting this finding as "silent bowel sounds" the nurse should listen for at least


a) 1 minute

b) 5 minutes

c) 10 minutes

d) 2 minutes in each quadrant


b) 5 minutes


absent bowel sounds are rare.  The nurse must listen for five minutes before deciding bowel sounds are completely absent


A patient is suspected of having inflammation of the gallbladder, or cholecystitis.  The nurse should conduct which of these techniques to assess for this condition?


a) obturator test

b) test for murphy's sign

c) assess for rebound tenderness

d) Iliopsoas muscle test


b) test for Murphy's sign


Normally, palpating the liver causes no pain.  In a person with inflammation of the gallbladder, or cholecystitis, pain occurs as the descending liver pushes the inflamed gallbladder onto the examining hand inspiration (Murphy's test).  The person feels sharp pain and abruptly stops inspiration midway.


Just before going home, a new mother asks the nurse about the infant's umbilical cord.  Which of these statements is correct?


a) It should fall off by 10 to 14 days.

b) It will soften before it falls off.

c) It contains two veins and one artery.

d) skin will cover the area within 1 week


a) It should fall off by 10 to 14 days.



Skin will cover area by 3 to 4 weeks


Which of these percussion findings would the nurse expect to find in a patient with a large amount of ascites?


a) dullness across the abdomen

b) flatness in the right upper quadrant

c) hyperresonance in the left upper quadrant

d) tympany in the right and left lower quadrants

a) dullness across the abdomen

A 40-year-old man states that his physician told him that he has a hernia.  He asks the nurse to explain what a hernia is.  Which response by the nurse is appropriate?


a) No need to worry.  Most men your age develop hernias.

b) a hernia is a loop of bowel protruding through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles

c) this hernia is a result of prenatal growth abnormalities that are just now causing problems

d) I'll have to have your physician explain it to you

b) a hernia is a loop of bowel protruding through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles

A 45-year-old man is in the clinic for a physical examination.  During the abdominal assessment, the nurse percusses the abdomen and notices an area of dullness above the right costal margin of about 10 cm.  The nurse should:


a) document the presence of hepatomegaly

b) ask additional history questions regarding his alcohol intake

c) describe this as an enlarged liver and refer him to a physician

d) consider this a normal finding and proceed with the examination

d) consider this a normal finding and proceed with the examination

When palpating the abdomen of a 20-year-old patient, the nurse notices the presence of tenderness in the left upper quadrant with deep palpation.  Which of these structures is most likely to be involved?


a) spleen

b) sigmoid colon

c) appendix

d) gallbladder

a) spleen

The nurse is reviewing statistics for lactose intolerance.  In the United States, the incidence of lactose intolerance is higher in adults of which ethnic group?


a) African-Americans

b) Hispanics

c) Whites

d) Asians


a) African Americans



A recent study found lactose intolerance prevalence estimates as follows:  19.5% African Americans; 10% for Hispanics; and 7.72% for whites


The nurse is assessing a patient for possible peptic ulcer disease and knows that which condition often causes this problem?


a) hypertension

b) streptococcus infections

c) history of constipation and frequent laxative use

d) frequent use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs


d) frequent use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs


Peptic ulcer disease occurs with frequent use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, alcohol use, smoking, and Helicobacter pylori infection


During report, the student nurse hears that a patient has hepatomegaly and recognizes that this term refers to


a) an enlarged liver

b) an enlarged spleen

c) distended bowel

d) excessive diarrhea


a) enlarged liver


splenomegaly refers to an enlarged spleen


During an assessment the nurse notices that a patient's umbilicus is enlarged and everted.  It is midline, and there is no change in skin color.  The nurse recognizes that the patient may have which condition?


a) intra-abdominal bleeding

b) constipation

c) umbilical hernia

d) an abdominal tumor

c) umbilical hernia

During an abdominal assessment, the nurse tests for a fluid wave.  A postitive fluid wave test occurs with:


a) splenomegaly

b) distended bladder

c) constipation

d) ascites

d) ascites

The nurse is preparing to examine a patient who has been complaining a right lower quadrant pain.  Which technique is correct during the assessment?  The nurse should:


a) examine the tender area first

b) examine the tender area last

c) avoid palpating the tender area

d) palpate the tender area first and then auscultate for bowel sounds

b) examine the tender area last

During a health history, the patient tells the nurse, "I have pain all the time in my stomach.  It's worse two hours after I eat, but it gets better if I eat again!"  The nurse suspects that the patient has which condition , based on these symptoms?


a) appendicitis

b) gastric ulcer

c) duodenal ulcer

d) cholecystitis

c) duodenal ulcer

The nurse suspects that a patient has appendicitis.  Which of these procedures are appropriate for use when assessing for appendicitis or a perforated appendix?  Select all that apply.

a) test for Murphy's sign

b) Test for Blumberg's sign

c) Test for shifting dullness

d) Perform iliopsoas muscle test

e) test for fluid wave


b) test for Blumberg's sign

d) perform iliopsoas muscle test


Testing for Blumberg's sign ( rebound tenderness) and performing the iliopsoas muscle test should be used to assess for appendicitis.  Murphy's sign is used to assess for inflamed gallbladder or cholecystitis.  Testing for a fluid wave and shifting dullness is done to assess for ascites.

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