Shared Flashcard Set


Hamlet Act III
hamlet act III
12th Grade

Additional English Flashcards




A. 1st scene summary
Enter K, Q, P, O, R, G
Exit R&G

K=king claudius
Q=queen gertrude
P= player
PQ=Player queen
PK=Player King
-The K asks R and G if they know why Ham is mad.
-R says that he admits that he is distracted but won't speak the cause. G says that he tries to avoid why and with a crafty madness keeps aloof.
-Q asks if Ham received them well and R said "like a gentleman" but G said with "much forcing."
-R said that Ham was "niggard of question" and that Ham got joy from the players.
-Pol said that Ham wants K and Q to attend the play and the K gladly agrees.
-K tells R and G to drive Ham's "purpose into these delights"
B. 1st scene Summary
K, Q,P,O present
Exit Q
-K asks Q to leave so that he can use O to act out his plan.
-Q says she will obey and hopes O is the cause of Ham's madness and that O will restore him
-O says that she wishes it may
C. 1st scene Summary
K, P, O Present
Exit K and P
-Pol tells O to pretend to read a book and that "pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself"
-King says that it's true to himself and says that his words are "most painted".
-Pol says he hears Ham coming.
D. 1st Scene Summary
Present O
Enter Ham
Exit Ham
-Ham does his "to be or not to be" soliloquy where he talks about the "undiscovered country." He notices O.
-O asks how he has been and he says "well."
-O tries to return remembrances an Ham said he never gave her any but she said that he knows he did.
-Ham asks if she is honest and fair and O says yes. Ham said that beauty easily corrupts chastity and that he loved her once.
-O said that he made her believe so but than ham said that he loved her not.
-O said she was deceived and Ham tells her to get to a nunnery. Ham then asks where her father is and she lies.
-Ham gets angry and says to let the doors shut upon Pol.
-O thinks Ham is crazy and Ham says the women make cuckolds out of men and thaty they are two faced.
E. 1st Scene Summary
O Present
Enter P and K
-O laments about how mad Ham is

-K says that Hams affections do not tend to love but that something else is bothering him. K says he will send Ham to england to cure him of his obsession.
-Pol still thinks Ham's madness is from neglected love and suggests that K send Ham to the queen before he decides to send him to england.
-K agrees and says madness should not go unwatched.
A. 2nd Scene Summary
Enter Ham and P's
Exit P
Ham tells the P not to overdo his acting -or to be too tame.
-P hopes he can have everything undercontrol
-Ham says that they should reform it completely and that they should get ready.
B. 2nd scene summary
Present Ham
Enter P, R, and G
Exit Pol
Exit R and G
Enter Hor
-Ham asks if the king will hear the play and pol says that K and Q will hear it.
-Ham tells pol to tell the players to make haste

Ham tells R and G to help, R says "ay"

-Ham calls Hor and tells Hor that he is as just a man and Hor says "Oh, my dear lord!"
-Ham tells him not to be flattered because poor people have nothing to give
-Ham tells Hor to watch K during the play
-Hor agrees and Ham tell him to get to his place
C 2nd scene summary
Present Ham, Hor
Enter K, Q, P, O, R, G, and others
ham said excellent eating a chameleon's dish.
-K says that this answer is not his
-Ham asks Pol about his acting as Julius and calls Brutus a brute.
-Ham asks if the players are ready and R says Yes.
-Q asks if Ham will sit with her but he goes to attractive metal, O.
-Pol points this out to K.
-Ham asks if he can lie on her lap but she thinks something else.
-O asks if He feels merry and he points out how happy is mother is after his father dies just 2 hours ago
-O corrects him and says 4 months ago and Ham says "so long?" and that maybe a great man can be remembered six months after he dies.
-the dumb show begins and they actors leave
-Hamlet answers O's questions and guides her.
-enter prologue and Ham says that the players will tell all and makes a joke about O.
-O says he is "naught"
-The prologue is short and it exits.
-Ham says it is short like a posy or woman's love
D 2nd Scene summary
presen ham, hor, k, q, p, o, r, g, others
Enter PK and PQ
exit PQ
-PK talks about his marriage . PQ says "so many journeys" and worries about the king
-PK says he will leave her before PQ says not do confound the rest.
-PQ says people marry twice for bad reasons and that she won't
-PK says that he beleives what she says but that she will change.
-PK tells her that he feels tired and will take a nap
E 2nd scene summary
present PK, PQ, and everyone else
Enter lucianus
exit everyone except Ham and Hor
-Ham asks his mom about the play and she said that the lady protests too much.
-The king asks if it is offensive but Ham says no and that it is called the Mousetrap

-O compliments Ham saying he is as good as a chorus
-Ham said he could interpret O and her lover.
-O says that Ham is better still and worse
-Ham says that woman trick husbands and gets mad at Lucianus for making faces
-Lucianus talks about his poison and kill the PK
-The king gets up and asks for the lights
F 2nd scene summary
Present Ham and Hor
Enter R and G
Enter players
Enter polonius
Exit polonius
Exit all but Ham
Ham asks if the Hor saw the K and Hor said he did

G says asks if Ha will talk with him and says that the king is mad
-Ham tells G that the should have called a doctor
-G tells Ham that Q wants to see him
and Ham says "you are welcome" but G said that that is not a wholesome answer
-Ham said he can't and R asks what. Ham says he can't give a wholesome answer
-R says that ham's behavior amazed the Q and that she desires to speak to Ham
-R asks if ham loves him and Ham says yes so R asks him what is wrong.
-Ham says that he lacks advancement.

-players come in with recorders and Ham asks G to play something but G said he can't
-Ham said that G would play him easier than a pipe

-Pol comes in and tells Ham that the Q wants him
-Ham talks about clouds with Pol and decides to come to his mother in a while
-Pol says that he will tell his mom

-Ham asks everyone to leave
G 2nd scene summary
Present Hamlet
-Ham says that it is night time now and that he will not hurt his mother but will use his words like daggers.
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