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Additional Biochemistry Flashcards




SGLT transporter

Na+ dependent

intestinal epithelial cells

GLUT-1 transporter

Na+ independent

RBC, blood-brain barrier

GLUT-2 transporter

Na+ independent

pancreas, liver, kidney

GLUT-3 transporter

Na+ independent

neurons (after crossing blood-brain barrier)

GLUT-4 transporter

Na+ independent

muscle & adipose tissue INSULIN regulated

glycolysis function
convert glucose to pyruvate
glycolysis input and output of energy
use 2 ATP
make 4 ATP (net gain 2 ATP)
make 2 NADH
make 2 pyruvate
aerobic vs anaerobic products

aerobic: pyruvate, NADH goes to oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria to create ATP and NAD+


anaerobic: pyruvate is converted to lactate, NADH goes to LDH enzyme in cytosol to create NAD+, which goes into the G-3-P -> 1,3-BPG reaction, then 1,3-BPG -> 2-PG to create ATP



3 irreversible reactions of glycolysis

irreversible reactions regulate the rate of glycolysis


glucose -> glucose-6-phosphate

fructose-6-phosphate -> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

phosphoenolpyruvate -> pyruvate


2 of these irreversible reactions are from phosphorylation (glucose can't leave cell)

2 phosphorylation steps

irreversible, uses ATP


glucose -> glucose-6-phosphate


fructose-6-phosphate -> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

glucose -> glucose-6-phosphate

1st phosphorylation step, irreversible, uses ATP, traps glucose in cell


D-glucose ---hexokinase/glucokinase---> glucose-6-phosphate

also ATP -> ADP




doesn't commit to glycolysis, as G-6-P can be used in other pathways

fructose-6-phosphate -> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

2nd phosphorylation step, irreversible, uses ATP, commits glucose to glycolysis (G-6-P can be used by other pathways, needs conversion to F-6-P then to F-1,6-BP to COMMIT THE MOLECULE to glycolysis)


rate limiting step: regulates overall glycolysis rate


fructose-6-phosphate ---phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)---> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

also ATP -> ADP



hexokinase vs glucokinase

isoenzymes (same fx): binds glucose and converts to G-6-P


hexokinase important in fasting state: Vmax doesn't have to be high because low [glucose] in fasting state. works faster at lower [glucose]


glucokinase in fed state, liver, pancreas: need higher Vmax because there is a high [glucose] in fed state. works faster at higher [glucose]



hexokinase vs glucokinase regulation

hexokinase is - regulated by G-6-P, which is a product


glucokinase is + regulated by glucose, which is a substrate. glucokinase is - regulated by F-6-P due to it binding to the GKRP (glucokinase regulatory protein). 

Wiki: Two important kinetic properties distinguish glucokinase from the other hexokinases, allowing it to function in a special role as glucose sensor.

Glucokinase has a lower affinity for glucose than the other hexokinases. Glucokinase changes conformation and/or function in parallel with rising glucose concentrations.
Glucokinase is not inhibited by its product, glucose-6-phosphate. This allows continued signal output (e.g., to trigger insulin release) amid significant amounts of its product. These two features allow it to regulate a "supply-driven" metabolic pathway. That is, the rate of reaction is driven by the supply of glucose, not by the demand for end products.

hepatic portal vein

takes blood from spleen, intestines, pancreas

gets nutrient rich blood and filters it before sending it to inferior vena cava back to heart


liver vs pancreas glucokinase

Liver glucokinase is responsible for initial quick glucose metabolism, "bulk glucose processing," in the fed state (to prevent hyperglycemia)


Pancreatic glucokinase is responsible for stimulating the quick release of insulin in the fed state (acts as a glucose sensor)

phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) regulation

regulated in the liver by the cell's energy state:

Activated by: high AMP (low energy)

Inhibited by: high ATP, citrate (high energy. the cell doesn't need to make more energy)


regulated by glucose levels (fed vs fasting):

Activated by: high insulin/glucagon ratio (insulin levels are high when we have high glucose. pancreas glucokinase stimulating insulin release), fructose-2,6-bisphosphate


Hormones indirectly regulate PFK-1 through the synthesis of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (F-2,6-P, the main allosteric activator of PFK-1):

  • High insulin/glucagon ratio: increased F-2,6-P levels = more active PFK-1
  • Low insulin/glucagon ratio: reduced F-2,6-P levels = less active PFK-1

Note: F-2,6-P is produced by PFK-2, that is directly regulated by the hormones.

  1. high insulin/glucagon ratio: decreased cAMP (which is made by glucagon signaling G protein)
  2. reduced active cAMP dependent protein kinase A
  3. decreased protein kinase A activity favors dephosphorylation of bifunctional enzyme phosphofructokinase-2/fructose-bisphosphotase-2 (PFK-2/FBP-2) complex
  4. dephosphorylated PFK-2 is active and FBP-2 is inactive
  5. active PFK-2 favors formation of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate
  6. more fructose-2,6-bisphosphate activates PFK-1's catalysis of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate




insulin and glucagon's relationship to

the liver's metabolism of glucose


they have opposite effects on glucose metabolism in liver


insulin: anabolic

  • produced by: pancreas β cells
  • fed state (i.e high glucose, USE glycolysis, add energy, build glycogen)
  • Stimulates glucose use (e.g. glycolysis and glycogen synthesis)
  • Downregulates glucose generation (e.g. gluconeogenesis and glycogen degradation/glycogenolysis)
  • induces dephosphorylation of metabolic enzymes (insulin receptor substrates, IRC, promotes activation of kinases & phosphatases)

glucagon: catabolic

  • produced by: pancreas α cells (think of it as g before i, α before 
  • fasting state (i.e. low glucose, MAKE glucose, break down glycogen)
  • Stimulates glucose generation (gluconeogenesis and glycogen degradation/glycogenolysis in liver)
  • Downregulates glucose use (glycolysis and glycogen synthesis) in liver.
  • induces phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes (cAMP activates cAMP dependent kinase A, phosphorylates intracellular proteins)
insulin signaling

insulin receptor: tyrosine kinase receptor

kinase: phosphorylates


1. insulin binds alpha-subunit of receptor

-activates beta-subunit of receptor

2. tyrosine residues attached to the beta subunit are phosphorylated Tyr -> Tyr-P)
3. the receptor phosphorylates other proteins (e.g. insulin receptor substrates IRS -> IRS-P)
4. this activates multiple signaling pathways. IRS-P promotes activation of other protein kinases and phosphatases, leading to biologic actions of insulin


(glucose -> receptor -> activates B subunit -> tyrosine residues are auto phosphorylated -> proteins including IRS phosphorylated -> activates other enzyme kinases and phosphatases -> leads to insulin's biologic actions)


insulin's actions:

  1. ^ glucose uptake into cell, glycogen synthesis, protein synthesis, fat synthesis
  2. v gluconeogenesis (making more glucose), glycgenolysis (breakdown of glycogen), lipolysis (breakdown of fat)
  3. changes gene expression

Generally, insulin initiates the dephosphorylation of metabolic enzymes (which changes enzyme activity)

glucagon signaling

receptor - G protein with GDP bound - inactive adenylyl cyclase


1. glucagon binds to a G-protein coupled receptor

2. glucagon-bound receptor changes conformation
-interacts with G protein
-G protein releases GDP and binds to GTP

3. alpha subunit of G protein dissociates
-activates adenylyl cyclase
-adenylyl cyclase takes ATP and creates cyclic AMP (a second messenger)

4. glucagon unbinds
-receptor in resting state
-GTP on alpha subunit G protein is hydrolyzed to GDP
-adenylyl cyclase is deactivated



cAMP (second messenger of glucagon signaling)

1. cAMP binds to and activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase A
2. cAMP-dependent protein kinase A phosphorylates intracellular proteins.

glucagon initiates phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes, which will alter the activity of these enzymes.

(glucagon -> glucagon receptor -> changes shape & interats w/ G protein -> G protein switches binding GDP to GTP -> activates adenylyl cyclase -> uses ATP to create cAMP -> activates cAMP dependent protein kinase A -> phosphorylation of intracellular proteins)

phosphofructokinase-1 and -2 (PFK-1 and PFK-2)

fructose-6-phosphate --PFK-1--> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate


x --PFK-2--> fructose-2,6-bisphosphate


fructose-2,6-bisphosphate activates/upregulates PFK-1 and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate formation


A person has not eaten for 12 hours. Which enzymatic change will most likely take place in his/her hepatocytes?
1. PFK-1 will be activated by dephosphorylation
2. PFK-1 will be deactivated by phosphorylation
3. PFK-2 will be activated by dephosphorylation
4. PFK-2 will be deactivated by phosphorylation

4. PFK-2 will be deactivated by phosphorylation

  • if you haven't eaten (fasting), insulin/glucagon ratio is low
  • glucagon signaling will create cAMP and protein kinase A
  • protein kinase A will phosphorylate intracellular proteins
  • PFK-2 is phosphorylated and deactivated
  • no fructose-2,6-bisphosphate is created
  • PFK-1 will be deactivated
  • no fructose-2,6-bisphosphate is created
  • glycolysis is halted

PFK-1 is deactivated by high ATP but in this case we have high AMP and low energy which activates PFK-1

fructose-1,6-bisphosphate -> glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G-3-P) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate

fructose-1,6-bisphosphate --aldolase--> glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G-3-P) and dihydroxyacetone (interconvertible)


glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate -> 1,3-biphosphoglycerate

glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (2) --glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase--> 1,3-biphosphoglycerate (2)


use: Pi NAD+ cleave H

products (2): NADH + H+, 1,3-biphosphoglycerate


this reaction is inhibited by arsenic poisoning




-> 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
<-> 3-phosphoglycerate


1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2)
--mutase (unimportant)--> 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2)


<--phosphoglycerate kinase (unimportant)--> 3-phosphoglycerate (2)

ADP (2) -> ATP (2)


2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2) --phosphatase (unimportant) --> 3-phosphoglycerate (2)

H2O (2) -> Pi-OH (2)







high concentration in RBC, regulates O2 binding to Hb

makes O2 binding weaker, shifts O2 Hb dissociation curve right

  • 2,3-BPG lowers Hb affinity for O2
  • higher affinity for deoxygenated Hb than oxygenated Hb
  • this allows Hb to release O2 at partial pressures in tissues 



3-phosphatoglycerate -> 2-phosphatoglycerate
->phosphoenolpyruvate -> pyruvate

dephosphorylating step


phosphoenolpyruvate (2) --pyruvate kinase--> pyruvate (2)

ADP -> ATP (2)


irreversible step

pyruvate kinase regulation

+ fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (allosteric activator)


- glucagon (phosphorylation): receptor -> G protein -> GDP to GTP -> alpha subunit activates adenylyl cyclase -> cAMP -> protein kinase A -> phosphorylates and deactivates pyruvate kinase (protein kinase A does the same to PFK-2 and F-2,6-BP production)


+ insulin (dephosphorylation): receptor -> B subunit activated -> tyrosine phosphorylation -> IRS-tyr-P -> phosphoprotein phosphatase activated -> dephosphorylates and reactivates pyruvate kinase

pyruvate -> lactate

pyruvate <--lactate dehydrogenase--> lactate


anaerobic glycolysis



  • function: to provide more NAD+ to drive G-3-P -> 1,3-BPG, and 1,3-BPG -> 3-PG (ATP is a product)
  • found in tissues with little vascularization
  • found in cells with little/no mitochondria (not much oxidative capacity. no TCA cycle or oxidative phosphorylation)
    eg: RBC (no mitochondria), WBC, fast twitch muscles (overwork), cornea/lens of eye (little vascularization), kidney medulla
  • high intensity exercise skeletal muscle
    TCA cycle runs at highest capacity (can't accept more acetyl-CoA)
    pyruvate is converted to lactate and not acetyl-CoA
    lactic acid accumulates in muscle
  • collapse of circulatory system (hypoxia)
    due to MI, PE, hemorrhage, shock
    no O2, cells use anaerobic glycolysis (favors pyruvate -LDH-> lactate -> lactic acidosis)
  • NAD+ favors pyruvate formation. NADH favors lactate formation. "lactate dehydrogenase" aka lactate has the H
lactate dehydrogenase regulation


reaction direction determined by ratio of NADH (->lactate) / NAD+ (<-pyruvate)

NAD is a coenzyme (coenzyme: a nonprotein compound that is necessary for the functioning of an enzyme)




glucose -> sorbitol -> fructose


glucose --aldose reductase (unimportant)--> sorbitol

NADPH + H+ --> NADP+


sorbitol --sorbitol dehydrogenase (unimportant)--> fructose (-> seminal fluid)

NAD+ --> NADH + H+


uncontrolled DM:

  • hyperglycemia, glycolysis is saturated
  • excess glucose -> sorbitol in eyes, nerves, kidneys
  • sorbitol -X-> fructose conversion inefficient in these cells
  • sorbitol accumulates and is trapped
  • H2O goes in, swelling, increased osmotic pressure, problems with these cells
overall enzyme regulation

glucose -HEXOKINASE/GLUCOKINASE-> glucose-6-phosphate
hexokinase: - glucose-6-phosphate

glucokinase: + glucose -fructose-6-phosphate


fructose-6-phosphate -PFK-1-> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
- ATP, citrate
+ high insulin/glucagon (less protein kinase A, dephosphorylates and activates enzyme for 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate formation)


phosphoenolpyruvate -PYRUVATE KINASE-> pyruvate
+ fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
- glucagon (-> protein kinase A, phosphorylates & deactivates pyruvate kinase)

+ insulin induces phosphoprotein phosphatase to dephosphorylate and reactivate pyruvate kinase


insulin and glucagon levels regulate transcription of all 3 of these enzymes

pyruvate kinase deficiency

causes hemolytic anemia because

  • RBC do not have mitochondria (no TCA/oxidative phosphorylation)
  • ATP depends on glycolysis
  • ATP is necessary for plasma membrane pump function to maintain RBC flexibility
  • w/o ATP, cells will have an abnormal shape and are destroyed by macrophages
fate of pyruvate

lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)-> lactate (anaerobic glycolysis)

pyruvate dehydrogenase -> acetyl CoA (TCA cycle, irreversible)

pyruvate carboxylase -> oxaloacetate (TCA cycle, gluconeogenesis, irreversible)

alanine transaminase (ALT)-> alanine (protein synthesis, glucose/alanine cycle)

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