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Global History Final-ShortAns.
Second Semester Global History Final
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





What are the two major ways that Protestants differ from Catholics?
Protestants don't accept the Pope and all of the Secen sacraments.
What are the two convictions of Martin Luther?
Martin Luther believed justification by faith and that the Bible is the sole authority in religious affairs.
Who is the founder of Lutheranism? What are two new ideas put forth by each group and one European country where this denomination became popular?
Martin Luther found this. They accepted only two sacraments. This was popular in Scandanavia. They liked to sing during mass.
Who is the founder of Calvinism? What are the two new ideas put forth by each group and one European country where this denomination became popular?
John Calvin found this. This was popular in France. They were against non-religious things and they listened to music in church.
What are the three economic problems Philip II of Spian encountered and explain.
He had no money. He had to take care of the protestant reformations. The golds and silvers from the Americas caused inflation. He lost most of his navy from The Protestant Wind.
What did Richlieu do to accomplish his goal of making France the balance of power in Europe. Was he successful?
*In order to make France the balance of power, the Austrian Hapsburgs couldn't unite Germany. So, in the Thirty Years' War ,he waited until the Habsbugrgs were weak, then faught them. He gained some land like Verdun, Touls, and Metz.
Identify and explain four changes Francous Louvois made to improve the French military during the reign of Louis XIV.
*Improved discipline by inventing boot camps
*He made the first the first military school in Paris(ecole military)
*Promotion by merit where you have to earn your position
*Quarter master core which is intended to provide supplies
What were Louis XIV's 2 personal goals as ruler? How did he go about trying to accomplish these goal? Was he successful?
*He wanted to secure France's boundary by acquiring "natural frontiers."He wanted to conquer the Rhine land.He got half the Rhine land, but not all of it.
*His second goal was to make France the cultural showplace of Europe. To do this, he built the versailles. It was a huge palace. He was successful because this went over the Italian culture of the Renaissance.
Who was Louis SIV and why is he important?
He was the king of France and the three dynasties tried to imitate him in his control of culture and his army. Each dynasty had their own version of Versailles.
Frederick II promoted aryanism and lebenscraum in his book, "History of Prussia." Define each.
Aryanism is the belief that there is a pure German race and is superior to other races. Lebenscraum is :living space." It is a belief that all Germans should live in a united Germany and have room to spread out.
What are two constant foreign policy goals of Russia?
It is to have arable land and to have a permanent warm-water port.
Why was Russia isolated from Europe abefore the reign of Peter I? Provide three reasons.
It was isolated because Russia had a completely different alphabet than western Europe. Russia was not Catholic or protestant. It was eastern orthodox. It also had a more Asian influence.
What is Westernization, which country invented this policy, and why was it considered to be necessary?
Westernization is the adompting of western european technology, economics, military, and culture. Russia invented this becayse they wanted to catch up to the western world.
What did Peter I do to earn the nickname "the great"?
He was the czar of Russia. He invented westernization and built the capital St. Petersburg.
What did Catherine II do to earn the nickname "the great"?
She was the czarina of Russia. She gained arable land and a warm water port in Poland.
What did Frederick II do to earn the nickname "the great"?
He was the king of Prussia. He worked to expand Russian land and annexed Silesia.
What are the two reasons we studied England separately from other Eurpean countries?
England contributed to the founding of the United States and some of its culture. England didn't have absolute monarchy, but had limited government.
What was the Scientific Revolution?
It was a time period when people began to ask questions of why things happened the way they do. People searched for and found natural laws in the field of science.
What was the Enlightenment?
It was a time period when people asked questions about natural laws outside of science.
Explain three reasons why the colonies won thier independence.
They had George Washington, who was a very good leader. They had a home-field advantage and the French supported them by giving supplies and a navy.
Identify the five main points of the Declaration of Independence.
I. People are born with unalienable rights.

II. The purpose of government is to secure these rights.

III. If the government doesn't protect these rights, then the people have the right to abolish the government, and set up a new one.

IV. There are several reasons how the king violated our rights.

V. Because the king violated their rights, they declare independence.
Say the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
Say the second paragraph of the declaration of Independence
"That whenever any Form of Governmetn becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
Draw and label a diagram of the "political spectrum" explaining this concept.
Right: In the right were the conservatives. Since they didn't have much to say or talk about, they went all the way to the right and sat.

Left: In the left were the liberals. They didn't like the constitution. There were Girondins, Jacobins, and the Mountain. They used to talk a lot before the assembly which meant they were the last to come into the room, so they sat near the door on the left.

Middle" In the middle were the moderates. They didn't have a strong opinion on what either side thought.
What was the reign of terror intended to accomplish, who led it, and what finally ended it?
It was a time period when Maximillian Robespierre killed everyone who were not a counter-revolutionary or who liked the king. The death of Maximillian ended this time period.
Who was lord Admiral Horatio Nelson and why was he significant?
He was a British naval officer and the leader in the Battle of Trafalgar. He was a major hero in England because he saved Britain from the invasion of Napoleon.
What happened during the One Hundred Dyas and what ended it?
It was when Napoleon came back to France from Elba. The Battle of Waterloo ended this. Napoleon returned to Paris and became dictator again.
Identify the four causes to World War I, define each, and explain how each contributed to the war.
Imperialism is the policy of taking over other ethnic groups.

Militarism is the intense emphasis on developing the armed forces.

Nationalism is the intense indentification of one's ethnic or cultural heritage. France was very nationalistic. The main reason they were involved in the war is because they wanted Alsace-Loraince back.

System of Alliances is where the countries negotiate treatues for mutual defense for other ocuntries.
What were the three motives that the Europeans had to begin the new age of imperialism in the late nineteenth century? Explain.
During the industrial revolution, Europeans needed sources of raw materials that didn't grow in Europe.

The "white man's burden," helped people improve their lives and caused the break down of culture.

Social Darwinism rose the belief that some ethnic groups were fit than others.
Describe how Trench Warfare worked and explain how it contributed to a stalemate in World War I.
The object was to go through the no man's land to the other trench and kick the enemies out. Then the enemies would dig another hole. It is really easy to get shot in the no man's land because of machine guns. So, people got shot equally. This cuased the stalemate.
Who won World War I and what were two reasons why this outcome occurred?
England, France, and Italy won. One reason is because the united states sided with England, France, and Italy. Another is because Russia got out of the war.
Identify Adolf Hitler's five major points from Mein Kampf.
1. Aryanism-the belief that there is no race superior to German race.

2. Lebenscraum-Germans need "living space" and all Germans should live in an united Germany.

3. France is the number one enemy of Germany

4. Jews are the cause of all evil

5. Terror will always succeed unless it is met by equal or greater terror.
What are the 4 major characteristics of fascism?
1. It was very nationalistic.
2. It was authoritarian.
3. An individual is subordinate to the state.
4. the government controls the major industries, but there was private ownership
Who are the following people, who does not fir with the other three, and why?

Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco
Adolf Hitler was a Fascist and the leader of the Nazi Party. Neville Chamberlain was the prime minister of England. Benito Mussolini was a Fascist in Italy. Francisco Franco was a Fascist in Spain. Neville Chamberlain doesn't fit because he is the only non-Fascist.
What is appeasement, who practiced it, and how did it contribute t WWI?
It is the policy of giving in to the commands of an aggressor to avoid a war. Neville Chamberlain practiced this. He always gave land to Hitler so he would stop taking over land. But this just made Hitler grow in power. Soon, almost no one could do anything.
Why was the Ems Dispatch written, what did it say, and what was its result?
It was written when there was no heir to the throne of Spain and it was offered to Leopold, a Hohenzollern, who turned the offer down. Napoleon III sent an ambasodor to Wilhelm demanding an apology. Wilhelm writes this conversation and sends it to Bismarch who make Wilhelm sound rude to Napoleon and publishes it. The French get mad and declare war. Bismarck threatens the 4 German states to join Prussia. Germany is united and wins this war.
What was the industrial revolution?
It was when people went from making things by hand at home to making things by machines in factories.
Identify and Define the five factors of production.
Land is any natural resource found on the ground. Labor is a class of workers who are willing to leave their current employment and go to work in factoires. Capital is a large sum of money that is invested and able to lose. Management includes people who have the intellectual capacity to take talnd, labor, and capital and make profit. Government makes laws and sets policies which allow management to do its job.
What is capitalism and its three major components?
It is an economic philosophy based on the private ownership of the F.O.P to compete for profit. Private ownership is where a factory is owned by an individual or a group. Competition is competing for profit. Profit is making money.
What is socialism?
It is an economic philosophy based on evolutionary movement toward economic collectivism.
Who are the proletariats and the bourgeoisie?
The proletariats are the working class.

The Bourgeosie are owners of the factors of production.
What is the goal of communism and the way to get to the goal?
The goal of communism is economic collectivism. They way to get there is violent revolution.
What were the four major components of the Versailles Treaty?
1. Article 231 'the war guilt clause"
2. reparations
3. Military concessions
4. Territorial Adjusments
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