purpose of quantitative research |
seeks to find meaningful relationships between variables |
How do you determine relationships with quantitative research |
- statistical analysis via
- retrospective or prospective studies
- controlled studies
- observational studies
- descriptive statistics
- presentation, organization, and summarization of data
- inferential statistics
- ID relationships that can be generalized from our study population to the larger population it represents
- collect observations about subject/topic of interest
- ex: case control studies, survey studies, HMIS data
- data is collected, change is made, data is collected again following change
- must have control group
correlations vs. causation |
- correlation- two events (A,B) observed to happen together
- causation- A is the cause of B
- statistical analysis tells you that A occurs in correlation with B (therefore A causes B is FALSE)
- statistical correlation alone never proves causation
- gold standard for determining causation is carefully designed, controlled experiments
establishing causation in observational data |
- strength- numerical strength of correlation
- consistency- observed in many places at many times by many different observers in different circumstances
- specificity- effect limited to certain observations in certain specific situations
- temporality- A must occur before B
- biological gradient (dose response relation)
- plausability- scientific credibility of relationship
- coherence- possibility of causal relationship should not conflict with what is known about natural history and biology of situation
- experimental evidence- if you take away intevention, does "B" does happen
- analogy- reason from similar phenomena
statistical significance vs. economic significance |
- statistical- we are 95% sure...
- economic significance
- explanatory variable has meaningful and plausible influence on dependent variable (will it make a significance public health difference?)
statistical evidence is necessary but not sufficient for economic significance |
importance of good data collection |
- before you can analyze data, first need to collect with an understanding of what you are collecting
- not understanding the data you have collected, or using the wron data, can lead to incorrect conclusions and drive misguided changes in policy
- big part of what determines whether data is good is survey design and sampling
- systematic observation- or measurement of various features of behaviors in the world
- logical explanation- in the form of a theory or model that makes sense according to basic rules of logic and accepted facts
- prediction- in the form of hypothesis, based on theory, of what we will observe if the theory is true
- openness- meaning of methods used to produce evidence are clearly documented and made available for review (this allows for replication- repeatin study to see if results hold)
- skepticism- researchers scrutinize and critique each other's work, a process reviewed to as peer review, in search of possible shortcomings or alternative explanations
designing questions that would be good measures |
- you are interested to answers in the survey, not intrinsically but because of their relationship to something they are suppose to measure (ex: failure to use a condom = risky sexual behavior)
- questions are only good if they are:
- reliable- providing consistent measures in comparable situations
- valid- answers correspond what they are intended to measure
- measurement refers to the process of systematically observing some feature of characteristic of the world and then recording it
- start with a construct
- find a way to measure it
- error is a part of that measurement
- ALWAYS have some measurement error in studies
conceptualization and operationalize |
- first step is figure out what you want to measure
- must be defined carefully and precisely
- some concepts are not easily defined such as poverty
- require value judgements
- manifest vs. latent constructs
- dimensions
- once you have the concept, it is time to operationalize
- ex: what did the US do with poverty?
increasing reliability of answers |
- providing consistent measures in comparable situations
- when two respondants are in the same situation they should answer the same question in the same way
- any difference in answers stem from actual differences
- good questions
- researcher's side of the question and answer process is entirely scripted so that the questions as written fully prepare a respondent to answer questions
- questions mean the same thing to every respondent
- kinds of answers that constitute an appropriate response to the question are communicated consistently to all respondents
- avoid inadequate wording
- ensure consistent meaning of all respondents (can do this via pre-testing)
- need common frame of reference