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Getúlio Dornelles Vargas
IB HL History: Getúlio Dornelles Vargas
12th Grade

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Vargas's Early Career
-Began on the State legislature of Rio Grande do Sul (a state in Brazil) -was promoted to a seat in the national Chamber of Deputies in 1923 -1926 became the minister of finance -1928 Vargas resigned to become the minister of Rio Grande do Sul
1930 Presidential Election
1930 presidential election, Washington Luiz, himself a former governor of São Paulo, decided to choose as his successor the current Paulista governor, Julio Prestes. This violated the tradition that the presidency should be filled alternately by men from São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and Minas governor Antonio Carlos organized an opposition campaign, with Governor Vargas agreeing to be the opposition candidate.
Liberal Alliance
The alliance organized to get Vargas into power as president. This alliance called for: labor legislation, establishment of a steel industry, and economic and social changes. This force led a rebellion that succeeded October 1930
Vargas's 1st Presidency (1930-1940)
During the first 2 years Vargas shared power with Tenentes, however in a 3 month revolt in 1932, discipline was reestablished in the army and Vargas won dominance over Tenentes. November 1935: faced with strong opposition on the left from the Aliança Nacional Libertadora (ANL) and on the right from the fascist Acão Integralista.
Estado Novo
November 1937: Vargas was facing people wanting to hold elections, so he staged a coup, established a semifascists regime called Estado Novo. Forced trade unions to submit to almost complete government control, and ended collective bargaining. Enacted a large body of labor and social security legislation
Brazil during WWII, and affects
Brazil fought on the Allied side in Italy. Because Brazil was seen as fighting for democracy, this undermined Vargas' dictatorship. 1945 was forced to call for elections in December.
1945 "elections"
Instead of holding elections, Vargas organized two pro-government parties, the Partido Social Democrático and the Partido Trabalhista (PTB). The latter became particularly active in urging Vargas to remain in power.
1945 Vargas ousting
October 1945 the President was ousted by the military. In elections in December, Vargas ran for the Senate from several states on the PTB ticket and became senator from Rio Grande do Sul. However, during the next 5 years he took virtually no part in the Senate's proceedings.
Vargas' 2nd Term
1950 Vargas ran for president again, as candidate of the Partido Trabalhista. -pursued a nationalist policy; turning to the country's natural resources and away from foreign dependency -establishment of the National Bank of Economic Development, and he sponsored a law to set up a government oil company, Petroleos Brasileiros
Vargas' 2nd Removal from Office
-During the 3½ years of Vargas's second presidency, he lost much popular support because of his inability to curb inflation -The military began to take control, gave Vargas the ultimatum to take a "leave of absence" for the rest of his term or be overthrown. -Vargas committed suicide on Aug. 25, 1954.
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