Shared Flashcard Set


Gail Anatomy Test
Undergraduate 2

Additional Anatomy Flashcards




  • Read Pages 1-10 in your lab manual.
  • Be able to recognize and to fully describe standard anatomical position
  • Know the terms in the section “Anatomical Positions and Surface Anatomy” and be able to label the directional terms on a diagram like Fig. 1.1, and be able to apply those terms to the relative positions/directions of body parts
  • Know the terms in the section “Body Orientation and Direction” and be able to label Fig. 1.2 and the abdominopelvic quadrants and abdominopelvic regions on diagrams such as Fig. 1.6 a & b

  • Know the terms in the section “Body Planes and Sections” and be able to label these on a diagram such as Fig. 1.3 (for quiz 1) and be able to recognize midsagittal plane, frontal (= coronal) plane and transverse (= horizontal) plane on the Plane Jane Model (for Practical I)
  • Know the terms in the section “Body Cavities” and be able to label the body cavities on diagrams such as Fig. 1.5 a & b and Fig. 1.6 a and b

  • Read Pages 39-48 in your lab manual.
  • Know the names and basic functions of the organelles that are provided in Table 1  (p. 2 of this packet) and, using Fig. 4.3 and the photos from the BSC2085L Website, be able to identify the organelles in Table One on the Cell Model in lab
  • Using Fig. 4.4 and Mitosis photos from the BSC2085L Lab Website, be able to identify the stage of the mitotic cell cycle represented by each of the animal mitosis models and by each of the mitosis photos in Fig. 4.4 and/or the BSC2085L Website

  • Be able to identify thfollowing structures on the      Animal Mitosis Models: chromatin, chromosome, chromatid, centromere,  spindle apparatus (centrosome) and its parts (spindle fibers, pole (where centrioles are located), aster), and cleavage furrow
  • Know the events that occur in the stages of the mitotic cell cycle as shown in Table 2 (p. 3 of this packet)  
  • Be able to distinguish between mitosis and cytokinesis

     • nucleus

     • nucleolus

     • chromatin (chromosomes in cell div.)

     • nuclear membrane

     • nuclear pore


contains chromatin and nucleolus

assembles  ribosomes

location of DNA (genes); provides genetic regulation of the cell

double layer of membrane; outer boundary of nucleus

allows materials to move between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm


 A. membranes–

     • cell membrane (=plasma membrane)

     • rough ER

     • smooth ER


regulates passage of materials into/out of the cell (=selectively permeable)

SYNTHESIS!, short term storage, transport (passageway) & packaging of proteins

SYNTHESIS!, short term storage, transport (passageway) & packaging of carbohydrates/lipids; drug detoxification


 B. nonmembranous organelles–

     • ribosome

     • centriole/centrosome


site of protein synthesis

produce systems of microtubules like cytoskeleton and spindle apparatus


C. membranous organelles–

    • Golgi body (=Golgi apparatus)

    • secretory vesicles

    • lysosome

    • peroxisome

    • mitochondrion


synthesis (final assembly of complex molecules), short term storage, transport & PACKAGING! of materials – esp. for secretion

export materials via exocytosis

intracellular digestion of large organic molecules into their simper components

detoxify harmful metabolic toxins like alcohols and hydrogen peroxide

site of aerobic (oxygen requiring) steps of cellular respiration (break down glucose to energize ATP)

D. cytosol (“cytoplasm”)
numerous metabolic reactions and maintains spatial relationships in the cell
  • Read Pages 67-84  in your lab manual.
  • Be able to define the term “tissue” and explain how tissues fit into the levels of biological organization (chemical, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism)
  • Know the general characteristics of epithelial tissues and of connective tissues
  • For all of the types of tissues listed in Table 3 (below), use the information in Exercise 6 and the tissue photomicrographs on the BSC2085L Website to be able to:

1.      identify all the type of tissue from the tissue photos in the lab manual and/or from the BSC2085L Website

2.      provide one function of the tissue

3.      provide one location in the body where the tissue occurs




• simple squamous epithelium
• simple cuboidal epithelium
• simple columnar epithelium
• pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
• stratified squamous epithelium
• transitional epithelium





• areolar tissue

• adipose tissue

• hyaline cartilage

• elastic cartilage

• fibrocartilage –

• compact bone tissue

• blood tissue – (recognize rbc, wbc, platelet)

Muscle Tissues

• skeletal muscle

• cardiac muscle

• visceral muscle

  • Read Pages 91-100 in your lab manual
  • Know the basic functions of the skin as described in the lab manual
  • Use the skin model to identify the following structures indicated on Fig. 7.1 or described in the text:  epidermis, dermis, dermal papillae, papillary layer, reticular layer, hypodermis, eccrine (sweat) gland, apocrine (sweat) gland (Fig 7.2), pore, sebaceous gland (Fig 7.2), arrector pili muscle, hair shaft, hair root, hair follicle, Meissner’s corpuscle (not in book), Pacinian corpuscle
  • Know what is secreted by the different kinds of skin glands
  • Know the function of keratinocytes and melanocytes as described on page 93
  • Recognize the following sublayers of the epidermis on the skin model (specifically:  stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum germinativum    (= stratum basale) – related to
  • BONUSknow the characteristics of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns as described and  illustrated on the back of the skin model
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