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Fungi continued
Undergraduate 2

Additional Business Flashcards




Fungal cell walls
made out of the nitrogen-infused polysaccharide chitin: same material as insect exoskeletons!
Ascomycete Life Cycle
.Hyphae from 2 different?
.Nclei fuse only?
.Many Ascomycetes?
.Ascomycete fruiting bodies?
.some ascomycetes exist in?
Hyphae from 2 different individual haploid fungi grow together and fuse, but nuclei do not fuse: Dikaryotic= cells with 2 haploid nuclei
Nuclei fuse only in a single reproductive cell, which becomes the Ascus, a sac containing 8 haploid Ascospores
Many Ascomycetes also produce asexual spores during their haploid stage from pinching off a piece of hypha with a nucleus
Ascomycete fruiting bodies have many shapes- often flat discs, but some look more like traditional mushrooms (e.g. morels)
Some ascomycetes exist in a single-celled life stage known as yeasts, which asexually bud to increase numbers (some yeasts never reproduce sexually, never have a diploid stage).
Basidiomycete Life Cycle
.identical to ?
.hyphae from 2 different?
.nuclie fuse in cell that becomes?
.usualy no
.includes all
Identically to Ascomycetes, hyphae from 2 different individual haploid fungi grow together and fuse, but nuclei do not fuse: Dikaryotic= cells with 2 haploid nuclei- a mushroom is made of dikaryotic mycelium
Nuclei fuse in a cell that becomes the basidium, which makes 4 dangling spores.
Usually no asexual reproductive stage
Includes all mushrooms with gills (flaps) below their caps, bracket fungi, puffballs, etc.- very diverse, but all will have basidia with 4 dangling spores under a microscope
Fungi that people don’t like
.plant disease
.human disease
-Many plant diseases are fungi: Wheat Stem Rust, Corn Smut, Dutch Elm Disease, Chestnut Blight
-Human Diseases: Athlete’s Foot, Ringworm, and Jock Itch are all from the same fungus type, dandruff, nail fungus, yeast infections; Valley Fever and Aspergillosis affect immunocompromised people
-Molds: Food spoilage and spore allergies
-Poisonous Fungi: Amanitas, etc., Ergot, Aflatoxin, etc.
Fungi that people like
Brewers/bread yeast?
Hallucinogenic Mushrooms
Mycorrhizae: beneficial root associations with the vast majority of plant species (Fig. 31.15)
Antibiotics: Fungi frequently compete for food resources with bacteria, produce chemicals that inhibit bacterial growth- Penicillin, etc. (Fig. 31.26)
Brewers/bread yeast- alcohol production also keeps down competition for resources from bacteria, other fungi
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