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Formula 2 (III)
Formulas 2 (III)
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards




Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
Sha Yuan Ji Li 12g
Qian Shi 12g
Lian Xu 12g
Long Gu 10g
Mu Li 10g
Lian Zi 150g

Spermatorrhea syndrome, stabilize the Kd, binds up essence

chronic spermator w/out sexual dreams, impotence, fatigue, and weakness, LB pain tinnitus, soreness and weakness of Lb and limbs

T: Pale, white coat
P: thin frail pulse

CI: damp heat in LJ
Sang Piao Xiao San
Ht and Kd xu syndrome

regulates and tonifies Ht and Kd, stabilize essence, stop leakage

frequent urination, turbid urination (gray and cloudy), incontinence, spermatorrhea, disorientation, or forgetfulness

T: Pale, white
P: thin, slow, frail

CI: Damp heat in LJ
Gu Jing Wan
Gui Ban (zhi) 15g
Bai Shao (chao) 15g
Huang QIn (chao) 15g
Huang Bai (chao) 6g
Chun Gen Pi 12g
XIang Fu 6g

enrich yin, clears heat, stabilize menses, stop bleeding

Beng Lou syndrome (Gushing and Leaking Syndrome)
continuous menses or uterine bleeding that alternates btwn trickling and gushing of blood. blood is very red and may contain dark purple clots. may include heat sensation, irritability in chest, abdominal pain

T: red
P: rapid, wiry pulse

used for Lv and Kd yin xu w vigorous fire leading to abnormal uterine bleeding, disturbs chong and ren
Wan Dai Tang
leukorrhea d/t sp xu and Lv constraint w turbid cold damp
tonify MJ, strengthen sp, transform damp, stop vaginal discharge

profuse vaginal discharge that is white or pale yellow, and clear and thin w no particular smell.
fatigue, lethargy, shiny, pale complexion, loose stools

T: pale, white coating
P: soggy, frail or moderate pulse

used for vaginal discharge d/t sp xu. cold damp type

CI: damp heat in LJ
Yi Huang Tang
Leukorrhea d/t Kd and Sp qi w turbid damp heat
tonify Kd, Strengthen Sp, clear heat, dry damp, stop vaginal discharge

vaginal discharge that is yellow white in color, sticky w fishy smelling, also loose stools, reduced appetite, soreness and weakness of lower back and legs

T: red, yellow
damp heat type
Yue Ju Wan
xiang fu 6g
chuan xiong 6g
zhi zi 6g
cang zhu 6g
shen qu 6g

promotes movement of qi, release constraint

stagnation syndrome (Yu Zheng)

focal distention, stifling sensation in chest and abdomen, fixed pain in hypochondria, belching, vomiting, acid regurg, reduced appetite, indigestion

6 constraints: qi, phlegm, fire, food, dampness d/t Lv and Sp qi stag
Tian Tai Wu Yao San
moves qi, spreads Lv qi, scatters cold, alleviates pain

SI hernia syndrome
lower abdominal pain radiating that is pendent and swollen

T: pale, white coating
P: submerged, slow, wiry

used for hernia d/t cold coagulation and qi stagnation in LV channel which passes around and connects w external genitalia
Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang
moves qi, warms Mj, dries dampness, eliminates fullness

cold-dampness coagulated syndrome

epigastric and abdominal distention, fullness or pain, loss of appetite, fatigue in extremities, vomiting of clear liquid

T: white, slippery
P: wiry, deep pulse

formulas used for damp-cold injuring SP and St
Jin Ling Zi Wan
spreads Lv, drains heat, regulates Qi, alleviates pain

Lv qi stag turns to heat syndrome

intermittent epigastric and hyponchondriac pain, hernia pain, menstrual pain, bitter taste in mouth

T: red, yellow coating
P: wiry, or rapid pulse

various pain symptoms d/t Lv qi stagnation turning to heat
Ban Xia Ho Po Tang
ban xia 12g
hou po 9g
fu ling 12g
sheng jiang 9g
zi su ye 6g

moves qi, dissipates clumps, descends rebellious qi, transforms phlegm

plum pit syndrome (Lv qi stag)

a feeling of something caught in throat that could neither be swallowed nor ejected, stifling sensation in chest and hypochondria, also coughing and vomiting

T: moist, greasy, white coating
P: wiry, slow or wiry, slippery pulse

used for plum pit syndrome d/t phlegm obstruction and qi stag lodging in the throat, occurs by Lv constraint causing Lu and St qi disturbance of ascending and descending
Su Zi Jiang QI Tang
zi su zi 9g
ban xia 9g
hou po 6g
chen pi 9g
qian hu 6g
rou gui 3g
dang gui 6g
sheng jiang 2 pcs
zi su ye 5 pcs
da zao 1 pc
zhi gan cao 6g

descending qi, calms asthma, eliminates phlegm, stops coughing

wheezing d/t cold-phlegm obstruction syndrome

coughing and wheezing w watery, copious sputum, a stifling sensation in chest and diaphragm, SOB, also pain and weakness in lower back and legs, edema of extremities, and/or fatigue

T: white, slippery or greasy coating
P: wiry, slippery
Ding Chuan Tang
ma huang 9g
bai guo 9g
xing ren 9g
su zi 6g
kuan dong hua 9g
ban xia 9g
sang bai pi 6g
huang qin 6g
gan cao 3g

facilitates Lu, descends rebelling qi, clears heat, transforms phlegm

asthma d/t exterior wind cold and interior phlegm-heat syndrome

coughing and wheezing w copious thick, yellow sputum, labored breathing, also slight aversion to wind-cold

T: greasy, yellow coating
P: slippery, rapid pulse

used for ppl with constitutional excessive phlegm after they contract wind cold, constrained Lu qi transforms into heat

caution: chronic lung and kid yin def asthma
Si Mo Tang
moves the qi, directs rebellious qi down, expands the chest, dissipates clumps

Lv Qi stagnation

irritable, stifling sensation in chest and diaphragm together w labored breathing, wheezing, epigastric focal distention, and fullness, loss of appetite

used for constraint and clumping of Lv qi attacking Lu and St d/t injury from emotional upset

caution: not for long term taking
Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang
xuan fu hua 9g
da zhe shi 9g
ban xia 9g
sheng jiang 10g
ren shen 6g
da zao 12 pcs
zhi gan cao 6g

directs rebellious qi down, transforms phlegm, augments qi, harmonize St

St qi xu w turbidity-phlegm obstructing interior syndrome

unremitting belching, hiccough, regurg, nausea or vomiting, hard epigastric focal distention

T: white slippery coating
P: wiry xu pulse

phlegm turbidity obstructing interior together w weak, St qi xu
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang
ju pi 12g
zhu ru 12g
sheng jiang 9g
ren shen 3g
gan cao 6g
da zao 30 pcs

directs rebellious qi down. stops hiccough, augments qi, clears heat

St def heat hiccough syndrome

hiccough, nausea, dry heaves, retching

T: tender, red
P: deficient rapid pulse


caution: excess heat or def cold
Ding XIang Shi DI Tang
warms Mj, augments qi, directs rebellious qi downward, stops hiccough

deficiency cold hiccough syndrome

hiccough, belching, or vomiting w stifling sensation in epigastrium, focal distention of chest

T: pale, white coating
P: submerged, slow pulse

caution: St heat
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