Shared Flashcard Set


First Aid Handbook
If you are in an emergency and must administer first aid, refer to this flipbook.
Health Care
9th Grade

Additional Health Care Flashcards




Primary Survey of an Unconscious Victim

Do the ABC's:


Look, listen, and feel to see if the victim is breathing

Make sure the victim has a heartbeat by checking the throat

Assess the ABC's: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation in an Unconscious Victim

Kneel next to the victim

Tilt the head back and lift the chin to open the airway, creating room to see if there is a blockage

Look, listen, and feel for chest rise and the exchange of air

Place two fingers on the carotid artery in the throat to feel for a pulse, or if on an infant, check the brachial artery between the elbow and arm pit with two fingers



Assessing Consciousness

AVPU Grading System

Alert Consciousness

Does the victim know: their name, the day of the week, the US President?

Verbal Consciousness

Do they move corresponding to when you speak to them?

Painful Consciousness

Do they move when you introduce painful stimuli to them?

Unconscious- is not conscious of any of the above

Clearing an Obstructed Airway

The Finger Sweep Technique

Use the chin lift technique, and try to deliver rescue breaths by pinching off the nose and blowing air down the airway

If air does not go down, reach into the mouth, grab under the chin, grab the tongue, and pull the jaw and tongue forward.

If the obstruction is visible, use one finger to reach and eliminate the obstruction.

Then try again to deliver rescue breaths and begin the emergency response system.


How to Treat a Conscious Choking Adult

Ask the person if they are choking

Perform abdominal thrusts/Heimlich Maneuver

Place hands around the abdominal area, one as a fist with the thumb in the stomach

Deliver sharp upward thrusts forcing air out of the lungs, dislodging the obstruction


How to Clean a Wound

Make sure the area is safe

If possible, wear a latex glove

Assess the wound area

Brush away any dirt or debris, or remove with tweezers or forceps

Clean the wound with something like a soft nail brush

Use water or an antiseptic liquid such as hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound area, implementing a syringe or bulb syringe to create the stream of liquid

Clean the area as much as possible before bandaging.

How to Dress a Common Wound

Make sure the area is safe

If possible, wear medical or latex gloves

After cleaning, bandage the area

Use a gauze pad - apply antibacterial ointment if possible

Apply adhesive or medical tape to hold the bandage in place, extending the bandage a half inch beyond the wound

Make sure there is no numbness or tingling in the area

Place a plastic covering over the area if washing is required, then reevaluate the wound


How to Treat a Severe Sunburn

A severe sunburn is a deep reddening of the skin with possible blistering

Do not pop or break the blisters, or scratch the area

Treat the area with an aloe vera gel and take cool, long baths, and wear light, loose clothes

If needed, over the counter pain relievers can be taken



Second- and Third-Degree Burns Part I

What is a second-degree burn?

blistering of the skin due to heat

What is a third-degree burn?

charring or blackening of the skin

Second- and Third-Degree Burns Part II

How do you treat these burns?

Cool off the skin with cotton or a synthetic material soaked with water and placed over the burn for 15 minutes

Apply a sterile dressing or a clean cloth to the area, tape down, and wrap a gauze material around to keep it in place

Take victim to the emergency room for further medical treatment


How to Treat Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is represented by lightheadedness or fainting

Lie the patient down in a cool area away from direct sunlight or in an air conditioned environment

take off any heat-retaining items such as a hat

If the patient is conscious, have them drink a cool beverage like water or a sports drink

apply cold compresses to the forehead and fan other parts of the body



How to Treat Frostbite

Assess whether there is frostbite- if it feels rigid and appears whitish, or turns black

Elevate the area, and place it in lukewarm water, <104 degrees

It is necessary to take a frostbite victim to the emergency room or the doctor's office

Wrap the area in a sterile dressing or a pressure bandage lightly wrapped over the sterile dressing

Be gentle so as to not further damage the skin

How to Treat a Sprained Wrist

Raise the wrist above the patient's heart

Apply a cold pack or ice on a cloth that insulates between the skin and the ice

Remove after 10-15 minutes

Wrap the area with pressure or an elastic bandage to support the sprain



How to Treat a Sprained Ankle

Remove the shoe and sock from the foot

Get the ankle higher than the chest

Assess injury for discoloration or swelling

Apply a cold compress for 15 minute intervals

Apply an elastic bandage to stabilize the region

Take the patient to the ER for an x-ray


How to Treat a Seizure Victim I

Stay calm and make sure the victim is safe

Protect and support the head on an incline, from banging against anything while shaking

Lay the victim on their side

Time the length of the seizure




How to Treat a Seizure Victim II

Make sure that onlookers are kept away

Do not hold the victim down

Do not put anything in the victim's mouth or give them water, food, or pills

Call 911 if it is the person's first known seizure, if it lasts more than 5 minutes, if the person vomits, or if they are injured


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