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International Studies
Undergraduate 2

Additional International Studies Flashcards




Genocide Convention
the convention in which all participating countries were advised to prevent and punish genocide in times of war and peace. This convention defined genocide in legal terms. Ex. The Convention drew from past genocides including the Holocaust, and the Armenian Genocide. Draws significance because there is an ongoing genocide in Sudan right now, yet no one has really intervened besides administering UN peacekeepers
Balance of power
the way in which the distribution of power across the international system influences the pattern of alliances that tend to form in an anarchical environment. Ex. Formation of allies, to create a balance of powers amongst countries. The arms race was in affect the race between the U.S. and Russia to obtain nuclear arms, in order to keep the balance of power. Significant as it relates to the Cold War, if the balance had been tipped to much one country might have felt that It could have attacked the other.
the ideals presented by Marx about how he thought a society should run. Basically he thought that the economy would go through cycles of capitalism and socialism before finally reaching communism ( a classless society where the bourgeois no longer controlled the proletariat. Ex. There are no true examples of Marxism, some communist regimes including the one in Russia, advertised itself as such, but would have actually been seen as a disgrace to Karl Marx. Significant because the idea of Marxism became so convoluted that it actually became corrupt, the very thing that Karl Marx wanted to work against. Draws significance from its influence on communist rule within the Soviet Union and China.
when a nation conducts its foreign affairs with minimal or no involvement of other nations, not even allies. Ex. Invasions of Iraq, Sanctions in Sudan. It draws significance because it is a strategy of U.S. foreign policy that sometimes creates enemies abroad, I.E. the many abroad who have disapproved of the Iraq War.
the belief that several nations should be cooperatively involved in the process of achieving some time of International Goal. Ex. The disarmament of Nuclear weapons including North Korean nuclear weapons, and Iran's Nuclear program. Significant because the only real way that a country can be threatened to disarm its nuclear weapons is if it is being pressured from several sources.
Preventive War
a war that takes place as a preventative measure against a country or person, who could be viewed as a threat to the well being of the U.S. . Ex. Saddam Hussein and the War in Iraq, taking a preventative measure against another country that was possibly acquiring nuclear weapons. Its significance is that it explains why we went to war in Iraq in the first place; to deter something on a larger scale from happening
Third Wave of Democratization
the third wave of democratization took place in the 80's with 30 new democracies, 15 new free states in the 90's and 10 new democracies in the 00's, in total 85 democracies. Ex. Includes the democracy of South Africa. Significant because now we have to keep an eye out for the possible reversal of the third wave. There are signs of one beginning with the faltering democracies in Latin America, and the democracy's demise in Russia (with the rule of Putin)
American Exceptionalism
the idea that the United States differs from other developed nations due to its unique national ideals. Ex. After the fall of the Soviet Union, America took on the new role in the Uni-polar movement (in terms of policy) was taking over. Significant because it fuels our belief that it is out duty to "export democracy"
Cultural Imperialism
when one culture tries to dominate and influence another cultures beliefs and ideologies. The assimilation of many groups into one culture. Ex. China has tried to conform many cultures into its own simply because there are so many different ethnic groups. It offers the smartest pupils from different precincts a free tuition, in turn tends to influence them into the accepted "Chinese culture." Significant because culture Imperialism doesn’t always work including the situation of Tibet. That cultural identity wants to become independent but China wont recognize its independence.
Bay of Pigs
an unsuccessful attempt of U.S. trained Cuban exiles to invade and overthrow the Cuban government in 1960. Took place while JFK was president. Significant because it began the deterioration of our relations with Cuba. It indicated to Fidel Castro that the U.S. wanted to get rid of him.
Mariel Boat Lift
This was when Fidel Castro released 180,000 Cubans from prison and then gave them boats to cross into the United States.
Wet Foot/Dry Foot
this is the policy that was instated in 1995, in stated that any Cuban that makes it to American soil are allowed to remain in the States. Significance is that it allowed a refuge for many Cubans from the oppressive dictatorship of Fidel Castro.
This is a intensive interrogation technique that is used by the United States. It is basically the act of making someone feel as though they are drowning in order for them to spill possible information. Ex. It is used as an interrogation technique by the States. Significant because there is debate as to whether this could be considered torture/ disobeying the Geneva convention
New Europe
The New Europe is based on three principles: the European Community, common foreign and security policy, and justice and home affairs. The New Europe is comprised of the EU which continues to expand. This means new economies and new democracies. No example. The Significance is that the New Europe is becoming more competitive with lower taxes and wages.
European Coal and Steel Community
this was the first organization based on operations within the EU created a common market of coal and steel to deter war between Germany and France. Significant because it was the first operation that required several member states of the EU to work together
Reform fatigue
Citizens in the EU are becoming exhausted with the number of reforms that keep being issued, or suggested. Initially all of the best policies came from the new reforms of the EU but member states and their citizens are starting to be less enthused. EX? Significant because it could possibly lessen the chances of EU member states remaining democracies
Peak oil theory
the point in time when we reach the end of supply of oil at which the rate of production declines. Significant because this means that eventually the supply will not be able to keep up with the demand
Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
conducted under the EU it is the largest emission trading scheme in the world. It is a system in which members of the EU are asked to submit their amount of Co2 emissions and then in turn have to pay a certain amount of emissions allowance to the government that is equivalent to their emissions. Example. That it takes place within the European Union. It holds significance because it is a measure in which pollution is being monitored and possibly deterred. It is a step that Europe is taking to curb its green house gases
North West Frontier Province
This is the smallest of the four main provinces in Pakistan. Pakistan refuses to acknowledge its largest ethnic group, because it is afraid that they will want to break away from Pakistan and become "Pashtunistan" there are large separatist sentiments in this region. It is significant because the NWFP harbors Al Qaeda.
This is referred to as the North West Frontier Province, Pakistanis wont let it be called Pashtunistan because they don’t want to recognize the sector of Pashtuns. Its significant because it deals with cultural imperialism.
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
this is the largest intelligence service in Pakistan. It handled intelligence sharing between the different branches of military within Pakistan. Example NONE. Significance is that they are believed to be slightly corrupt and have helped rig past elections in Pakistan. They were accused of asassination Benazir Bhutto's brother. Has been known to assist terrorists in Kashmir province of India
CPA Order No. 2
disbanded (broke up) the Iraqi Army in 2003. NO EXAMPLE. Significant because later on U.S. personnel realized that in order to win the Iraqi war they would first have to work together with the Iraqi soldiers, not against. Now have a combined operating base
Extraordinary rendition
this is the transfer of a detainee into a secret prison (black sites), where often times torture is implemented, and acknowledged by U.S. officials. Ex. Suspected terrorist especially after September 11th. Significant because the detainees are usually transferred to countries where torture is acceptable; how U.S. agencies have managed to interrogate unlawfully, while not breaking any laws.
Enemy Combatant
a person designated by the U.S. president as an enemy fighter. Significant because in Iraq we had to turn enemy fighters into our allies, in order to be successful (I.E. Iraqi soldiers)
"Black Sites"
secret prisons operated by the CIA outside of the United States. Where we detain unlawful enemy combatants. Outside of the jurisdiction of the United States. Ex. There are some in Poland and Romania. They hold significance because...
Jeffrey Sachs
He is the author of the End of Poverty. He outlined five development interventions in his UN Millenium Project. His goals: boost agriculture, improve basic health, invest in education, bring power, provide clean water and sanitation. NO EXAMPLE Significance is that he proposed a plan that has been put in place by the UN, unfortunately the only place it isn't meeting its goals is in Africa
is a program in which a series of small loans are given to poor entrepreneurs in poor countries. Provides financial services such as savings, financing, insurance and fund transfers. Significant because it is a possible solution to end global poverty. Example, KIVA?
Energy Nationalism
Energy Nationalism
rational unitary actor
if there was no system to control other actors than all the actors would be searching for their own power. Relates to tragedy of the commons, wouldn't work for the benefit of all, no example because it has never really happened
Irish Disease
after new Europe was created, it had an unstable economy. Thus smart people from New europe migrated to old europe where they could get jobs like waitressing etc, for better wages. the significance is that in turn people in old Europe were facing more competition in the job market
Agency Theory
Bureaucracies are agents that act on behalf of the legislature-the principal or “client”- in a relationship similar to a business contract.
Intentionally drawing districts to gain a partisan advantage. Sig: a politician can crack or bundle a group of voters. So they can crack a liberal group in half or bundle a group together to give themselves the advantage.
When checks and balances within the presidential system work too well so that they not only prevent one institution from overwhelming the others, but also prevent anyone from doing much of anything. Sig: No laws or anything can be passed or changed.
Unity Government
When the two major parties, though in opposition work together to achieve a higher national purpose. Sig: This gets rid of the politics between politicians and parties, so the greater good of the nation can be worked on and not who is on top. Ex: Arial Sharon’s Lukid party worked with Shimon Peres’s Labor party for a time in order to show a united front during a recent period in the ongoing Middle East conflict.
Original Jurisdiction
Trial courts. The first courts to hear a case. Keep a record and get the facts. Sig: first line of action in the court system.
Appellate Jurisdiction
Review the record from trial courts. Review the record from Original jurisdiction/trial courts. Cannot simply say they agree/disagree with something, it must be about law and process only. Sig: This is where you go if you are not happy with what the original jurisdiction was.
Pork Barrel Politics
When representatives use their political office to bring federal money to their districts through projects and jobs. Sig: The first priority of the legislature in this case is not whether the programs and jobs are necessary but whether they can bring home the bacon for their constituents. This is to have a better chance of being reelected.
Iron Triangle
Bureaucracies, interest groups and elected officials: impenetrable by outside actors. Lobbying by the interest groups makes elected officials craft legislation in favor of those interest groups. Interest groups then provide resources to help get that official reelected. Bureaucratic agencies that act as the interest groups want them to receive rewards from elected officials- this is motive for bureaucracies to act as interest groups want them to. Sig: interest groups have great power to persuade elected officials and bureaucracies.
Judicial Review
The power to declare laws and government acts to be in violation of the nation’s constitution or in some other way illegal under the structure of the country. Sig: courts can monitor government action. Ex: when the civil rights movement began, the federal courts began to assert their power over state courts in order to play a greater role in protecting the rights of African Americans.
Religious law is present in Islamic countries where it is Islamic law. It governs every aspect of religious and secular life. Primarily based on rules from the Koran and other legal sources. Sig: in some cases the government’s ability to make law is limited because they cannot contradict Shari’a. Ex: countries based entirely on Shari’a: Iran, Saudi Arabia. Countries with mixed religious and civil laws: Egypt, Pakistan. In Saudi Arabia the monarch’s power to make law is limited because it contradicts shari’a.
Private Law
Relationships involving private individuals and private organizations. Government is not involved except for setting rules and context of interaction.
Public Law
relationships involving government and its relationships with individuals and organizations. Ex: Criminal law- the government polices private behavior.
Arrow’s Theorem
elections cannot be the perfect means of making decisions because the way the votes are tallied can greatly change the outcome of the election. Sig: there is no election that will truly reflect the will of the people 100% of the time. This means the US democracy does not have a perfect system in electing president. Ex: in the 2004 election, Bush won the electoral votes, but Kerry won the popular vote
Direct Democracy
All citizens gather together, share perspectives, debate and actually vote on policies. Sig: People worked with their community to work on and improve themselves and their state. People today do not have the time and space enough for everyone to be involved. Ex: city-state of Athens
First past the post
electoral system where the candidate with the most votes wins regardless of whether that person has a majority of the votes cast; there is no run-off election. Sig: even if a candidate does not win more than half the vote, they can still win by winning more votes than all of the other candidates.
Median Voter
The one vote in the center that determines which candidate will win. Sig: The candidates are competing to get this one voter that determines who will win.
An electoral system where there is no proportional representation. Sig: Who ever gets the majority will win all the votes even though that may not be what the majority wants. Ex: in the Electoral College, most states are winner take all.
government in which decisions are made by representatives of the citizens rather that the citizens themselves. Sig: representatives are trusted to make decisions rather than individual citizens; the citizens just choose what decision and representative they want. Ex: Electoral College.
questions that legislatures put on the ballot for the people to vote on. Sig: way for citizens to vote directly upon policies, laws or other actions that would otherwise be done by legislatures.
Cognitive Framework
The set of instinctional and learned filters the human mind uses for sorting the mass of incoming information and selecting which bits it will recognize and pass on to thinking part of the brain. Sig: everyone uses their own instincts and learnings to collect and think about information in different ways.
Carefully choosing and building the framework and how people will perceive something. Sig: Politicians use spin to make people view them or their actions in a certain way. Ex: The McCain campaign tried to make it look like Obama was inexperienced and not ready for the job of the presidency.
A dominant power, either individual person or a country. Sig: this person or state can impose a kind of structure on an anarchical situation like the international world. Ex: the US is a Hegemon in the international world. Countries may not act a certain way just because they know the US does not want them to.
elections cannot be the perfect means of making decisions because the way the votes are tallied can greatly change the outcome of the election. Sig: there is no election that will truly reflect the will of the people 100% of the time. This means the US democracy does not have a perfect system in electing president. Ex: in the 2004 election, Bush won the electoral votes, but Kerry won the
reality that comes to us through channels of information flow, primarily through the news media, and our understanding of how information is selected, and presented to us through the news media. Sig: The media is how people get information, and the media is able to only show us what they want-this could be deceiving. Things are not directly experienced, but are necessary for understanding politics and government.
opportunistic international alliances in which nations ally with the bully in order to carve out their own slices of the spoils. Sig: states will go with the Hegemon in a conflict in order to come out with a benefit, even if they disagree b/c there is no way they will do any good by going against them. Ex: in the war in Iraq countries will provide support and troops to the US. They may not agree with the US, but there is no way they will win against the US, so why not just get on their side?
World Systems Theory
idea that politics occurs within an economic structure defined by exploitive trade relationships, with corporate, class, and multinational entities defining the units of action. All about wealth and economic exploitation on an international level.
Political Socialization
The process by which the group teaches the shared context to the members of society. Sig: ppl learn political culture from schools, parents, media, politicians, etc. This is where people learn to believe certain things about their surroundings and beliefs.
Kyoto Protocol
41 of the world’s industrialized countries (not US), that agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2012. Sig: The industrialized world is trying to do something about global warming and helping the environment. The agreement may be a start, but will not really make that big of a difference.
Orange Revolution
series of protests and poitical events that took place in Ukraine in 2004 and 2005. Immediate aftermath of the run-off vote of the Ukraine presidential election. Election involved massive corruption, voter intimidation and electoral fraud. In the end the protests succeeded, and the second run-off was “fair and free”. Sig: Civil disobedience was successful.
Counter-insurgency- tactics, techniques and procedures used to defeat an insurgency. Sig: Protect local population, train host nation security forces, rebuilding economic and political infrastructure. Ex: Iraq
Geneva Accords
4 conventions. 1st: Protect the wounded, 2nd: protect Prisoners of war, 3rd: protect non-combatants, 4th: protect combatants not between actual states. Sig: Countries are supposed to follow these accords but they can be interpreted by each state differently. Ex: The US interprets that the accords do not directly mention terrorists, so the accords do not apply to dealing with terrorists.
Cockroach Theory of Politics
Politicians do not want to be spotted anyplace where they can be stomped on. They make sure they do not do anything that another politician got caught and made a big deal of for by the media. Ex: Clinton got caught with Monica Lowinski. All other presidents will make sure they do not make the same mistake.
Millennium Development Goals
: 8 international development goals that are to be achieved by year 2015. Includes reducing extreme poverty, universal primary education, gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal wealth, combat disease like AIDS, environmental sustainability, develop a global partnership for development. Sig: the global world is trying to do something to prop up the world. They are not worried about competing so much as helping the world as a whole to survive and thrive.
Carbon Tax
Enviornmental tax on emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Sig: To reduce emission of carbon dioxide and thereby slow climate change.
Democratic Peace Theory
Observation that liberal democratic regimes do not fight one another. Sig: This does not mean that Democracies are more peacefull, but that because they have the same ideals and values, they have no need to fight one another. Ex: The US and other democracies do not fight in wars because they both are on the same page in their politics.
Foreign Policy Analysis
Theoretical perspective in international relations that holds that understanding how those decisions are made within structure, process, and context of domestic politics is essential for understanding international politics. Sig: In order for a country to understand another country’s reasons for doing things, they need to know about that country. Ex: The US may not fully understand the middle east, therefore cannot act completely correctly in international politics with the middle east
City in Central Iraq. High amount of attacks happened here. Capital of anbar province. Sig: shows the failure of Iraq. We burned the town to the ground, then left and insurgence came right back in.
World Bank
Gives loans to countries in need of them. There are often conditions to their loans. Sig: The world bank help countries, but it is possible for the money to be lost to curruption, and not all problems can be fixed by simply throwing money at them. Ex: African countries are so corrupt, that any money given to them may not actually fix or get to any of the problems. Some say that this is just a price to pay when dealing with Africa.
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
Supreme Court of US said that military commissions done by Bush administration to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay violate both the Uniform code of Military justice and four Geneva Conventions. Specifically, the third Geneva Convention is violated. US had to treat detainees in accordance with Geneva conventions. Sig: US says other countries should not use torture, but the US uses it on terrorists, they say the Geneva Conventions do not directly refer to terrorists.
Marshall Plan
plan of the US for rebuilding and creating a stronger foundation for the countries of Western Europe, and for repelling communism after WWII. By the completion of the plan, the economy of every participating state with the exception of Germany, had grown well past pre-war levels. Sig: This is a case of throwing money at a situation and having it prosper. Will this work in other places such as Africa? Probably not
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