Pardon for punishment from sin. Johan Tetzel sells it and it enraged Luther, the thought that one can buy forgiveness from God. |
Posts the95 Theses to help the church, but instead starts another revolution that pushes us into the modern age. |
Both felt as if they were outcasts, and were beaten by their own fathers, went against their wishes. Michelangelo was to be an accountant and Luther was supposed to be a lawyer. |
Not affected although it was united, it was blocked from impact of the PR. Ultimately set Russia back because they are not part of the scientific revolution and not part of the growth in literacy. |
Germany was devastated by the Protestant Reformation.Because Protestant reformation had such an impact, the wars were very intense and the battlefield was often Germany. Between 1610ish-1648, Germany lost over 1 million people from war. Germany was divided into 300 small little city states. That means Germany had 300 different currencies. The end of the 30 Years War was the Treaty of Westphalia. |
The England Protestants not only created a refuge but supported new religious ideas. Henry VIII created the Anglican Church because his wife Catherine of Aragon couldn't produce a male heir. He broke off from the Catholic church and then created the Anglican Church. |
Because of Germany's downfall, France thrived. France is equal to a divided Germany. Because of this Germany had a bloodlust to destroy France. Germany was in a lot of bloody wars including the Fracopression War of 1871, WWI of 1914-1918, and WWII. |
Italy started the Council of Trent. The Council of Tremt realized that the Catholic Church had been corrupted, and sent out Jesuits to reclaim their integrity. They beleived in justification by faith which was the maintaining of the church approved deeds + faith= salvation. Because their religion stayed Roman Catholic, science is not going to boom in Italy. |
Because Ireland is next to England which converted to Anglicanism, England and Ireland fought many bloodshed wars. England tried to convert Ireland to Anglicanism. Most of Ireland did not change, which led to more religious battles. |