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Basic science lectures

Additional Medical Flashcards





Levels of Complexity of Life

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information


[LUCA is the Last Universal Common Ancestor]

Whether single celled or multi-cellular, core features of all organisms are conserved, and living organisms must be:
1:  Separate in some way from their environment (membranes in euk and simple compartmentalization in prok->allows euk to be more complex and regulated with specific environments in same cell and organelles with their own DNA i.e. mitochondria and chloroplasts)
2: Able to store information in a stable way
3: Able to reliably replicate and pass information to the next generation
4: Able to extract energy from their surroundings


4 Basic Classes of Molecules

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information


All are polymers:
§ Nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides. The nucleic acids DNA and RNA store and carry information
§ Proteins are made of amino acids, and carry out most cellular functions
§ Lipids are comprised of fatty acids and form membranes around cells and organelles
§ Carbohydrates include small sugars and larger polysaccharides and have a wide range of roles such as energy storage, cell adhesion, cell structure, signaling, etc


DNA Molecule Overview

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information


§ DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the means of storing information in a stable, heritable form
§ In humans, there are 3 billion bp and 10^4 genes
§ DNA is a type of nucleic acid made up of 4 nucleotides (all planar):
§ guanosine (G)
§ adenosine (A)
§ thymidine (T)
§ cytidine (C)
§ The order of nucleotides in DNA is the information in the genetic code
§ DNA forms a double helix with nucleotides paired, A with T and C with G
§ 2 strands make up the DNA (although there can be ssDNA, almost all living things with 2 strands), 1 template and 1 backup
§ The double helix is directional – strands lie in head to toe antiparallel polarity, DNA is always read 5'-3', copied in both directions 3'-5' and 5'-3' but DNA polymerase only works in 3'-5' direction in replication [original will 3'-5' and copy made will be 5'-3']



DNA/RNA Replication Overview

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information


§ The two stranded structure of DNA allows separation and copying of information in either orientation

   1: Original strands separate
   2: Nucleotides are added to the separated strands to form new strands. Nucleotides are added in a COMPLEMENTARY fashion – A/T and C/G
   3: Two new double-stranded DNA molecules are produced from one original molecule
§ All the DNA sequences in an organism form its GENOME, the blueprint for that particular organism
§ Genetic information needs to be passed to the next generation, or to new cells of the same organism: this is transmission of the genome (w/o checkpoints and regulation only 1/2^23 replication processes would yield an exact replica of original strand)

§ Another nucleic acid, RNA (ribonucleic acid), is most often single-stranded and mainly used for information transfer and regulation of gene expression
§ The extra oxygen in RNA allows for it to act enzymatic and have several fxns
§ RNA is made by copying the sequence of a region of the genome into an RNA molecule (transcription)
§ The RNA is either used directly by the cell or used as information to direct manufacture of a particular protein
§ Transcription is the copying of DNA into RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules
§ RNA polymerase synthesizes RNA
§  Regions of DNA signal RNA polymerase when to start making RNA and when to stop
§ RNA does not have thymidine, so it is replaced by uracil.  Uracil (U) pairs with adenosine (A)
§ The RNA produced is the primary transcript – this is further refined into the final product: Both exons and introns are copied into RNA. The introns are spliced out to create mRNA for translation


(Copying DNA into mRNA, and only fragment of DNA unlooped) 


Gene Overview

  Lecture: Flow of Biological Information


§ The genome largely consists of genes and junk DNA
§ A gene is a region that controls a discrete hereditary characteristic, usually a specific product like a protein
§ A gene has the information for a product, but also instructions for when and where the product is made.  A single gene can code for many different products
§ Much Junk DNA is non-genic, but is proving to be functional in not fully understood ways
§ DNA is packaged into linear or circular units called chromosomes
§ In eukaryotes, DNA is wrapped around packing proteins (histones) and compacted in a space-efficient way
§ Some cells have small extra pieces of DNA (plasmids)
§ Chromosome - chromo = light, can pass light through w/ microscope
§ Gene expression is carefully regulated – at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational and post-translational levels
[Transformation to higher degree protein as chromosome condenses]


Genome Diversity

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information


§ Genomes vary widely in the size of genome, number of genes and gene spacing
-E. coli is 98% genic


§ Generally, single celled organisms have fewer genes than multicellular organisms.  However, larger genome size and increased genome complexity do not always correlate with organisms having greater complexity
-For example, the genome of the single-celled amoeba is more than 200x the size of the human genome (more introns)
§ §   § Genomes often have transposable elements – pieces of DNA that copy themselves within a genome and increase genome size



Translation Overview

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information


§ Coding RNAs that contain the information to produce a protein are called messenger RNAs (mRNAs)
§ Proteins are built from amino acids
§ Twenty amino acids are commonly used
§ Proteins can range from a few amino acids long (e.g. calmodulin), to many thousands (e.g. hemaglutinin)
§ Proteins may contain distinct separate proteins that come together to form a functional unit
§ The process of turning the information in an mRNA into a protein is called translation
§ Distinct sequences in the mRNA indicate where translation is to begin and finish
§ Each amino acid is represented (encoded) by three nucleotides in the mRNA molecule called a codon
§ Translation is performed by the ribosome, which has protein and RNA components
§ Transfer RNA (tRNA) interprets the information in mRNA into the protein sequence
[image] [image]
(tRNA binding to mRNA with anticodon and forming hairpin loop secondary structure due to H bonding)
(tRNA then brings amino acid and allows for polymer to form)


Ribozymes Overview

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information 


  • Protein synthesis via the ribosome is an example of a conserved fundamental process which heavily involves RNA.
  • The ribosome is made of RNA and protein. The ribosomal RNA (rRNA) contributes to catalysis, making the ribosome a “ribozyme”



Codon Overview

  Lecture: Flow of Biological Information 


§ Most amino acids can be encoded by more than one codon
§ Methionine (codon AUG) usually indicates the start of a protein
§ Stop codons indicate the end of a protein (UAA,UAG,UGA)
§ All codons have an outcome, so the code is referred to as non-ambiguous


Phenotype Overview

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information 


§ The activity and interplay of all the genes in a cell produce the phenotype for that cell or organism
§ The phenotype is the visual features of an organism, whereas the genotype is the collective DNA sequence
§ Organisms have a ploidy - the number of copies of its genome that the organism has
§ Yeast can thrive as a haploid – one copy of its genome – or as a diploid
§ More complex eukaryotes – like humans – have two copies and are diploid.  Others are polyploid i.e. frogs
§ Having extra copies of chromosomes can provide a back-up if a gene is defective on one chromosome but fully functional on a homologous chromosome
§ “Forward” genetics is where a mutant phenotype is observed, and the gene then identified that causes the phenotype
§ “Reverse” genetics is where a gene of interest is disrupted, and the phenotype observed
§ Copies of a gene that are similar but non-identical (such as wild-type and mutant genes) are referred to as alleles


Mutations Overview

 Lecture: Flow of Biological Information 


Mutations lead to the diversity of life


§ Single nucleotide changes can alter the encoded amino acid – missense mutations
§ Single nucleotide changes can introduce a premature stop codon – nonsense mutations
§ Single nucleotide changes that do not alter the encoded amino acid -- silent mutations

§ Mutations in somatic cells only affect the organism itself, but mutations in germline cells affect subsequent generations
§ Mutations frequently lead to disease. If a mutation in a single gene causes a disease, this is monogenic
§ Example: phenylkenonuria
§ Polygenic disease are those that result from changes in several genes
§ Examples: Alzheimers disease and diabetes
§ Mutations do not always result in disease, but can increase likelihood of a disease.  Penetrance is the percentage of people with the mutation that will develop the disease
§ Example: Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in humans increases the risk of breast cancer


Nucleotide Overview

Nucleic Acid Structure



[deoxyadenosine 5′-monophosphate (dAMP)]


§Nucleotides comprise a base, a sugar, and phosphate
§ Nucleotides have additional biological functions, such as energy storage (ATP) and molecular transport
§ DNA and RNA are polymers of nucleotides
§ Nucleotides are joined by a phosphodiester bond between the 3′ hydroxyl of one sugar and the phosphate attached to the 5′ hydroxyl of the next sugar
§ NA strands are thus directional – one end has an exposed 3′hydroxl, the other end has an exposed 5′ phosphate
§ By convention, NA sequences are written in the 5′ to 3′ direction
§ The sugars and phosphates form a repeating unit – the sugar-phosphate backbone, covalently bonded
§ The backbone is always the same, but the attached bases vary


Deoxyribose and Ribose Structures

Nucleic Acid Structure 


Base Structures

Nucleic Acid Structure 




§ Bases are planar rings that are typically uncharged under physiological conditions
§pKa values denote the pH at which half the molecules in a population are charged at a given atom (pKa = pH + log(protonated/unprotonated))
§ Each base is joined to a sugar by a glycosidic bond between the C1′ of the sugar and the N1 of a pyrimidine or N9 of a purine


Tautomers of Bases

Nucleic Acid Structure 



§ Bases can exist in two tautomeric forms (isomeric structures in which a proton has migrated to a different place)


§ Usually, less than 0.01% of bases are in the less common tautomeric form
§Tautomers have implications for the accuracy of DNA replication, and can provide genetic variation


Base Stacking

Nucleic Acid Structure  



§ The most energetically favorable formation of double-stranded DNA is for the two strands to wind around one another in a right-handed double helix
§ The hydrophobic bases cluster in the center, away from the aqueous cellular environment
§ The hydrophilic sugar phosphate backbone interacts favorably with water, and so is on the outside of the molecule since phosphate is negative
§ Base pairs form a stack on the interior of the helix. Van der Waals interactions between bases stabilize the interactions (main force)
§ This base-stacking arrangement is very energetically favorable, and is important for the stability of DNA


Different DNA Configurations

 Nucleic Acid Structure  


In all forms, A-T and G-C base pairs have similar widths, so the helix diameter is ~20 Å

§ B-DNA is the predominant configuration in DNA.  The helix repeats every 10.5 base pairs, and base pairs are 3.4 Å apart. The helix forms a major groove (~13 Å) and a minor groove (~9 Å)
§ A-DNA is a right-handed helix, but has 11 base pairs per turn, making the grooves move evenly sized. The A conformation can be induced by DNA binding proteins. The 2′ OH means that RNA favors an A-type helix rather that the B-type helix of DNA (Geometric interference,Sugar pucker)
§ Z-DNA, a left-handed helix, can result from methylation of cytosine, tortional stress, and high salt concentrations


History of DNA Structure Discovery

 Nucleic Acid Structure  


§ TWatson and Crick published their deduction of the structure of DNA in 1953, using several pieces of then recently discovered evidence
- Bases were proposed to be perpendicular to the sugar backbone, and in the enol or imino form (Donohue)
- Adenine and thymine were always found in 1:1 ratios, as were cytosine and guanine (Chargaff)

T   The key information came from X-ray diffraction studies of DNA fibers (Franklin)
- The cross pattern with short lines is characteristic of a helix
- The spacing of the lines suggested the dimensions of the helix
- Diffraction patterns suggested two intertwining helices
Few differences from present day:
- Base pairs are not precisely planar
- There are slightly more than 10 base pairs per turn
- The helix axis is not perfectly straight 

Supercoiling Overview

  Nucleic Acid Structure  


§ To induce supercoiling, a circular molecule is cut and held at one end while the other end is twisted
§ This changes the number of bases per turn
§ When the two ends are stuck back together (ligated) the DNA twists to restore the preferred number of bases per turn
§ This causes the DNA to wrap around itself in a coiled structure
§ Supercoiling can be positive or negative, depending on the direction of the DNA twisting
§ Clockwise winding of the DNA, tending to separate the strands, leads to negative supercoiling
§ Twisting in the counterclockwise direction induces positive supercoiling
§ Linear pieces of DNA can also be supercoiled if one end is immobile
§ Supercoiling is released if one of the DNA strands is cut
§ Supercoiling can be toroidal or interwound


Sugar Pucker

   Nucleic Acid Structure  


§ The sugar part of nucleic acid molecules have buckled conformations, known as sugar pucker
§ The 2′ OH of ribose causes it to have a different sugar pucker to deoxyribose
§ In ribose, the formation is called C3′endo, and is favored by the A-type helix
§ The C2  endo form is found in deoxyribose and favors the B-type helix
§ The 2′ OH also allows RNA to form hydrogen bonds more prolifically than DNA, allowing more inter- and intra- molecular interactions

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