Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) |
- H1 receptor antagonist/antihistamine
- preventer
- blocks histamine from reaching receptors
- side effects: anitcholinergic symptoms (dry mouth, dry eyes, blurred vision, tacchycardia, urinary retention, constipation, headaches, confusion), drowsiness
- can cause excitability in children
- 2nd generation H1 receptor antagonists such as Allegra, Zyrtec, & Claritin cause less side effects
- monitor for paradoxical CNS stimulaiton
- If giving IV, must give slowly (25 mg/min)
- Intranasal glucocortocoid/anti-inflammatory
- preventer
- cause a decrease in inflammatory mediators, reduce tissue edema, and mild vasoconstriction
- metered-spray device for consistent dosing
- take 2-3 weeks for maximum effect
- side effects- intense burning & drying in nose - don't administer if membranes broken - could cause systemic response
- monitor for signs of infection - decreased immune response
- concurrent use with nasal decongestants increase risk for irritation
- administration techniques: blow nose 1st, spray, do not swallow. Wait 1 minute between sprays, if 2 meds prescribed, wait 5 minutes between.
- Decongestan/ Alpha 1 Stimulator -vasoconstriction
- reliever
- rebound congestion w/ nasal administration - don't use more than 3-5 days
- increases HR & BP
- educate client to avoid St. Johns Wort due to increase risk for HTN
- often abused
- decongestant/ Alpha 1 stimulator
- cardiac/CNS side effects
- causes systemic vasoconstriction, HTN, tacchycardia
- contraindicated in patients with HTN
- not for long term use
- often abused
- avoid St. Johns Wort