Describe the Greater and Lesser Pelvis and the boundaries of the pelvic cavity |
Greater- wings of the ilium and down to pelvic brim
Lesser- pelvic inlet is just above pubic symphysis and region goes back to tip of coccyx
Pelvic Cavity Sup: pelvic inlet Inf: Pelvic outlet- coccyx and pubic symphysis |
Describe the Pelvic Girdle
1. Structure 2. Function |
1. basin shaped ring of bones that connect vertebrae to femurs 3 bones: 2 os coxae and sacrum -fusion of pubis, ischium, iliim during puberty 2. a. bear weight of upper body b. transfer weight from axial skeleton to limbs c. attachment for muscles for movement and posture d. protection of pelvic viscera e. support for pregnant uterus and intercourse |
Describe the following bones of the pelvic girdle
1. Ilium 2. Ischium 3. Pubis |
1. largest, articulates with sacrum -iliac crest superior, fuses with ischium inferior -ala separated at arcuate line (defines pelvic inlet) -sciatic notches provide passage for sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, obturator internus
2. body helps form acetabulum ischial spine: projection that provides sarcospinous tendon attachment ischial tuberosity: protuberance on inferior part for sitting down (Sitz bones)
3. articulate at pubic symphysis -allows for twisting while walking -when standing forms floor Men: >70 and Women: <80
*all three form acetabulum- attachment for femur |
Describe the following bones of the pelvic girdle
1. Sacrum 2. Coccyx |
1. triangular formed of 5 fused vertebrae -articulates with L5 superior, ilia laterally, coccyx inferiorly -sacral promontory (top ring) defines pelvic brim -four sacral foramina on each side
2. tailbone! -fusion of 4-5 vertebrae |
Describe Pelvic Diameters and Joint Relaxation in Pregnancy |
Obstetric conjugate: must be over 10 cm for baby -fixed
Relaxin can loosen pubic symphysis and move coccyx and sacrum posteriorly -10-15% more room |
Describe the muscles of the pelvic floor |
Diaphragm- Levator ani and Coccygeus a. Puborectalis b. Pubococcygeus c. Iliococcygeus
Lateral- Obturator internus
Posterior- Piriformis |
Describe the Perineum and the Pelvic Floor |
Perineum: Surface area of the trunk between the thighs and buttocks, the muscle on the floor and the genitalia
Pelvic floor: forms roof to perineum -pierced by urogential hiatus (urethra/vagina) |
*does not extend into perineum attached loosely to inferior abdominal wall
Rectum: retroperitoneal Bladder and Prostate: subperitoneal |
Describe Vasculature of Pelvis
1. Arteries 2. Veins 3. Nerves |
1. Ab aorta splits into iliac Ext: femoral Int: supply to pelvis Median Sacral: tail of aorta
2. Internal iliac drains most of pelvis -median sacral vein drains into left common iliac
3. primarily innervated by sacral and coccygeal nerves |
Describe the Bladder
1. Location 2. Size 3. Ureters 4. Walls 5. Micturition |
1. empty: sits in lesser pelvis full: rises up to belly button 2. 750-1000mL 3. enter at base at trigone 4. made of smooth muscle (detrusor) that must contract 5. controlled by detrusor and sphincters int: smooth, involuntary ext: muscular, voluntary |
Describe the Urethra
1. Size 2. Structure 3. Prostatic 4. Female |
1. short in females (4cm) and long in males (18-22cm) 2. male divided into 4 part (spongy is longest) 3. prominent section is urethral crest where it divides in two
4. no internal sphincter; only external that runs most of full length -paraurethral glands line urethra and moisten for sex |
Describe the Rectum
1. Placement 2. Components |
1. retroperitoneal 2. Sigmoid-Rectum-Rectal ampulla (holds feces)-Anus |
Describe the Vas deferens
1. Pathway 2. Structure |
1. runs from epididymis-inguinal canal in spermatic cord-lateral wall of pelvis outside peritoneum-joins seminal vesicle 2. thick muscular walls and small lumen |
Describe the Seminal Vesicle
1. Location 2. Function 3. Ejaculatory Duct |
1. sits in between bladder and rectum 2. secrete seminal fluid for semen (80%) -fructose, alkaline, coagulating fluid
3. short ducts that form where vas deferens and seminal vesicles merge -pass through prostate and merge with urethra in prostate |
Describe the Prostate Gland
1. Function 2. Structure |
1. produce milky fluid high in Zn and sugar (20%) 2. 2/3 is glandular and 1/3 is muscular Isthmus: anterior lobe; all muscle -prostate ducts open on posterior side of prostatic urethra |
Describe the Bulbourethreal Glands
1. Location 2. Function |
1. lie posterior laterally to urethra -ducts open at proximal end of spongy urethra 2. produce thick secretion during arousal to lubricate urethra |
Describe the Ovaries
1. Location 2. Function |
1. suspended in peritoneal cavity, not covered by peritoneum -connected to uterus by ovarian ligament and rests on broad sheet of connective tissue
2. a. oocytes develop and released -rupture of mesothelium releases egg into peritoneal cavity b. release estrogen |
Describe the Uterine Tubes
1. Structure 2. Function |
1. distal end has small projections called Fimbriae -tube is coated with cilia to move egg to uterus a. Infundibulum- fimbriae b. wide ampulla c. isthmus d. uterine part -> uterine wall
2. conduct egg from ovary to uterus -site of fertilization |
Describe the Uterus (Womb)
1. Structure 2. Location 3. Function |
1. thick walled, pear shaped muscular organ Perimetrium: outer part facing peritoneum Myometrium: smooth muscle Endometrium: inner mucous coat
2. sits above bladder and curves around Non gravid: in lower pelvis supported by broad and round ligament Gravid: can occupy most of abdominal cavity
3. houses fetus, adapts to growth of fetus and provides expulsion during birth |
Describe the Cervix and the Vagina |
Cervix: part of uterus that projects into vagina -surrounded by vaginal fornix -small opening leads to cervical canal and into uterus
Vagina: 7-9cm muscular tube from cervix to outside Functions: a. exit for menstrual fluids b. birth canal c. receptor for penis -normally collapsed behind bladder and urethra |
Describe Ectopic Pregnancy and Uterine Disposition |
Ectopic: egg implants outside of uterus most common- ampulla
Disposition: uterus can flex backward or go into vagina with increased pressure (prolapse) |
Describe the Muscles of the Perineum
1. Deep 2. Middle 3. Superficial |
1. Levator ani- pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus Coccygeus *all three form pelvic diaphragm
2. external urethreal sphincter, compressor urethra, deep transverse perineal
3. ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus (around base of penis), superficial transverse perinal, anal sphincter |
Describe the Male Urogenital Triangle
1. Main Components 2. Line down penis and scrotum 3. Erectile Tissue 4. Penis |
1. External genitalia (penis, scrotum, urethra) and perineal muscles 2. Raphe- bilateral formation 3. Corpora cavernosum-main body Corpus spongiosum- urethra passes through 4. Glans-ridge=corona-body-root Root: bulb and crura surrounded by ischiocavernosus (side) and bulbospongiosus (around base of penis) |
Describe the Female Urogenital Triangle
1. External genitalia 2. Labia 3. Vestibular glands 4. Clitoris |
1. mons pubis, labia major and minor, clitoris, urethral and vaginal orifice 2. Major: surround pudendal cleft (labia minor and vestibule) -terminus of round ligament of uterus Minor: hairless folds of skin holding vestibule 3. Greater and lesser moisten vestibule and vagina during arousal Bartholin: greater 4. similar to penis, attached to ischial rami by crura |