Shared Flashcard Set


Exam 2
Northern Renassiance, High Renaissance
Art History
Undergraduate 1

Additional Art History Flashcards





Artist Gentile de Fabriano 

Date 1423

Title Adoration of the Magi 

Medium Tempera on panel (80" by 111") 

Period Style Label Nonclassical Renaissance (no linear perspective [atmospheric instead], etc.)  

Function Altarpiece at Sta. Trinita, Florence 

Purpose Demonstrate Strazzi's wealth and dedication to the Church 

Patron Pala Strozzi, wealthy banker 

Audience Churchgoers

Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects – 3 wise men=3 stages of life, gift of Magi=gift of painting to church, gold (precious, light) frankinsence (incense in church- painting activates activities going on in church) and myrrh (burial purposes) 

Content blue was expensive (lapus lazuli imported from Afghanistan) as was red (cinnabar imported from China) so demonstrates wealth, foreground outpush, crowded and busy, atmospheric perspective 

Other/Any information  framing considered more labor intensive, demonstrates Northern influence in the detail and emotion used, lacks classical style  


Artist  Masaccio and Lippi 

Date 1462-82

Title Branacci 

Medium Frescoes 

Period Style Label Renaissance

Function Chapel for Churh of Carmelites  

Purpose Show wealth etc. 

Patron Felice Baracacci 

Audience Anyone who goes to the church, in Florence 

Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects – Life of Saint. Peter, Matt 17:24-27 (Christ and St. Peter have to pay a fine to enter a town, St. Peter protests, Jesus says that b/c they live in this world they have to play by the rules. Find money in fish's mouth)=Florence instituted Catesto (controversial proportional income tax) 


Other/Any information  fig leaves painted on to Adam and Eve in 17th C. Restored in 1980s (paid for by Olivetti), restored by Umberto Baldini and Ornella Casazza, closed during restoration. After restoration: $25 to see the chapel, loss of detail (scrub off detail as well as dirt),raises issues related to restoration: is this okay? who owns major works of art? 


Artist  Masaccio 

Date 1425

Title Holy Trinity  

Medium Fresco 

Period Style Label Renaissance, Classical influence (columns, linear perspective, etc.) 

Function  displayed in Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella, in Florence  


Purpose  meant as a focal point, bring viewers "into" the scene 

Patron Unknown  


Audience Anyone who goes to the church, in Florence 

Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects –


Other/Any information  


Artist  Fra. Angelico  

Date 1438-48

Title Annunciation   

Medium Fresco 

Period Style Label Renaissance 

Function Decorate monastery cell   

Purpose  Monk's pray to it

Patron Unknown  

Audience Monks at Monatery of St. Marco  

Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects – Monks would wake up every 2 hours to pray and pray every 3 hours during the day, change cells every day so they do not get attached to any particular fresco; each one represents another scene in the life of Christ 

Content -  Devout monk in background meant to be imitated, Mary as slender young girl and looks otherworldly 

Other/Any information  


Artist  Fillipo Lippi  

Date 1445

Title Annunciation   

Medium Freco 

Period Style Label Renaissance, Classical influence (columns, linear perspective, etc.) 

Function Altarpiece 

Purpose   displayed in Nicolo Martelli's chapel in the Medici church at San Lorenzo   (Martelli=associate at Medici bank with chapel in their church, supporter of Medici who paid for conservation of Saint Lorenzo) 

Patron Nicolo Martelli   

Audience Anyone who goes to the church, in Florence 

Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects Closed garden=Mary's virginity 

Content Luke 1:26-39 Virgin reading Hebrew scripture (prophecy), extra angels from Apocraphyl gospels (Mary saw angels all the time), gives Mary emotional gestures, paints entrance into picture so viewer becomes part of the picture's space w/ angel inviting you into the work 

Other/Any information  


Artist  Paolo Uccello  

Date 1435-1460

Title Battle of San Romano   

Medium 3 Panels, egg tempera/oil 


Period Style Label Northern Renassiance  

Purpose   show off money, Florence pride and family's role in the battle 

Patron Slimbeni Family    


Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects  

Content atmospheric rather than linear perspective except some orthagonal perspective at the bottom, demonstrating the chaos of war; shows the destruction of war with dead horses and men 

Other/Any information  


Artist  Antonio del Pollaiuolo 

Date 1470s

Title Hercules and Antaeus   

Medium  Tempera on wood, 17 x 12 cm

Function:Home display for the Medici 

Period Style Label Early Renassiance 

Purpose   express virtue and strength 

Patron Medici family 

Audience only the Medici- their private home 

Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects  Hercules as forerunner of Jesus 

Content Hercules--> 12 labors. Has to fight giant Antaneous, as he keeps throwing him on the ground he gets stronger because the Earth is his mother (because he is a giant); Medici is Hercules, representing strength and virtue 


Other/Any information  because this was the early Renassiance, classical mythology was not yet accepted and could only be found in private pieces like this, which attempted to combine it with Christian message making it part of artistic vocabulary from 1470s on 




Artist  Sandro Boticelli (1445-1510)

Date 1480s 

Title Hercules and Antaeus   

Medium  Tempera/oil on canvas, BIG painting 

Function:Home display for the Medici 

Period Style Label Early Renassiance 

Purpose    Decoration 

Patron  Medici 

Audience  Medici 

Symbolism or Symbolic and Ritual aspects  Neoplatonic allegory for the Medici; transformation of subject  

Content Venus on seashell from Ovid's metamorphasis created from foam of ocean, waves take her to Kethera, lands nad is greeted by times of the day. Venus is the ideal of Renassiance beauty (pale skin, light blue/green eyes, strawberry blonde hair, high forehead (intelligence) almond eyes, long neck) 

Other/Any information   

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