Shared Flashcard Set


Exam 1
Study these key terms or you will die
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Roger Williams
A controversial young minister who lived in Salem, Massachusetts. He was a separists who argued that the Massachusetts churc should abandon all allegiance to the church of England. Also that the land that the colonists occupied, rightfully belonged to the natives. He and with his followers founded Providence, Rhode Island: the only colony where all faiths could worship without interference.
Most radical Puritans, who were determined to worship in their own independent congregations. They did not wish to leave the church of England. Instead, they wanted to simplify Anglican forms of worship and reform the leadership of the church.
Indentured Servants
Developed in England, where young men and women bound themselves to masters for fixed terms of servitude. In exchange, the obtained passage to America, food and shelter. After their term ended, (4-5 years) the men were promised clothing, tools and land. Instead, they were left with nothing and homeless. By the late 17th century, the indentured servant population had become one the largest elements of colonial population.
Anne Hutchinson
Boston woman who believed in pre-destination and people will be saved by God's grace alone. She preached "Antinomian heresy" and the mystical nature of God's gift of grace. She preached that salvation could not be bought with hard work. She also challenged the roles of women in the Puritan society, stating that they had the right/ability to become clergy.
Bacon's Rebellion
In the years 1676-1677, leaders Berkley and Nathaniel Bacon had a dispute due to resentment of power. Bacon and his men were referred to as "rebels." Fighting occurs and Bacon and his men burn down the town of Jamestown, and ultimately drove the governor into exile. This in the end, along with other reasons, resulted in the turn to the African Slave trade to fulfill the colonists need for labor. African slaves did not need to be released after a fixed term, unlike indentured servants.
Headright System
The tobacco economy created a heavy demand for labor. To entice new workers to the colony, the Virginia company established this system where headrights were given 50 acres of land. Each new settler received one headright, or if you already lived in the colony, you received two. This system encouraged family groups to migrate together and grow crops.
The belief that one person or nation could grow rich only at the expense of another. In other words, a nation's economic health depended on selling as much as possible to foreign land and buying as little as possible. This resulted in the attraction of acquiring colonies.
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