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Events Leading to Sectionalism
Events that lead to Sectional division in the US.
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1793 Fugitive Slave act



Congress passed this law to satisfy Southerners but ultimately it went ignored by Northerners.

It did however establish that children born to slave women would be slaves themselves. 


1806 Beginning of the National Road



Also known as the Cumberland Road.

It began in Cumberland, Md and ended in Vandalia, IL.

The road connected the Industrial North with the Agriculture Midwest. 

Thus further seperating the Cotton South from the rest of America.


1807 Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves



This act prohibited the importation of slaves into the US. This law did not end slavery itself but showed a growing trend in the US (particularly the North) for the abolition of slavery. 

However, it was not enforced and slaves continued to be imported. 


1815 The American System



 Henry Clay designed the American System in an attempt to unite the country. Although Southerners viewed the components more beneficial the Industrial North and Agriculture Midwest. 

It include transporation improvements for the North and Midwest, Tariffs for American Industry and re-established the National Bank. 


1819 Tallmadge Amendment


In response to Missouri request for statehood, Tallmadge proposed that Missouri be admitted as a free state. His hope was to end slavery in a generation. The Amendment was defeated in the Senate and Congress adjourned never answering Missouri's request for statehood.

1820 Missouri Compromise


Missouri's request for statehood was answered with Henry Clay's Compromise of 1820. This compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state satsifying Southern slave states. A newly created Maine was admitted as a free states satsifying free states. Also, a line 36'30 was drawn to determine the status of future states. Above the line free and below the line slave. This maintained the balance in Congress for a short while.

1828 Tariff of Abominations.


As part of the American System tariffs were created to protect American Industry. However, many southerners felt as though tariffs forced them to pay higher prices on manufactured goods. Also, with the decrease in British exportation to the US they bought less cotton.

1832 South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification


South Carolina declared that the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were null and void within the borders of their state. Arguing that the tariffs favored the North over the South.

1833 Force Bill


In response to the South Carolina Nullification Crisis President Andrew Jackson persuaded Congress to pass the Force Bill. The objective of this bill was to force South Carolina to comply with the Tariffs fo 1828 and 1832. This act gave more power to the president over the states.

1830 Begins of the Underground Railroad


This was a series of routes and safe houses for runaway slaves who were aided by Northern abolitionist.

1831 Nat Turner



An African American slave who lead a slave rebellion that resulted in the deaths of at least 60 white people. 

As a result of this rebellion, slave owners murdered approximately 200 blacks - free and slave. 

State legislatures also increased their control over free and slaves alike with the passage of legislation such as non educating of slaves and restricted the assembly of black people. 


1841 Amistad case



Amistad was a slave ship that the captured Africans had mutinied killing all but two of their Cuban captives. The slaves were free and had been purchased illegally. The case highlighted the continued illegally importation of slaves to the US. 

The Supreme Court declared that the Africans were free and should be returned to their native countries. 


1845 Texas Annexation



Texas became the 28th state after their figt for independence from Mexico. 

This moved angered many Northerners because Texas would be admitted to the Union as a slave state with a large population thus a large represenation in the House of Representatives. 


1846-1848 Mexican-American War



After a border dispute with Mexico, the US went to war with Mexico over the annexation of Texas and the disputed southern border for the US. 

This war angered many northerners because it would increase the slave states land mass and representation in the House. 


 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo



This treaty ended the Mexican-American War. The terms of the treaty added more land to the Southwest US. 

This territory would be future issues about the expansion of slavery within the US. 


Compromise of 1850



Another compromise by Henry Clay. 

Which include the idea of popular soverignity for territories gained from Mexico. 

This Compromise replaced that of the Missouri Compromise because California could not be admitted as a half and half state. 


Fugitive Slave Act of 1850



As part of the Compromise fo 1850, the new Fugitive Slave Act increased enforcement of return of runaway slaves. There were stiffer penalities for individuals who did not help in the return of slaves and for those who aided runaway slaves. 

This angered many Northerners who did not feel it was their place to return slaves to their owners. 


1846 Wilmot Proviso



The Wilmot Proviso was introduced by David Wilmot. 

The proposed bill stated that slavery should be banned from any territory gained from Mexico. 

The bill failed of course due to Southern objection. 

Southerners wanted to extend slavery into the new territory.

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