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European Witch Hunt
Midterm Review
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




Johann Weyer
• Humanist began to challenge the cumulative concept on the grounds that humans could change the physical nature around them
argued that it was impossible to make a pact with the Devil and that witches did not use the devil to cause harm, but he did not dispute the existence of the devil which weakens his arguments
• Weyer argued that the Bible had little to do with modern witchcraft because of mistranslations during the Protestant Reformation, ambiguity and lack of knowledge and details presented in the Bible
Lex Talionis
• Lex talionis ensured that accusers would not just throw out accusations all the time and would be held accountable for false accusations
if you are found innocent than you can prosecute them for wrongful accusations, help get rid of false or frivolous accusations
Corpus Iuris Civilis (Justintian Code)
most comprehensive code of Roman law and the basic document of all modern civil law. (Justinian’s Code 540 A.D.) – the simple, detailed version of Roman law, this was needed so that laws could be enforced on a continental and state level
• inquisitorial procedure – focused more on Roman law, written law that would hold up more in cities, fundamentally a rational point of view – no divine justice
o legal specialist encompassing judges, defensive attorney’s and prosecutors
o the accuser is not the prosecutor
o it is now possible to prosecute public crimes – more of a focus on public harm as apposed to private crimes
Jean Bodin
On the Demon-mania of Witches 1580
royal advisor to the king of France, sided against Weyer about the contempory views of witchcraft,went so far as to accuse Weyer of being a witch for denying the truth that witches exist
Freidrich Spee
a jesuit and poet, assigned the painful task of being confessor of witches condemned to death at Wurzburg in 1620, Cautio Criminalis 1631
Margaret Murray
argued that witches can be explained by a connection to an ancient fertility cult,
o The Witch Cult in Western Europe 1921 - in an age when there was no mass communication, was the testimony of the witch trials so consistent
major concept was classification in binary pairs,attempted to reconcile the philosophy of the ancient classical philosophers with medieval Christian theology
Nicolas Eymeric
Aragonese Inquisitor Directorium Inquisitorium (1376)
o Linked demonic magic to heresy
he systematized the procedure of his beloved institution giving hte principle details which should guide the inquisitior in all his acts
Fourth Lateran Council
The church's role in trials by ordeal is eliminated in 1215, by decree of the Fourth Lateran Council, took power away from the ecclesiastical courts and abolished ordeals
Malleus Maleficarum
(1486) – Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger
was used as a judicial case-book for the detection and persecution of witches, specifying rules of evidence and the canonical procedures by which suspected witches were tortured and put to death
Thomas Aquinas
(1224-1274) a Dominican monk in Paris summa Theologica and summa centra Gentiles a combination of Aristotelian metaphysics and Christian morality
Aquinas argued that the world was full of evil and dangerous demons. Among other things, Aquinas argued, these demons had the habit of reaping the sperm of men and spreading it among women. In Aquinas's mind, sex and witchcraft begin what will become a long association. Demons thus are seen as not merely seeking their own pleasure, but intent also on leading men into temptation.
Canon Episcopi
denied that witches could physically fly through the night, It claimed people believing such tales were deluded by the Devil, it was a simple thing to say all heretics including witches, whether physically or spiritually, formed pacts with the Devil, Toward the mid-15th century the inquisitors and demonologists were beginning to dismiss the Canon Episcopi
Norman Cohn
“Europe’s Inner Demons” 1975 - north Italy was the start of a heretical group called the Waldensians
Convulsive Ergotism
“Ergot: The Satan loosed in Salem?” Linda Caporael 1976 – an ergot is a mold that develops in rye and if consumed can lead to hallucinations
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