- Want a single nation and single federation of states within Europe, similar to the United States - Jean Monnet made the proposal of the United States of Europe o Implies that members of the EU would lose their national sovereignty in the process of becoming a federation - Term used by Churchill but believed that such a union would not include England |
- mindset of the people who favored a union: maintaining nation states and not compromising sovereignty (De Gaulle)
- European Coal and Steel Committee had the aim of creating a first step in a more unified Europe (1951)
- European Economic Community established a customs union in 1957
- Treaty establishing the consitution of the EU was signed in Rome in 2004 but was rejected by the French and the dutch |
- Zurich: Speech given in September of 1946 that supported European Unity. Proposed a kind of “United States of Europe”, setting the scene for a future federation of non-communist Western European Nations. Advocated the great council of Europe.
- Fulton: Given in March of 1946. Said that a shadow had fallen on Eastern Europe, which was now cut off from the free world by an iron curtain, behind which people were subject to Soviet influence and totalitarian control |
- Held from the 7th to 11th of May with 750 delegates from across Europe
- Presided over by Churchill
- Discuss ideas about the development of the EU |
- Seat of the Council is in Strasburg
- Founded by the treaty of London
- Membership open to all states seeking European integration and are able to guarantee democracy and fundamental human rights
- European Convention on Human Rights (1950) is the Council’s most important achievement
- 47 member states
- Separate from the EU |