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Ethics ch3 - Professional Practice
in a Multicultural Society

Additional Psychology Flashcards




THE EVOLUTION OF MULTICULTURAL CLG: Culturally encapsulated clr
  • this clr define reality according to 1 set of culural assumptions & fail to evaluate other viewpts
  • their assumptions trap them in 1 way of thinking
  • by 1980s ACA began including standards for cultural diversity
  • 2005 Code of ethics now address multiculturalism & diversity in every section
Race & Ethnicity
  • a socially constructed concept to classify groups of people
  • a connectedness based on the commonalities of cultural patterns are shared & transmitted
  • when both clr & clt are racially different, the clr insensitivity can lead to clt reluctance to self-disclose, early termination of clg, mistrust of clr.
  • unintended racism can lead to violation of fundamental  ethical obligation to do no harm
  • become self aware of your position, biases, assumptions
  • understanding a racial identity development
  • an important skill for clr is broaching being able to discuss & explore issues of diversity within the clg session
  • clr must be able to recognize their own & clt's status of racial identity developmt & select helping strategiesthat are apprpriate to the clt's status
Racial Identity model

This model identify a process of identity developmt in which an person progresses thru phases:

  1. lack of self-awareness as a racial cultural being
  2. a crisis or series of powerful events that catalyze awareness of oppression & results in anger
  3. immerse in 1's own culture as ethnocentric & view of others cultures as oppressive
  4. developmt of a more positive, consolidated cultural identity
  5. a commitmt to social justice for members of all cultures.
  • refers to roles, behaviors, attitudes expected of people based on their biological sex
  • clr need to become self-aware of his/her own gender role socialization experience
  • clr needs to understanding the specific  life experiences & worldview of ethnic minorities & women identity developmt
  • having knowledge of women developmt model will aid clr to understand that women tend to be relational - a strength
  • clrs to understand gender role socialization, power differential, dominance, marginalization, subordination on mental health & developmt of all clts
  • clr must develop skills to clg women,
  • they must know how to build therapeutic relationships, & have strategies for empowering women,
  • they must be cautious in assigning dx & tx that are sexist bias in the clg relationship & process
Socioeconomic class
  • clr should remain aware & address the social & economic issues that affect the clt's life
  • clr need to be culturally sensitive clg
  • skills grounded in empowermt
  • knowledge & understanding of educational, family, political,  criminal justice & social welfare systems that affect clts' lives
  • skills advocating for low income families
  • collaborate with families & communities
Sexual orientation
  • clrs needs to explore their own biases, internalized attitudes, of homophobia, & heterosexism
  • conversion therapy harmful to lgbt clts by ACA
  • cultural competencies for working with this population:
  • being able to discusss & become comfortable with the topic of sex/sexuality
  • so is not the focus of clg
  • be prepared to assist clt who are coming out
  • understand the homosexual identity developmt
  • be familiar with community resources & other support services
  • have advocating skills
Disability status
  • clr to confront their own biases, attitudes regarding PWD, ableism, address any issues that may hinder the clt's progress in clg
  • clr needs to be aware of both visible & hidden disabilities that may slow the clts' clg progress
  • they need to recognize the person, not the disability; that the PP may not relate to the disability
  • they need to understand & explore with PWD clt's worldview  & the discrimination they face daily
  • they need to have strategies & resources available to PWDs
  • clrs need to allow clt a safe space to express/exercise their power/control; counter defective thinking & focus on clt's strengths & abilities; aid clt to gain self-efficacy


  • clr need to check his/her own biases, guard against stereotyping the elderly
  • avoid elderspeak infantilizing the elderly & discriminating
  • clr should look out for signs of elderly abuse or neglect
  • they can promote the elderly welfare by assessing clt's social supports system
  • they can aid the family members in dealing with losses, elderly care, stress/anxiety, etc
Spirituality & Religion
  • clr must be open to discuss the clt's spirituality & not impose their spirituality on their clts
  • clr should accommodate spiritual exploration of the clt's belief system
  • clr should refer clts if their own spiritual beliefs will prevent them from clg other clt like lgbt, those with abortion issues
  • they should include no disclose clause in inform consent
Recommended conceptualizations & strategies for clg diversified clts
  • clr to take an integrative approach exploring all issues; gender, class, disability etc
  • ask culturally relevant questions
  • postpone assessmt & dx until trust is first established recognizing it may take some time with female, AA clts, etc
  • be aware of the power differential & cultural differences
  • clrs must become culturally aware of their own biases, values, assumptions about human behavior
  • they must increase their knowledge of cultural values, biases, assumptions of diverse groups of clt with whom they work
  • they must develop culturally appropriate intervention strategies for assisting these diverse clt
  • many clts make choices & decisions in the context of family, group, community. clr should reframe the principle of RFA to consider the clt's cultural autonomy will be better prepared to allow the clt's cultural self-definition & beliefs to direct the course of the clg process
  • for nonmaleficence clr who lack the skills and knowledge  could possibly harm diverse clts. mulitcultural competence is required to upholding the principle of do no harm
  • clr who fail to practice with understanding & respcet to a clt's cultural identity & belief system can violate the principle of beneficence. Clr should not make decisions for the clt, avoid replicating the power differential in the clg relationship for women & minorities.
  • culturally competent clr are able to advocate or implement empowering intervention strategies that assist clts in coping with, & making changes in larger systems in which clt live - justice 


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