Shared Flashcard Set


English Note Cards.
These note cards are for a research assignment.
11th Grade

Additional English Flashcards




Voors 1
"As a parent, you want your child to know how to act responsibly, deal honestly with others, work toward a peaceful resolution of problems that involve others, and understand and respect another person's feelings. Home is the best place for a child to learn the values and attitudes behind these social skills, which aren't so much taught as they are "caught" when children observe them in the practice in their parents' behavior." A child is going to pick up the habits that their parents are exposing them to. When a child see his or her parent making fun of someone else, they tend to think it is okay to do the same. (Voors)
Voors 1
"As a parent, you want your child to know how to act responsibly, deal honestly with others, work toward a peaceful resolution of problems that involve others, and understand and respect another person's feelings. Home is the best place for a child to learn the values and attitudes behind these social skills, which aren't so much taught as they are "caught" when children observe them in the practice in their parents' behavior." (Voors)
Voors 1
When children are exposed to bad behavior, they have the tendency to act in the same manor. It is up to a child's parents to show them to be caring and respectful. If a parent is choosing to back talk another adult and a child sees, they are very likely to believe it is okay to act the same way.
Voors 1
"Feelings are extremely important, and the first step to helping a child learn empathy is to let them know you care about what they feel." (Voors)
Voors 1
"Feelings are extremely important, and the first step to helping a child learn empathy is to let them know you care about what they feel." If you let your child know you care about how they feel, they will show more empathy and open up more. (Voors)
Williams 2
"The 1st Amendment doesn't protect hostile Internet banter among teenagers if the messages can be taken as genuine threats of harm, a California appeals court has ruled in a case that more clearly defines when free expression crosses a line into cyber-bullying." (Williams)
Williams 2
"The 1st Amendment doesn't protect hostile Internet banter among teenagers if the messages can be taken as genuine threats of harm, a California appeals court has ruled in a case that more clearly defines when free expression crosses a line into cyber-bullying." If there is no clear evidence proving threats of harm, then it is simply freedom of speech.
Williams 2
"Although the appeals court's divided ruling on Monday addressed only the question of whether the postings were free speech, not whether they amounted to a hate crime, legal analysts said the decision sends a warning signal that there are boundaries even on the Internet." (Williams)
Williams 2
"Although the appeals court's divided ruling on Monday addressed only the question of whether the postings were free speech, not whether they amounted to a hate crime, legal analysts said the decision sends a warning signal that there are boundaries even on the Internet." Is it okay that the courts are asking if this is freedom of speech rather than considering if it is a plain out hate crime.
Williams 2
Courts are making it difficult to call this a hate crime. In the eyes of the appeals court, this is simply freedom of speech. The only reason this is freedom of speech is because there is no evidence of direct harm.
Zernike 3
"Tyler Clementi was 18 when he asked his roommate, Dharun Ravi, if he could have the room alone with a man he had met on the Internet. Mr. Ravi, also 18 at the time, set up the webcam and watched from a friend’s room. He posted Twitter messages saying he had seen his roommate “making out with a dude,” and encouraging others to watch." (Zernike)
Zernike 3
"Tyler Clementi was 18 when he asked his roommate, Dharun Ravi, if he could have the room alone with a man he had met on the Internet. Mr. Ravi, also 18 at the time, set up the webcam and watched from a friend’s room. He posted Twitter messages saying he had seen his roommate “making out with a dude,” and encouraging others to watch." Tylers roommate set up a camera and spied on him while he was with another man. Soon he was being bullied, and tormented over the internet.
Zernike 3
"After a polarizing trial, Mr. Ravi faced up to 10 years in prison when he was convicted on charges including invasion of privacy and bias intimidation. His sentence included 30 days in jail and 300 hours of community service. He served 20 days, which some criticized as too short."
Zernike 3
"After a polarizing trial, Mr. Ravi faced up to 10 years in prison when he was convicted on charges including invasion of privacy and bias intimidation. His sentence included 30 days in jail and 300 hours of community service. He served 20 days, which some criticized as too short." Dharun Ravi did not serve as long in jail as he was supposed to.
Zernike 3
Tyler Clementi was a homosexual man who jumped off a bridge due to bullying from not only peers, but strangers as well. This was an overwhelming experience for him, and decided the only way to stop it was to take his own life.
Mulligan 4
"I was weaker and smaller than the other kids in my school and because of this, most of my classmates would make fun of me and started pushing me around. I was always scared to go into school because there was always someone waiting for me to get there so they could beat me up." (Mulligan)
Mulligan 4
"I was weaker and smaller than the other kids in my school and because of this, most of my classmates would make fun of me and started pushing me around. I was always scared to go into school because there was always someone waiting for me to get there so they could beat me up."(Mulligan) This kid was scared to go to school because he was afraid he was going to continue getting beaten up, and mistreated.
Mulligan 4
"Anger built up inside of me and I wanted vengeance against those who made me suffer. I decided it was time for payback, so I started to bully others in order to make myself seem strong. At first I felt pleased with what I was doing because I felt strong and in control, but I soon realized that the pain I went through as a child was the same pain I was making others go through. After seeing those kids who I bullied run into to bathroom to cry, I figured out that I was making a mistake because I saw myself in those that I harmed. I too had felt like a defenseless child, who was scared of taking action due to the constant threats." (Mulligan)
Mulligan 4
"Anger built up inside of me and I wanted vengeance against those who made me suffer. I decided it was time for payback, so I started to bully others in order to make myself seem strong. At first I felt pleased with what I was doing because I felt strong and in control, but I soon realized that the pain I went through as a child was the same pain I was making others go through. After seeing those kids who I bullied run into to bathroom to cry, I figured out that I was making a mistake because I saw myself in those that I harmed. I too had felt like a defenseless child, who was scared of taking action due to the constant threats."(Mulligan) Mendez got fed up with being bullied, and soon he started to get mad and took his anger out on those who bullied him. When he realized that he was hurting these kids the way they hurt him, it made him sad. After he realized he was hurting these kids, he decided it was time to stand up, and become the bigger person in a good way.
Mulligan 4
Melvin Mendez was a child who went through school being bullied and tormented. Going through all of this made him scared to go to school, and scared to be himself. Eventually this made him so angry that he started to get back at the kids who bullied him. He felt strong and in power, but in all reality he had turned to a bully himself. Melvin realized this when he would watch the kids he bullied run into the bathroom crying. Melvin
is now working with people to help children who are bullies or being bullied.
Shelly 5
"...But, bullying crosses a line that is pretty clear and obvious. If it started as "good-natured fun," it has progressed now to the point of bringing anger or tears to the surface. Past that point, the razzing or teasing has become mean-spirited. It is being used to wound or humiliate." (Shelly)
Shelly 5
"...But, bullying crosses a line that is pretty clear and obvious. If it started as "good-natured fun," it has progressed now to the point of bringing anger or tears to the surface. Past that point, the razzing or teasing has become mean-spirited. It is being used to wound or humiliate." (Shelly) Having fun, and everyone laughing is different than "having fun" and making someone mad or sad. There is a boundary between these two differences. Having fun is okay, but when it turns into someone crying then it is not okay.
Shelly 5
"One of the worst bullying episodes of late involved a 68-year-old grandmother and bus monitor who was targeted by a posse of junior high boys on a school bus. Karen Klein was verbally assaulted for ten minutes or more with cruel affronts ranging from her weight to her son's suicide some ten years ago. The video of their taunts and sneers went viral on YouTube.
Guess what? The bullies immediately became the targets of vindictive taunts themselves. They have been reaping what they sowed, all right." (Shelly)
Shelly 5
"One of the worst bullying episodes of late involved a 68-year-old grandmother and bus monitor who was targeted by a posse of junior high boys on a school bus. Karen Klein was verbally assaulted for ten minutes or more with cruel affronts ranging from her weight to her son's suicide some ten years ago. The video of their taunts and sneers went viral on YouTube.
Guess what? The bullies immediately became the targets of vindictive taunts themselves. They have been reaping what they sowed, all right." (Shelly) The group of middle schoolers thought they would be cool to harass an elderly woman about her son committing suicide, and her body type. These kids thought it would be okay to put the video of these kids on YouTube. (A popular video viewing website)The boys did not expect for people to turn around and start harassing them for the horrible comments they made to this woman.
Shelly 5
"Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will bless you for it "
Petrocelli 6
"Parents should become educated and involved. They must understand the extent and consequences of the problem and know how to intervene appropriately. Parents should be aware of sanctions the student will receive if the student acts as a bully." (Petrocelli)
Petrocelli 6
"Parents should become educated and involved. They must understand the extent and consequences of the problem and know how to intervene appropriately. Parents should be aware of sanctions the student will receive if the student acts as a bully." (Petrocelli) Parents should be aware of how their child is acting towards other students. If their child is a bully they need to take appropriate measures to help their child realize why they are bullying.
Petrocelli 6
"Again, you can work with the principal to get these student-witnesses involved in the reporting process. Studies show that the vast majority of students know that bullying is wrong. Getting them to report the acts can be done by setting up anonymous tip lines either by drop box, phone, or online." (Petrocelli)
Petrocelli 6
"Again, you can work with the principal to get these student-witnesses involved in the reporting process. Studies show that the vast majority of students know that bullying is wrong. Getting them to report the acts can be done by setting up anonymous tip lines either by drop box, phone, or online." (Petrocelli) If a child witnesses bullying they are more likely to give evidence of bullying if they can remain anonymous.
Petrocelli 6
"The first thing you have to do is recognize the resources that are available. There is strong evidence that the degree of the principal's involvement has an effect on the extent of the bullying. There is also evidence that student witnesses can be a positive force in stopping bullying." (Petrocelli)
Medline 7
"Bullying is when a person or group repeatedly tries to harm someone who is weaker or who they think is weaker. Sometimes it involves direct attacks such as hitting, name calling, teasing or taunting. Sometimes it is indirect, such as spreading rumors or trying to make others reject someone." (Medline)
Medline 7
"Bullying is when a person or group repeatedly tries to harm someone who is weaker or who they think is weaker. Sometimes it involves direct attacks such as hitting, name calling, teasing or taunting. Sometimes it is indirect, such as spreading rumors or trying to make others reject someone." (Medline) Bullying is when someone means to make someone feel bad about themselves.
Medline 7
"Often people dismiss bullying among kids as a normal part of growing up. But bullying is harmful." (Medline)
Medline 7
"Often people dismiss bullying among kids as a normal part of growing up. But bullying is harmful." (Medline) Many people think it is normal for children to grow up being bullied, but in all reality it is very hurtful and can ruin a persons life.
Medline 7
People think it okay for a child to grow up being bullied, but really it is not okay. When a child is being bullied they can develop mental issues. Bullying is not only hurtful, but harmful.
It's My Life 8
"The reason why one kid would want to bully another kid is this: when you make someone feel bad, you gain power over him or her. Power makes people feel like they're better than another person, and then that makes them feel really good about themselves. Power also makes you stand out from the crowd. It's a way to get attention from other kids, and even from adults." (It's My Life)
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