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Engineering 112 TAMU - Final Exam
Programming in C++ Final Exam
Electrical Engineering
Undergraduate 3

Additional Electrical Engineering Flashcards




In C++

double f();

a. says that this double returns a function
b. says that this function returns an double
c. says that f is a function
d. a and b
e. b and c
2. A main function should

a. return 0 if it fails
b. return 1 if it succeeds
c. return a nonzero value if it fails
d. return a nonzero value if it succeeds
e. none of the above
c. return a nonzero value if it fails
3. std_lib_facilities.h

a. is a header file
b. should be #included
c. contains the code for sqrt
d. a and b
e. a and c
d. a and b
4. To read something from the keyboard, you may use

a. cin <<
b. cerr >>
c. cout <<
d. cin >>
e. cout >>
d. cin >>
Type safety

a. is ignored by the C++ compiler
b. refers to making sure only legal values are stored in a variable
c. is impossible in practice, so there is no point in trying
d. can never be violated
e. none of the above
b. refers to making sure only legal values are stored in a variable
Every type specifies

a. legal values and operations
b. which compiler to use
c. the font and point size
d. whether values are upper or lower case
e. none of the above
a. legal values and operations
7. \t

a. means divide by t
b. means print the t in italics
c. means a single tab character
d. means a string containing two characters
e. none of the above
c. means a single tab character
The linker

a. outputs a source code file
b. outputs an object code file
c. outputs a header file
d. outputs an executable file
e. none of the above
d. outputs a header file
A literal

a. has a name which is its value
b. has a type but not a value
c. has a value but not a type
d. has a name but not a value
e. has a value but not a name
e. has a value but not a name
cin >> x >> y

a. reads as many characters as it can, consistent with the type of x, then the type of y
b. ignores leading whitespace before x and before y
c. fails if there is no input corresponding to the type of x
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above

a. converts objects to printable characters
b. converts printable characters to objects
c. fails if the value is too big for one line on the screen
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
a. converts objects to printable characters

a. is illegal in C++ since it implies 0=1, for example
b. is an example of a shorthand operator
c. is an assignment followed by an addition
d. is an initialization
e. none of the above
e. none of the above
+ is overloaded because

a. it is formed from the two characters | and –
b. it is defined the same for strings and numbers
c. it is defined differently for strings and numbers
d. a and b
e. a and c
c. it is defined differently for strings and numbers
14. The value of (x>y) is
a. -1 or 0
b. true or false
c. the result of outputting object y to stream x
d. of type Boolean (the same as Java)
e. none of the above
b. true or false
15. == (two equal characters)
a. indicate a typing mistake
b. indicate an if statement
c. indicate a while statement
d. indicate an assignment
e. indicate a comparison
e. indicate a comparison
16. Variables should generally be initialized
a. when they are declared
b. before they are used
c. after each use
d. a and b
e. a and c
d. a and b
17. s1 + s2 always means concatenation
a. if s1 and s2 are chars
b. if s1 and s2 are ints
c. if s1 and s2 are strings
d. a and b
e. a and c
c. if s1 and s2 are strings
Which of the following causes an unsafe conversion warning
a. char lower_case = 'A';
b. int pi = 3.14159;
c. double whole_part = 123456789E+10;
d. string model_number = "40-5098-SPX";
e. none of the above
b. int pi = 3.14159;
19. %
a. indicates conversion to percent (division by 0.01)
b. indicates conversion to percent (multiplication by 100)
c. indicates the quotient from dividing whole numbers
d. indicates the remainder from dividing whole numbers
e. indicates the quotient times the divisor in whole number division
d. indicates the remainder from dividing whole numbers
20. The value of (true || x)
a. is always true
b. is always false
c. is true if x is true, and false if x is false
d. is false if x is true, and true if x is false
e. none of the above
a. is always true
21. The value of (x && false)
a. is always true
b. is always false
c. is true if x is true, and false if x is false
d. is false if x is true, and true if x is false
e. none of the above
b. is always false
22. The value of (!x)
a. is always true
b. is always false
c. is true if x is true, and false if x is false
d. is false if x is true, and true if x is false
e. none of the above
d. is false if x is true, and true if x is false
23. The C++ switch statement is logically equivalent to
a. if…else if statements
b. while statements
c. when statements
d. on…off statements
e. none of the above
a. if…else if statements
24. A C++ for statement is equivalent to
a. an if…else if statement
b. a while statement
c. a switch statement
d. a why statement
e. none of the above
b. a while statement
a. nothing
26. What is the output of the statements:
int i = 1; while(i<3) cout<<++i<<" ";
a. nothing
b. 1
c. 1 2
d. 2
e. 2 3
e. 2 3
27. If a function does not return a value, the last statement executed should be
a. break;
b. continue;
c. return;
d. return null;
e. none of the above
a. return;
28. The first element of a vector v is indicated by
a. v[0]
b. v[1]
c. either v[0] or v[1], depending on whether the vector was initialized to 0 or 1
d. v[v.begin()-1]
e. v[v.begin()]
a. v[0]
The last element of a vector v is indicated by
a. v[v.size()-1]
b. v[v.size()]
c. either v[v.size()-1] or v[v.size()], depending on whether the vector was initialized to 0 or 1
d. v[v.end()-1]
e. v[v.end()]
a. v[v.size()-1]
30. A vector v stores
a. values sequentially
b. duplicate values
c. different value types
d. a and b
e. a and c
d. a and b
31. vector v(8);
a. means v is a vector containing the value 8
b. means vector is a double accessed using v[8]
c. means v is a vector of 8 doubles
d. means each double in v is initialized to 8
e. none of the above
c. means v is a vector of 8 doubles
32. To add x to the end of vector w you may use
a. w[w.size()+1] = x;
b. w.push_back(x);
c. x.push_back(w);
d. any of the above
e. none of the above
b. w.push_back(x);
33. Syntax errors
a. are detected by the run-time library
b. are detected by the STL
c. are detected by the linker
d. may not be detected until run time
e. none of the above
e. none of the above
34. Misspelling sqrt like this:
double sqrrt(double);
double y = sqrrt(2.5);
would most likely result in
a. a compile-time error
b. a linker error
c. an exception
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
b. a linker error
Leaving out a closing } will most likely result in
a. a compile-time error
b. a linker error
c. an exception
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
a . a compile-time error
36. To inspect a block of code for run time exceptions, use
a. return exit_code;
b. try {…} catch {…}
c. return -1;
d. error("run time exception");
e. all of the above
b. try {…} catch {…}
37. The purpose of debugging is
a. to make the source code more readable
b. to eliminate compile-time errors
c. to test the code for correct operation
d. to find and correct logic errors
e. to remove errors in the specification
d. to find and correct logic errors
38. A token is
a. used where an argument list is unknown
b. one digit of a number
c. composed of an operator and its operands
d. a meaningful value, not divisible into smaller tokens
e. all of the above
d. a meaningful value, not divisible into smaller tokens
39. A grammar contains
a. rules to generate syntactically correct expressions
b. rules to determine syntactically valid expressions
c. rules to specify the precedence of operations
d. a and b, but not c
e. a, b, and c
d. a and b, but not c
40. A constructor
a. has the same name as its class or struct
b. has a return type of its class or struct
c. must be defined inside its class or struct
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
a. the same name as its class or struct
Functions must be
a. defined before they are declared
b. declared before they are called
c. defined before they are called
d. called before they are defined
e. none of the above
b. declared before they are called
42. Real programs
a. are written from beginning to end in one sitting
b. evolve under pressure of requirements and constraints
c. grow using calls to standard library functions
d. are always large and complicated
e. none of the above
b. evolve under pressure of requirements and constraints
43. Symbolic constants
a. are not allowed in C++
b. are recommended only for strings
c. are recommended for special values like 0 and 1
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
e. none of the above
44. Testing tries to
a. handle program errors systematically
b. trace a program’s execution after cleaning up the code
c. break a program by getting it to misbehave
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
44. Testing tries to
c. break a program by getting it to misbehave
45. Release 1.0 of a program
a. contains all needed feature refinements
b. contains last minute changes to the specification
c. contains fixes to key bugs found during testing
d. a and b
e. b and c
c. contains fixes to key bugs found during testing
46. Comments in the source code
a. should correctly reflect what the compiler does
b. should be adequate for a reader (not necessarily the original programmer)
c. should be verbose so as to prevent program complexity
d. should restate in English what code does
e. answer not given
b. should be adequate for a reader (not necessarily the original programmer)
47. An algorithm
a. is a C++ program
b. is a sequence of steps to solve a problem
c. tells what to do in a programming language
d. a and b
e. a and c
b. is a sequence of steps to solve a problem
48. C++ strings are delimited using
a. matching quotes (“…”)
b. matching quotes (‘…’)
c. matching quotes (“…”)
d. matching quotes (‘…’)
e. none of the above
e. none of the above
49. C++ function definitions
a. have a return type
b. have a name
c. have a parameter list
d. have a body of instructions to perform
e. all of the above
e. all of the above
50. End of file
a. is signalled by Ctrl-Z on UNIX or Linux
b. is signalled by Ctrl-Z on Windows
c. is signalled by Ctrl-D on UNIX or Linux have a parameter list
d. a and b
e. b and c
e. b and c
1. On a graphical window 800 wide by 600 high the lower right-hand corner is at coordinates
a. (600, 0)
b. (0, 800)
c. (799, 599)
d. (599, 799)
e. none of the above
c. (799, 599)
2. The code in Graph.h
a. gives us access to our graphics library facilities
b. calls FLTK routines
c. must be compiled and linked with our graphics programs
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above
3. void f(int x); tells us
a. f returns an object of type void
b. f returns an object of type int
c. f returns an object of type x
d. f does not return a value
e. none of the above
d. f does not return a value
User-defined types
a. are indicated by class or struct
b. are not allowed in C++
c. can only be declared in a header file
d. can only be defined in a header file
e. none of the above
a. are indicated by class or struct
5. Arguments to a function may be
a. by value
b. by reference
c. by const reference
d. any of the above
e. none of the above
d. any of the above
6. Classes Line, Axis, Polygon, etc. derive from class Shape
a. so they can share common code
b. so class Window doesn't have to be changed to draw a new shape
c. because they all have line style and color data members
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above
7. Having the first argument almost always be a Point is an example of
a. particularity
b. regularity
c. precision
d. accuracy
e. none of the above
b. regularity
8. Public members of a class or struct
a. are visible from the point they are declared to the end of the class
b. are visible anywhere in the class, even above the declaration
c. are visible from the point they are declared to the end of the source file
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
b. are visible anywhere in the class, even above the declaration
9. An expression which changes the value of a variable
a. may not contain an =
b. may not be on the right-hand side of an =
c. may not be on the left-hand side of an =
d. should not read or write the variable twice
e. none of the above
c. may not be on the left-hand side of an =
A constructor
a. has the same name as its struct or class
b. does not have a return type
c. leaves an object with a valid value
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above
Attaching graphical objects to a Simple_window
a. must be done in the correct order if they overlap
b. must be done before wait_for_button() is called
c. enables them to be drawn on the screen
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above
using namespace std;
a. tells the compiler to look for std::foo if foo is not defined
b. tells the linker to look for foo if std::foo is not defined
c. can also be written as using std namespace;
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
a. tells the compiler to look for std::foo if foo is not defined
An invariant
a. is a rule for what constitutes a valid value
b. is indicated by the keyword inv
c. can change when operator++ is invoked
d. a and b
e. b and c
a. is a rule for what constitutes a valid value
A function activation record
a. contains a count of how many times the function has been called
b. does not contain the function's local variables
c. does not contain the function's arguments
d. is created when a function is called that is not inlined
e. none of the above
d. is created when a function is called that is not inlined
Given the code
enum Month{jan=1,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec};
Month f(Month& m){return Month((m%12) + 1);}
what does f(Month::dec) return?
a. Month::dec
b. Month::jan
c. Month::feb
d. Month::mar
e. none of the above
b. Month::jan
The keyword static on a local variable
a. indicates that it contains a random garbage value
b. indicates that it is created every time the function is entered
c. indicates that it is only created the first time the function is entered
d. is only allowed inside a class definition
e. none of the above
c. indicates that it is only created the first time the function is entered
Default initialization
a. is automatically provided for string and vector
b. is not guaranteed for built-in types
c. for global variables is 0
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above
The scope resolution operator is
a. :
b. ::
c. ;
d. ;;
e. none of the above
b. ::
Another name for free store is
a. stack
b. heap
c. non-recyclable memory
d. read-only memory
e. none of the above
b. heap
A vector header
a. contains slots for all the data
b. contains the number of items in the vector
c. contains a reference to the data
d. contains the minimum and maximum legal values for an item
e. none of the above
e. none of the above
double f(double);
a. declares a double variable f initialized by a double
b. declares double to be a function of one double
c. defines a function f of one double returning a double
d. declares a function f of one double returning a double
e. is not a legal declaration since the f should also be in parentheses
d. declares a function f of one double returning a double
A const member function
a. is not allowed to change the data members
b. is allowed to change const data members
c. must be defined inside the class
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
a. is not allowed to change the data members
An operator== should generally return
a. a bool
b. a double
c. a char
d. any of the above
e. none of the above
a. a bool
For questions 24-30 answer "a" for "declaration but not definition" and
"b" for "declaration and also definition."
24. class Bad_area;
25. class Bad_area{};
26. int x;
27. extern int x;
28. void f(double);
29. void f(double){};
30. struct Point;
24. class Bad_area; "a"
25. class Bad_area{}; "b"
26. int x; "b"
27. extern int x; "a"
28. void f(double); "a"
29. void f(double a){}; "b"
30. struct Point; "a"
31. A destructor is called
a. when an object goes out of scope
b. when an object is created
c. when an object is initialized
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
a. when an object goes out of scope
Global variables
a. are visible everywhere
b. are visible everywhere except where there is another variable with the same name
c. are recommended by professional programmers
d. are not allowed in C++
e. none of the above
b. are visible everywhere except where there is another variable with
the same name
Private data members of a class
a. are visible from the point they are declared to the end of the class
b. are visible only inside the class definition
c. are visible to all members of the class, including function members defined outside the class definition
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
c. are visible to all members of the class, including function members defined outside the class.
Function arguments are visible
a. only in the function body
b. to the main which calls the function
c. unless there is a global variable with the same name
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
a. only in the function body
To perform input and output, our program interfaces directly
a. to a keyboard, a display, a disk drive, etc.
b. to an input/output library
c. to a device driver
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
b. to an input/output library
An input stream takes characters sequentially from a buffer and
a. converts them into values of various types
b. writes values to a console, a file, main memory, etc.
c. returns an error state
d. a and c
e. b and c
d. a and c
Standard stream operators >> and <<
a. are type safe
b. format values
c. are extensible to user defined types
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above
A disk and a flash drive are ideal to store files because
a. file streams can be repositioned using seekg() and seekp()
b. files are really just byte sequences
c. these devices retain their data when power is off
d. data loss can never occur on these devices
e. their cost-per-byte to performance ratio is better than main memory
c. these devices retain their data when power is off
Assume the following code:

struct Reading {
int hour;
double temp;
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Reading& rng) {
return os << '(' << _____ << ',' << _____ << ')';

To override << for the user defined type Reading, the two blanks should be
a. os.hour and os.temp
b. rng.hour and rng.temp
c. hour and temp
d. any of the above
e. none of the above
b. rng.hour and rng.temp
Assume the following code:
void skip_to_int() {
if( {
char ch;
while (cin >> ch) {
if (isdigit(ch)) {

The purpose of the while loop in the above code is to
a. consume characters in the standard input stream and return
b. clear the fail state of the standard input stream
c. return as soon as a non-digit is located in the standard input stream
d. put all digit characters back into the standard input stream
e. point the standard input stream to the first digit in the stream and return
e. point the standard input stream to the first digit in the stream and return
An important question to repeatedly ask in software development is
a. Why am I doing this?
b. How can I make the code run faster?
c. What do we really want the code to do?
d. When is enough coding enough?
e. Where is the best place to locate functions?
e. Where is the best place to locate functions?
Customizing input/output refers to
a. changing default outputs to match user preferences
b. changing default inputs to match user preferences
c. accommodating existing file specifications
d. any of the above
e. none of the above
d. any of the above
The endl output manipulator is equivalent to
a. '\n'
b. "\n"
c. '\n' << flush
d. flush
e. all of the above
c. '\n' << flush
The setw(n) manipulator controls how much space a value takes up
a. by setting a maximum of n output characters for the field width
b. by setting a minimum of n output characters for the field width
c. by not setting a maximum of n output characters for the field width
d. by not setting a minimum of n output characters for the field width
e. none of the above
b. by setting a minimum of n output characters for the field width
Using the open flags ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary opens a file for
a. appending input, truncating output, binary format
b. binary input/output
c. truncation of binary input/output
d. adding binary input/output at the end of the file
e. none of the above
b. binary input/output
The output of cout << scientific << setprecision(4) << 12.3456; is
a. 1.2346e+001
b. 12.2345
c. 1.2345e+001
d. 12.35
e. 0.124e+002
a. 1.2346e+001
Knowing the bit pattern for the text character '4' has a decimal value of 52, which choice pertains to a text file and not a binary file?
a. 01010010
b. 00000100
c. 00110100
d. any of the above
e. none of the above
c. 00110100
A default constructor
a. is automatically supplied if there are no constructors defined
b. is a constructor with no arguments
c. should be defined if there is a non-default constructor defined
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
d. all of the above
To convert a double value x to a string in a program use
a. string s; ostringstream oss(s); oss << x;
b. istringstream iss(x); string s; iss >> s;
c. string s = x;
d. any of the above
e. none of the above
a. string s; ostringstream oss(s); oss << x;
A const variable
a. is illegal in C++
b. may be assigned to, but not initialized
c. may be initialized, but not assigned to
d. may only be assigned to inside a constructor
e. none of the above
c. may be initialized, but not assigned to
Which pair of values is the same in a C++ program?
a. 0x10 and A
b. 010 and 12
c. 0x4 and 04
d. 0xAA and 1010
e. none of the above
c. 0x4 and 04
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