Military:Janissaries and cavalry; modern guns;strong siege warfare;very aggressive leaders Religion:Very tolerant of those already in place;Islam was official religion; only people force converted were Janissaries and children Trade:land based;high taxes on the Silk Route;controlled sea trade through Constantinople Expansion: Religious tolerance made it peaceful; peaceful takeover was always first option presented before resorting to war Geography:South border-Egypt;North-Hungary;East-Iraq Strength:Self sustaining food and land; strong army;major trade;natural resources Weakness:cheap weapons;political corruption;shitty navy Society: Very religiously and ethnically diverse |
Military:used caravels to get through shallow water;used guns and cannons Religion:Very strictly Catholic,and corrupt;killed if you weren't catholic Trade: Triangular between Europe, Africa, and New World;Exchanged guns, ammunition, slaves, silver, gold, sugar cane Expansion:Sailed around Africa converting leaders, taking over countries;tried to sail to the Indies and ended up in the Caribbean Geography: Strengths:ecological ecosystem, immune to European diseases and wiped out populations by biological warfare; had money and resources Weaknesses: Lacking cultural social and political control of its subjects Society:Everything was controlled by Catholicism in Americas everything was divided and run by viceroys;strong cultural diversity |
Military:Aggressive leaders; Religion:Confucianism Trade: Traded to their own advantage traded smart Strengths:Able to feed; themselves;Impressive Court;Reduced taxes Weakness:population tripled;government couldn’t provide for people and lost its credibility Society:Confucianism encouraged people to produce enough to feed family, farm thoughtfully;few domesticated animals;Population is gigantic and there are few places for people to go |
Military:cannons, pikes, sabers, muskets;Used boats were able to go on river; Cossacks Trade:Furs, women, Expansion:Russia expands east to siberia for the desire for natural resources and land;cut off expansion to the south cause of the ottoman empire. to west is europe. south east is china. to expand they went east. Strengths:natural resources, warm water ports, lots of land |