Shared Flashcard Set


Elmoselhi - Coupling
Coupling of Heart and Vascular Function

Additional Physiology Flashcards




How is cardiac output related to venous return?

The heart can only pump what it receives


The heart generates pressure by ejecting the stroke volume against a resistance


Venous return requires a pressure gradient between the venous blood and the right atrium


Over time the venous system can only return the volume of blood that has been pumped into it

Explain the cardiac function curve

Increases right atrial pressure (end-diastolic volume) -> increases in cardiac output up to a certain point according to Frank-Starling relationship


Increases venous return -> increases atrial pressure -> increases end-diastolic volume -> increases end-diastolic fiber length -> increases in cardiac output


At steady state: Cardiac Output ejected by left ventricle = Venous Return receive by the right atrium

Explain the vascular function curve

Inverse relationship between venous return and right atrial pressure


The flat portion of the curve (knee) occurs when atrial pressure is negative -> large veins collapse -> venous return levels off

Explain mean systemic pressure

Mean systemic pressure is the right atrial pressure when the venous return is zero (hypothetical situation)


Two factors affect mean systemic pressure:

1- Blood volume in the venous pool

2- Compliance of the veins


Increases blood volume and decreases compliance of the veins -> increases mean systemic pressure (shift vascular function curve to the right)


Decreases blood volume and increases compliance of the veins -> decreases mean systemic pressure (shift vascular function curve to the left) - increased compliance means the veins can hold more volume and the amount of unstressed volume increases (stressed volume decreases)

How are the vascular function and cardiac function curves coupled?

The point where the curves intersect is where cardiac output is equal to venous return


This intersection is normally where CO is 5 L/min and RA pressure is 2 mm Hg

How do inotropic agents affect the cardiac function and vascular function curves?

* positive inotropic effect - CO curve is shifted to the left, increased CO and reduced RA pressure. ONLY the CO curve is affected


* negative inotropic effect - CO curve is shifted to the right, decreased CO and increased RA pressure. ONLY the CO curve is affected

How do changes in blood volume affect the cardiac and vascular function curves?

* increase in blood volume - increase in venous return, increase in RA pressure, increase in CO. ONLY vascular function curve is shifted


* decrease in blood volume - decrease in venous return, decrease in RA pressure, decrease in CO. ONLY vascular function curve is shifted

How do changes in total peripheral resistance (TPR) affect the cardiac and vascular function curves?

* increase in TPR - decreases CO and decreases venous return. BOTH curves are shifted down


* decrease in TPR - increases CO and increases venous return. BOTH curves are shifted up

How does muscle blood flow change during exercise?

Skeletal muscle blood flow


At rest: 3-4 ml/min/100g muscle


During extreme exercise: 50-80 ml/min/100g muscle


Low flow during contraction= muscle "squeeze" effect on the vessels

How is blood flow to skeletal muscle increased during exercise?

*ANS -> increased sympathetic outflow and decreased parasympathetic outflow (HR only)


increased HR, increased contractility, increased CO, constriction of arterioles (splanchnic and renal), constriction of veins, decrease in unstressed volume - increased systolic arterial pressure -> increased blood flow


*local responses - increased vasodilator metabolites, dilation of skeletal muscle arterioles, decreased TPR leads to increased blood flow

How does cardiac output change during exercise?

Exercise -> significant increase in cardiac output due to sympathetic stimulation which leads to:


a) increased contractility


b) increased HR

How does venous return change during exercise?

Exercise -> significant increase in venous return due to:


a) increased mean systemic pressure (sympathetic stimulation)


b) decreased resistance in all blood vessels in the active muscle


c) increased ventilation (thoracic suction pump)


d) Pumping action of contracting muscle

How do cardiac and vascular function curves change during heart failure and the compensation that follows?

1) heart failure decreases CO and increases RA pressure - shifts CO curve to the right


2) sympathetic activity is significantly increased (shifts CO curve up), increased venous tone (vascular curve shifted up) - CO increased while RA pressure stays constant


3) sympathetic activity decreases to a slightly higher than normal level (shifts CO curve to the right), kidney kicks in to retain more fluid (increase blood volume) - CO slightly increased while RA pressure increased


4) sympathetic activity decreases to normal levels and kidney retains even more fluid - CO slightly increased while RA pressure increased

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