Shared Flashcard Set


EDU232AS18 - Chptr 6 Set 2
second part of chapter 6 information
Undergraduate 2

Additional Education Flashcards







How Should Brain Compatible Movements be Used to Prepare The Brain for Learning?

  • preparing the brain movements play an important role in "setting" the brain for improved learning and performance
  • these activities are appropriate for most grade, fitness, and ability levels and require minimal space to execute
  • movements can be implemented in a one- to two-minute time frame during lessons
  • teacher should consider the objective for using the movement activities




Consider your Objective

  • if you want students to work on reading and writing skills, have them do activities that cross the midline of the body
  • goal is to get both sides of the brain communicating to achieve greater success within the presented challenge
  • students can also participate in activities that develop the vestibular system
  • goal of these would be to help student better track words or numbers on a page




Windows of Opportunity to Incorporate Movement Activities

  • prior to standardized tests
  • at the start of the day
  • before diving into an academic goal
  • between academic activities (math, science, writing, reading)
  • when students show signs of boredom
  • when students appear restless
  • before and during testing
  • while teaching and reviewing academic content





Benefits of Excuting the Movement Activities

  • quick to implement
  • no equipment is required
  • classroom management is minimal
  • start slow to develop you confidence in implementing the activities
  • should continue to use them consistently during appropriate times
  • typically are done independently
  • easier to implement than those requiring students to work in groups or as partners
  • easy to use to promote brain communication and improved learning




How to Link Brain Compatible Movements to Academics

  • Be creative
  • Practice makes perfect
  • Combine academic content with specific movements
  • Examples:
    • perform heel taps or windmills while reciting the alphabet
    • juggle one or two scarves while counting odd and even numbers
    • spin 360 degrees while learning the planets and solar system
    • point to designated places on a map while holding a balance pose
    • leap frog to the points on a geometric square
    • jump rope while reading a word wall




Benefits of Integrated Movement Activities



  • students are able to participate in preparing-the-brain movements to facilitate learning
  • activities serve to reenergize learners
  • students can still learn academic content to meet goals and standard while moving their bodies
  • fitness levels of students improve
  • fitness levels of teacher and teacher assistant improve




Your Challenge

  • to become familar with the activities provided in your textbook
  • to use the activities provided in your textbook when you are studying or completing lessons for your courses
  • to video yourself participating in the events of the activities you practice
  • to share a link to your video with your professor
  • to summarize any benefits you notice after you have participated in the activities
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