How do you do Sphere to Plane Collision? |
V = Sphere Center - Point on the Plane
D = dot_product(N,V), whereas N is the normal of the plane
If(D (less than) sphere's Radius), Collision |
How do you to Sphere to Plane Reaction (Move Center point up onto the plane)? |
New Sphere Center = current Sphere Center + New Normal
New Normal = currentNormal * (Sphere radius - d), whereas D is from sphere to plane collision |
How do you do Sphere to Plane Reaction (Correct Collision Point)? |
PlaneOffset = plane distance + sphere radius
Use the old sphere position and the current sphere position as a line segment
Do line segment to plane collision and find the contact point
Put the sphere center on the collision point
That is the sphere's position at the time of collision |
How do you do sphere to plane reaction (Sliding)? |
Do sphere to plane reaction - correct collision point
Then calculate P3 = P2 - (dot_product((P2-Q,N) *N), whereas P2 is the current sphere point, Q is the correct collision point of the sphere and N is the normal of the plane |
Create three offset vectors that surround the object
Transform them by the objects matrix, (vector to matrix multiply)
Create line offsets that pass through the offset points (+/- 20 or so)
test line segment to triangle on the triangles of the world and save their collision points
newX = collPoint0 - collPoint1;
normalize newX
Set the objects y-axis to tempZ cross newX
Normalize the y-axis
set the objects z-axis to the newX crossed with the Y-axis
normalize the z-axis
set the x-axis to the newX |
What is tunneling and how do we solve it? |
Tunneling is the missed collision between a moving object caused by trying to do static collision tests for a moving object.
3 possible solutions -> continuous swept test methods, sampling methods, and interval halving(binary search) |
Intersecting Moving sphere against polyhedron |
for each triangle, test the line segment to triangle collision
If there is no intersection, test the line segment against edge capsules using radius of the sphere |